Browse Source

Docs, __index__, fault injection and TechLib

- Documentation improvements
- Node and Line objects now provide __index__
- LogicSim cleanup and improvements (inject_cb, cycle, ...)
- Introduce TechLib class to organize tech-specific info
- More human-readable output
- De-linting
main v0.0.3
Stefan Holst 4 years ago
  1. 24
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 1
  5. 10
  6. 3
  7. 3
  8. 141
  9. 6
  10. 27
  11. 244
  12. 292
  13. 289
  14. 66
  15. 14
  16. 301
  17. 36
  18. 155
  19. 4
  20. 19
  21. 7
  22. 43


@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit 'tests/b01.bench' with 92 nodes, 130 lines, 4 ports>"
"<Circuit tests/b01.bench cells=45 forks=47 lines=130 ports=4>"
"execution_count": 2,
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit with 10 nodes, 8 lines, 5 ports>"
"<Circuit cells=4 forks=6 lines=8 ports=5>"
"execution_count": 3,
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit 'b14' with 31715 nodes, 46891 lines, 91 ports>"
"<Circuit b14 cells=15873 forks=15842 lines=46891 ports=91>"
"execution_count": 13,
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit 'b14' with 31715 nodes, 46891 lines, 91 ports>"
"<Circuit b14 cells=15873 forks=15842 lines=46891 ports=91>"
"execution_count": 15,
@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ @@ -489,11 +489,11 @@
"for cell in b14.topological_order():\n",
" if 'DFF' in cell.kind or 'input' == cell.kind:\n",
" levels[cell.index] = 0\n",
" levels[cell] = 0\n",
" elif '__fork__' == cell.kind:\n",
" levels[cell.index] = levels[cell.ins[0].driver.index] # forks only have exactly one driver\n",
" levels[cell] = levels[cell.ins[0].driver] # forks only have exactly one driver\n",
" else:\n",
" levels[cell.index] = max([levels[line.driver.index] for line in cell.ins]) + 1\n",
" levels[cell] = max([levels[line.driver] for line in cell.ins]) + 1\n",
" \n",
"print(f'Maximum logic depth: {np.max(levels)}')"
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<MVArray length=1081 width=306 m=8 nbytes=330786>"
"<MVArray length=1081 width=306 m=8 mem=323.0kiB>"
"execution_count": 19,
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<BPArray length=1081 width=306 m=8 bytes=124848>"
"<BPArray length=1081 width=306 m=8 mem=121.9kiB>"
"execution_count": 23,
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ @@ -829,7 +829,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<MVArray length=1392 width=306 m=8 nbytes=425952>"
"<MVArray length=1392 width=306 m=8 mem=416.0kiB>"
"execution_count": 29,
@ -962,10 +962,9 @@ @@ -962,10 +962,9 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from kyupy import sdf\n",
"from kyupy.saed import pin_index\n",
"df = sdf.load('tests/b14.sdf.gz')\n",
"lt = df.annotation(b14, pin_index, dataset=0, interconnect=False)"
"lt = df.annotation(b14, dataset=0, interconnect=False)"
@ -1118,6 +1117,7 @@ @@ -1118,6 +1117,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The capture data contains for each PI, PO, and scan flip-flop (axis 0), and each test (axis 1) seven values:\n",
"0. Probability of capturing a 1 at the given capture time (same as next value, if no standard deviation given).\n",
"1. A capture value decided by random sampling according to above probability.\n",
"2. The final value (assume a very late capture time).\n",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 s-holst
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Stefan Holst
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal


@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../src')) @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../src'))
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = 'KyuPy'
copyright = '2020, Stefan Holst'
copyright = '2020-2021, Stefan Holst'
author = 'Stefan Holst'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
release = '0.0.2'
release = '0.0.3'
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------


@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ API Reference @@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ API Reference


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.. automodule:: kyupy
.. automodule:: kyupy.techlib


@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Simulators @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Simulators
Logic Simulation - :mod:`kyupy.logic_sim`
.. automodule:: kyupy.logic_sim
.. autoclass:: kyupy.logic_sim.LogicSim
@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ Timing Simulation - :mod:`kyupy.wave_sim` @@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ Timing Simulation - :mod:`kyupy.wave_sim`
.. automodule:: kyupy.wave_sim
:members: TMAX, TMAX_OVL, TMIN
.. autoclass:: kyupy.wave_sim.WaveSim


@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ with open('README.rst', 'r') as f: @@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ with open('README.rst', 'r') as f:
description='High-performance processing and analysis of non-hierarchical VLSI designs',
package_dir={'': 'src'},


@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
"""A package for processing and analysis of non-hierarchical gate-level VLSI designs.
It contains fundamental building blocks for research software in the fields of VLSI test, diagnosis and reliability.
The kyupy package itself contains a logger and other simple utility functions.
In addition, it defines a ``numba`` and a ``cuda`` objects that point to the actual packages
if they are available and otherwise point to mocks.
import time
@ -10,10 +12,78 @@ import gzip @@ -10,10 +12,78 @@ import gzip
import numpy as np
_pop_count_lut = np.asarray([bin(x).count('1') for x in range(256)])
def popcount(a):
"""Returns the number of 1-bits in a given packed numpy array."""
return np.sum(_pop_count_lut[a])
def readtext(file):
"""Reads and returns the text in a given file. Transparently decompresses \\*.gz files."""
if hasattr(file, 'read'):
if str(file).endswith('.gz'):
with, 'rt') as f:
with open(file, 'rt') as f:
def hr_sci(value):
"""Formats a value in a human-readible scientific notation."""
multiplier = 0
while abs(value) >= 1000:
value /= 1000
multiplier += 1
while abs(value) < 1:
value *= 1000
multiplier -= 1
return f'{value:.3f}{" kMGTPEafpnµm"[multiplier]}'
def hr_bytes(nbytes):
"""Formats a given number of bytes for human readability."""
multiplier = 0
while abs(nbytes) >= 1000:
nbytes /= 1024
multiplier += 1
return f'{nbytes:.1f}{["", "ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi"][multiplier]}B'
def hr_time(seconds):
"""Formats a given time interval for human readability."""
s = ''
if seconds >= 86400:
d = seconds // 86400
seconds -= d * 86400
s += f'{int(d)}d'
if seconds >= 3600:
h = seconds // 3600
seconds -= h * 3600
s += f'{int(h)}h'
if seconds >= 60:
m = seconds // 60
seconds -= m * 60
if 'd' not in s:
s += f'{int(m)}m'
if 'h' not in s and 'd' not in s:
s += f'{int(seconds)}s'
return s
class Log:
"""A very simple logger that formats the messages with the number of seconds since
program start.
def __init__(self):
self.start = time.perf_counter()
self.logfile = None
"""When set to a file handle, log messages are written to it instead to standard output.
After each write, ``flush()`` is called as well.
def log(self, level, message):
t = time.perf_counter() - self.start
@ -23,15 +93,45 @@ class Log: @@ -23,15 +93,45 @@ class Log:
self.logfile.write(f'{t:011.3f} {level} {message}\n')
def info(self, message): self.log('-', message)
def warn(self, message): self.log('W', message)
def error(self, message): self.log('E', message)
def info(self, message):
"""Log an informational message."""
self.log('-', message)
def warn(self, message):
"""Log a warning message."""
self.log('W', message)
def error(self, message):
"""Log an error message."""
self.log('E', message)
def range(self, *args):
"""A generator that operates just like the ``range()`` built-in, and also occasionally logs the progress
and compute time estimates."""
elems = len(range(*args))
start_time = time.perf_counter()
lastlog_time = start_time
log_interval = 5
for elem, i in enumerate(range(*args)):
yield i
current_time = time.perf_counter()
if current_time > lastlog_time + log_interval:
done = (elem + 1) / elems
elapsed_time = current_time - start_time
total_time = elapsed_time / done
rem_time = total_time - elapsed_time
self.log(':', f'{done*100:.0f}% done {hr_time(elapsed_time)} elapsed {hr_time(rem_time)} remaining')
log_interval = min(600, int(log_interval*1.5))
lastlog_time = current_time
log = Log()
"""The standard logger instance."""
# Code below mocks basic numba and cuda functions for pure-python fallback.
class MockNumba:
@ -52,17 +152,15 @@ class MockCuda: @@ -52,17 +152,15 @@ class MockCuda:
outer = self
def make_launcher(func):
class Launcher(object):
class Launcher:
def __init__(self, funcc):
self.func = funcc
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# print(f'device func call {self.func.__name__}')
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item):
grid_dim, block_dim = item
# print(f'kernel call {self.func.__name__} grid_dim:{grid_dim} block_dim:{block_dim}')
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
for grid_x in range(grid_dim[0]):
@ -104,23 +202,12 @@ if importlib.util.find_spec('numba') is not None: @@ -104,23 +202,12 @@ if importlib.util.find_spec('numba') is not None:
cuda = MockCuda()
numba = MockNumba()
"""If Numba is available on the system, it is the actual ``numba`` package.
Otherwise, it simply defines an ``njit`` decorator that does nothing.
cuda = MockCuda()
"""If Numba is installed and Cuda GPUs are available, it is the actual ``numba.cuda`` package.
Otherwise, it is an object that defines basic methods and decorators so that cuda-code can still
run in the Python interpreter.
log.warn('Numba unavailable. Falling back to pure Python.')
_pop_count_lut = np.asarray([bin(x).count('1') for x in range(256)])
def popcount(a):
return np.sum(_pop_count_lut[a])
def readtext(file):
if hasattr(file, 'read'):
if str(file).endswith('.gz'):
with, 'rt') as f:
with open(file, 'rt') as f:


@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ class BenchTransformer(Transformer): @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ class BenchTransformer(Transformer):
name, cell_type, drivers = args
cell = Node(self.c, str(name), str(cell_type))
Line(self.c, cell, self.c.get_or_add_fork(str(name)))
[Line(self.c, d, cell) for d in drivers]
for d in drivers: Line(self.c, d, cell)
grammar = r"""
GRAMMAR = r"""
start: (statement)*
statement: input | output | assignment
input: ("INPUT" | "input") parameters -> interface
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def parse(text, name=None): @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def parse(text, name=None):
:param name: The name of the circuit. Circuit names are not included in bench descriptions.
:return: A :class:`Circuit` object.
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=BenchTransformer(name)).parse(text)
return Lark(GRAMMAR, parser="lalr", transformer=BenchTransformer(name)).parse(text)
def load(file, name=None):


@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ class Node: @@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ class Node:
"""A list of output connections (:class:`Line` objects).
def __index__(self):
return self.index
def __repr__(self):
ins = ' '.join([f'<{line.index}' if line is not None else '<None' for line in self.ins])
outs = ' '.join([f'>{line.index}' if line is not None else '>None' for line in self.outs])
@ -160,6 +163,9 @@ class Line: @@ -160,6 +163,9 @@ class Line:
self.reader = None
self.circuit = None
def __index__(self):
return self.index
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.index}'
@ -239,8 +245,9 @@ class Circuit: @@ -239,8 +245,9 @@ class Circuit:
return header + '\n'.join([str(n) for n in self.nodes])
def __repr__(self):
name = f" '{}'" if else ''
return f'<Circuit{name} with {len(self.nodes)} nodes, {len(self.lines)} lines, {len(self.interface)} ports>'
name = f' {}' if else ''
return f'<Circuit{name} cells={len(self.cells)} forks={len(self.forks)} ' + \
f'lines={len(self.lines)} ports={len(self.interface)}>'
def topological_order(self):
"""Generator function to iterate over all nodes in topological order.
@ -255,8 +262,8 @@ class Circuit: @@ -255,8 +262,8 @@ class Circuit:
for line in n.outs:
if line is None: continue
succ = line.reader
visit_count[succ.index] += 1
if visit_count[succ.index] == len(succ.ins) and 'DFF' not in succ.kind:
visit_count[succ] += 1
if visit_count[succ] == len(succ.ins) and 'DFF' not in succ.kind:
yield n
@ -280,8 +287,8 @@ class Circuit: @@ -280,8 +287,8 @@ class Circuit:
n = queue.popleft()
for line in n.ins:
pred = line.driver
visit_count[pred.index] += 1
if visit_count[pred.index] == len(pred.outs) and 'DFF' not in pred.kind:
visit_count[pred] += 1
if visit_count[pred] == len(pred.outs) and 'DFF' not in pred.kind:
yield n
@ -292,13 +299,13 @@ class Circuit: @@ -292,13 +299,13 @@ class Circuit:
marks = [False] * len(self.nodes)
for n in origin_nodes:
marks[n.index] = True
marks[n] = True
for n in self.reversed_topological_order():
if not marks[n.index]:
if not marks[n]:
for line in n.outs:
if line is not None:
marks[n.index] |= marks[line.reader.index]
if marks[n.index]:
marks[n] |= marks[line.reader]
if marks[n]:
yield n
def fanout_free_regions(self):


@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from import Iterable @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from import Iterable
import numpy as np
from . import numba
from . import numba, hr_bytes
ZERO = 0b000
@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ on a signal. ``'N'``, ``'n'``, and ``'v'`` are interpreted as ``NPULSE``. @@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ on a signal. ``'N'``, ``'n'``, and ``'v'`` are interpreted as ``NPULSE``.
def interpret(value):
"""Converts characters, strings, and lists of them to lists of logic constants defined above.
:param value: A character (string of length 1), Boolean, Integer, None, or Iterable.
Iterables (such as strings) are traversed and their individual characters are interpreted.
:return: A logic constant or a (possibly multi-dimensional) list of logic constants.
if isinstance(value, Iterable) and not (isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 1):
return list(map(interpret, value))
if value in [0, '0', False, 'L', 'l']:
@ -85,6 +91,79 @@ def bit_in(a, pos): @@ -85,6 +91,79 @@ def bit_in(a, pos):
return a[pos >> 3] & _bit_in_lut[pos & 7]
class MVArray:
"""An n-dimensional array of m-valued logic values.
This class wraps a numpy.ndarray of type uint8 and adds support for encoding and
interpreting 2-valued, 4-valued, and 8-valued logic values.
Each logic value is stored as an uint8, manipulations of individual values are cheaper than in
:param a: If a tuple is given, it is interpreted as desired shape. To make an array of ``n`` vectors
compatible with a simulator ``sim``, use ``(len(sim.interface), n)``. If a :py:class:`BPArray` or
:py:class:`MVArray` is given, a deep copy is made. If a string, a list of strings, a list of characters,
or a list of lists of characters are given, the data is interpreted best-effort and the array is
initialized accordingly.
:param m: The arity of the logic. Can be set to 2, 4, or 8. If None is given, the arity of a given
:py:class:`BPArray` or :py:class:`MVArray` is used, or, if the array is initialized differently, 8 is used.
def __init__(self, a, m=None):
self.m = m or 8
assert self.m in [2, 4, 8]
# Try our best to interpret given a.
if isinstance(a, MVArray): =
"""The wrapped 2-dimensional ndarray of logic values.
* Axis 0 is PI/PO/FF position, the length of this axis is called "width".
* Axis 1 is vector/pattern, the length of this axis is called "length".
self.m = m or a.m
elif hasattr(a, 'data'): # assume it is a BPArray. Can't use isinstance() because BPArray isn't declared yet. = np.zeros((a.width, a.length), dtype=np.uint8)
self.m = m or a.m
for i in range([-2]):[...] <<= 1[...] |= np.unpackbits([..., -i-1, :], axis=1)[:, :a.length]
if[-2] == 1: *= 3
elif isinstance(a, int): = np.full((a, 1), UNASSIGNED, dtype=np.uint8)
elif isinstance(a, tuple): = np.full(a, UNASSIGNED, dtype=np.uint8)
if isinstance(a, str): a = [a] = np.asarray(interpret(a), dtype=np.uint8) =[:, np.newaxis] if == 1 else np.moveaxis(, -2, -1)
# Cast data to m-valued logic.
if self.m == 2:[...] = (( & 0b001) & (( >> 1) & 0b001) | ( == RISE)) * ONE
elif self.m == 4:[...] = ( & 0b011) & (( != FALL) * ONE) | (( == RISE) * ONE)
elif self.m == 8:[...] = & 0b111
self.length =[-1]
self.width =[-2]
def __repr__(self):
return f'<MVArray length={self.length} width={self.width} m={self.m} mem={hr_bytes(}>'
def __str__(self):
return str([self[idx] for idx in range(self.length)])
def __getitem__(self, vector_idx):
"""Returns a string representing the desired vector."""
chars = ["0", "X", "-", "1", "P", "R", "F", "N"]
return ''.join(chars[v] for v in[:, vector_idx])
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def mv_cast(*args, m=8):
return [a if isinstance(a, MVArray) else MVArray(a, m=m) for a in args]
@ -100,6 +179,13 @@ def _mv_not(m, out, inp): @@ -100,6 +179,13 @@ def _mv_not(m, out, inp):
def mv_not(x1, out=None):
"""A multi-valued NOT operator.
:param x1: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param out: Optionally an :py:class:`MVArray` as storage destination. If None, a new :py:class:`MVArray`
is returned.
:return: An :py:class:`MVArray` with the result.
m = mv_getm(x1)
x1 = mv_cast(x1, m=m)[0]
out = out or MVArray(, m=m)
@ -125,6 +211,14 @@ def _mv_or(m, out, *ins): @@ -125,6 +211,14 @@ def _mv_or(m, out, *ins):
def mv_or(x1, x2, out=None):
"""A multi-valued OR operator.
:param x1: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param x2: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param out: Optionally an :py:class:`MVArray` as storage destination. If None, a new :py:class:`MVArray`
is returned.
:return: An :py:class:`MVArray` with the result.
m = mv_getm(x1, x2)
x1, x2 = mv_cast(x1, x2, m=m)
out = out or MVArray(np.broadcast(,, m=m)
@ -151,6 +245,14 @@ def _mv_and(m, out, *ins): @@ -151,6 +245,14 @@ def _mv_and(m, out, *ins):
def mv_and(x1, x2, out=None):
"""A multi-valued AND operator.
:param x1: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param x2: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param out: Optionally an :py:class:`MVArray` as storage destination. If None, a new :py:class:`MVArray`
is returned.
:return: An :py:class:`MVArray` with the result.
m = mv_getm(x1, x2)
x1, x2 = mv_cast(x1, x2, m=m)
out = out or MVArray(np.broadcast(,, m=m)
@ -174,6 +276,14 @@ def _mv_xor(m, out, *ins): @@ -174,6 +276,14 @@ def _mv_xor(m, out, *ins):
def mv_xor(x1, x2, out=None):
"""A multi-valued XOR operator.
:param x1: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param x2: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param out: Optionally an :py:class:`MVArray` as storage destination. If None, a new :py:class:`MVArray`
is returned.
:return: An :py:class:`MVArray` with the result.
m = mv_getm(x1, x2)
x1, x2 = mv_cast(x1, x2, m=m)
out = out or MVArray(np.broadcast(,, m=m)
@ -182,6 +292,16 @@ def mv_xor(x1, x2, out=None): @@ -182,6 +292,16 @@ def mv_xor(x1, x2, out=None):
def mv_transition(init, final, out=None):
"""Computes the logic transitions from the initial values of ``init`` to the final values of ``final``.
Pulses in the input data are ignored. If any of the inputs are ``UNKNOWN``, the result is ``UNKNOWN``.
If both inputs are ``UNASSIGNED``, the result is ``UNASSIGNED``.
:param init: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param final: An :py:class:`MVArray` or data the :py:class:`MVArray` constructor accepts.
:param out: Optionally an :py:class:`MVArray` as storage destination. If None, a new :py:class:`MVArray`
is returned.
:return: An :py:class:`MVArray` with the result.
m = mv_getm(init, final)
init, final = mv_cast(init, final, m=m)
init =
@ -196,65 +316,46 @@ def mv_transition(init, final, out=None): @@ -196,65 +316,46 @@ def mv_transition(init, final, out=None):
return out
class MVArray:
"""An n-dimensional array of m-valued logic values.
This class wraps a numpy.ndarray of type uint8 and adds support for encoding and
interpreting 2-valued, 4-valued, and 8-valued logic values.
Each logic value is stored as an uint8, value manipulations are cheaper than in BPArray.
An MVArray always has 2 axes:
class BPArray:
"""An n-dimensional array of m-valued logic values that uses bit-parallel storage.
* Axis 0 is PI/PO/FF position, the length of this axis is called "width".
* Axis 1 is vector/pattern, the length of this axis is called "length".
The primary use of this format is in aiding efficient bit-parallel logic simulation.
The secondary benefit over :py:class:`MVArray` is its memory efficiency.
Accessing individual values is more expensive than with :py:class:`MVArray`.
Therefore it may be more efficient to unpack the data into an :py:class:`MVArray` and pack it again into a
:py:class:`BPArray` for simulation.
See :py:class:`MVArray` for constructor parameters.
def __init__(self, a, m=None):
self.m = m or 8
assert self.m in [2, 4, 8]
# Try our best to interpret given a.
if not isinstance(a, MVArray) and not isinstance(a, BPArray):
a = MVArray(a, m)
self.m = a.m
if isinstance(a, MVArray): =
self.m = m or a.m
elif hasattr(a, 'data'): # assume it is a BPArray. Can't use isinstance() because BPArray isn't declared yet. = np.zeros((a.width, a.length), dtype=np.uint8)
self.m = m or a.m
for i in range([-2]):[...] <<= 1[...] |= np.unpackbits([..., -i-1, :], axis=1)[:, :a.length]
if[-2] == 1: *= 3
elif isinstance(a, int): = np.full((a, 1), UNASSIGNED, dtype=np.uint8)
elif isinstance(a, tuple): = np.full(a, UNASSIGNED, dtype=np.uint8)
if isinstance(a, str): a = [a] = np.asarray(interpret(a), dtype=np.uint8) =[:, np.newaxis] if == 1 else np.moveaxis(, -2, -1)
# Cast data to m-valued logic.
if self.m == 2:[...] = (( & 0b001) & (( >> 1) & 0b001) | ( == RISE)) * ONE
elif self.m == 4:[...] = ( & 0b011) & (( != FALL) * ONE) | (( == RISE) * ONE)
elif self.m == 8:[...] = & 0b111
if m is not None and m != a.m:
a = MVArray(a, m) # cast data
self.m = a.m
assert self.m in [2, 4, 8]
nwords = math.ceil(math.log2(self.m))
nbytes = ([-1] - 1) // 8 + 1 = np.zeros([:-1] + (nwords, nbytes), dtype=np.uint8)
"""The wrapped 3-dimensional ndarray.
self.length =[-1]
self.width =[-2]
* Axis 0 is PI/PO/FF position, the length of this axis is called "width".
* Axis 1 has length ``ceil(log2(m))`` for storing all bits.
* Axis 2 are the vectors/patterns packed into uint8 words.
for i in range([-2]):[..., i, :] = np.packbits(( >> i) & 1, axis=-1)
else: # we have a BPArray = # TODO: support conversion to different m
self.m = a.m
self.length = a.length
self.width = a.width
def __repr__(self):
return f'<MVArray length={self.length} width={self.width} m={self.m} nbytes={}>'
def __str__(self):
return str([self[idx] for idx in range(self.length)])
def __getitem__(self, vector_idx):
chars = ["0", "X", "-", "1", "P", "R", "F", "N"]
return ''.join(chars[v] for v in[:, vector_idx])
return f'<BPArray length={self.length} width={self.width} m={self.m} mem={hr_bytes(}>'
def __len__(self):
return self.length
@ -359,44 +460,3 @@ def bp_xor(out, *ins): @@ -359,44 +460,3 @@ def bp_xor(out, *ins):
out[..., 0, :] |= any_unknown
out[..., 1, :] &= ~any_unknown
out[..., 2, :] &= ~any_unknown
class BPArray:
"""An n-dimensional array of m-valued logic values that uses bit-parallel storage.
The primary use of this format is in aiding efficient bit-parallel logic simulation.
The secondary benefit over MVArray is its memory efficiency.
Accessing individual values is more expensive than with :py:class:`MVArray`.
It is advised to first construct a MVArray, pack it into a :py:class:`BPArray` for simulation and unpack the results
back into a :py:class:`MVArray` for value access.
The values along the last axis (vectors/patterns) are packed into uint8 words.
The second-last axis has length ceil(log2(m)) for storing all bits.
All other axes stay the same as in MVArray.
def __init__(self, a, m=None):
if not isinstance(a, MVArray) and not isinstance(a, BPArray):
a = MVArray(a, m)
self.m = a.m
if isinstance(a, MVArray):
if m is not None and m != a.m:
a = MVArray(a, m) # cast data
self.m = a.m
assert self.m in [2, 4, 8]
nwords = math.ceil(math.log2(self.m))
nbytes = ([-1] - 1) // 8 + 1 = np.zeros([:-1] + (nwords, nbytes), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range([-2]):[..., i, :] = np.packbits(( >> i) & 1, axis=-1)
else: # we have a BPArray = # TODO: support conversion to different m
self.m = a.m
self.length = a.length
self.width = a.width
def __repr__(self):
return f'<BPArray length={self.length} width={self.width} m={self.m} bytes={}>'
def __len__(self):
return self.length


@ -1,14 +1,29 @@ @@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
"""A high-throughput combinational logic simulator.
The class :py:class:`~kyupy.logic_sim.LogicSim` performs parallel simulations of the combinational part of a circuit.
The logic operations are performed bit-parallel on packed numpy arrays.
Simple sequential circuits can be simulated by repeated assignments and propagations.
However, this simulator ignores the clock network and simply assumes that all state-elements are clocked all the time.
import math
import numpy as np
from . import logic
from . import logic, hr_bytes
class LogicSim:
"""A bit-parallel naïve combinational simulator for 2-, 4-, or 8-valued logic.
:param circuit: The circuit to simulate.
:type circuit: :py:class:`~kyupy.circuit.Circuit`
:param sims: The number of parallel logic simulations to perform.
:type sims: int
:param m: The arity of the logic, must be 2, 4, or 8.
:type m: int
def __init__(self, circuit, sims=1, m=8):
def __init__(self, circuit, sims=8, m=8):
assert m in [2, 4, 8]
self.m = m
mdim = math.ceil(math.log2(m))
@ -16,216 +31,165 @@ class LogicSim: @@ -16,216 +31,165 @@ class LogicSim:
self.sims = sims
nbytes = (sims - 1) // 8 + 1
self.interface = list(circuit.interface) + [n for n in circuit.nodes if 'dff' in n.kind.lower()]
self.width = len(self.interface)
"""The number of bits in the circuit state (number of ports + number of state-elements)."""
self.state = np.zeros((len(circuit.lines), mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
self.state_epoch = np.zeros(len(circuit.nodes), dtype='int8') - 1
self.tmp = np.zeros((5, mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8') = np.zeros((mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
self.epoch = 0
self.fork_vd1 = self.fork_vdx
self.const0_vd1 = self.const0_vdx
self.input_vd1 = self.fork_vd1
self.output_vd1 = self.fork_vd1
self.inv_vd1 = self.not_vd1
self.ibuff_vd1 = self.not_vd1
self.nbuff_vd1 = self.fork_vd1
self.xor2_vd1 = self.xor_vd1
self.fork_vd2 = self.fork_vdx
self.const0_vd2 = self.const0_vdx
self.input_vd2 = self.fork_vd2
self.output_vd2 = self.fork_vd2
self.inv_vd2 = self.not_vd2
self.ibuff_vd2 = self.not_vd2
self.nbuff_vd2 = self.fork_vd2
self.xor2_vd2 = self.xor_vd2
self.fork_vd3 = self.fork_vdx
self.const0_vd3 = self.const0_vdx
self.input_vd3 = self.fork_vd3
self.output_vd3 = self.fork_vd3
self.inv_vd3 = self.not_vd3
self.ibuff_vd3 = self.not_vd3
self.nbuff_vd3 = self.fork_vd3
self.xor2_vd3 = self.xor_vd3
known_fct = [(f[:-4], getattr(self, f)) for f in dir(self) if f.endswith(f'_vd{mdim}')]
known_fct = [(f[:-4], getattr(self, f)) for f in dir(self) if f.endswith('_fct')]
self.node_fct = []
for n in circuit.nodes:
t = n.kind.lower().replace('__fork__', 'fork')
t = t.replace('nbuff', 'fork')
t = t.replace('input', 'fork')
t = t.replace('output', 'fork')
t = t.replace('__const0__', 'const0')
t = t.replace('__const1__', 'const1')
t = t.replace('tieh', 'const1')
t = t.replace('ibuff', 'not')
t = t.replace('inv', 'not')
fcts = [f for n, f in known_fct if t.startswith(n)]
if len(fcts) < 1:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown node kind {n.kind}')
def __repr__(self):
return f'<LogicSim {} sims={self.sims} m={self.m} state_mem={hr_bytes(self.state.nbytes)}>'
def assign(self, stimuli):
"""Assign stimuli to the primary inputs and state-elements (flip-flops)."""
if hasattr(stimuli, 'data'):
stimuli =
for stim, node in zip(stimuli, self.interface):
"""Assign stimuli to the primary inputs and state-elements (flip-flops).
:param stimuli: The input data to assign. Must be in bit-parallel storage format and in a compatible shape.
:type stimuli: :py:class:`~kyupy.logic.BPArray`
:returns: The given stimuli object.
for node, stim in zip(self.interface, if hasattr(stimuli, 'data') else stimuli):
if len(node.outs) == 0: continue
outputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
self.node_fct[node.index]([stim], outputs)
outputs = [self.state[line] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
self.node_fct[node]([stim], outputs)
for line in node.outs:
if line:
self.state_epoch[line.reader.index] = self.epoch
if line is not None: self.state_epoch[line.reader] = self.epoch
for n in self.circuit.nodes:
if (n.kind == '__const1__') or (n.kind == '__const0__'):
outputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in n.outs]
self.node_fct[n.index]([], outputs)
# print('assign const')
if n.kind in ('__const1__', '__const0__'):
outputs = [self.state[line] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in n.outs]
self.node_fct[n]([], outputs)
for line in n.outs:
if line:
self.state_epoch[line.reader.index] = self.epoch
if line is not None: self.state_epoch[line.reader] = self.epoch
return stimuli
def capture(self, responses):
"""Capture the current values at the primary outputs and in the state-elements (flip-flops)."""
if hasattr(responses, 'data'):
responses =
for resp, node in zip(responses, self.interface):
if len(node.ins) == 0: continue
resp[...] = self.state[node.ins[0].index]
# print(responses)
def propagate(self):
"""Propagate the input values towards the outputs (Perform all logic operations in topological order)."""
"""Capture the current values at the primary outputs and in the state-elements (flip-flops).
:param responses: A bit-parallel storage target for the responses in a compatible shape.
:type responses: :py:class:`~kyupy.logic.BPArray`
:returns: The given responses object.
for node, resp in zip(self.interface, if hasattr(responses, 'data') else responses):
if len(node.ins) > 0: resp[...] = self.state[node.ins[0]]
return responses
def propagate(self, inject_cb=None):
"""Propagate the input values towards the outputs (Perform all logic operations in topological order).
If the circuit is sequential (it contains flip-flops), one call simulates one clock cycle.
Multiple clock cycles are simulated by a assign-propagate-capture loop:
.. code-block:: python
# initial state in state_bp
for cycle in range(10): # simulate 10 clock cycles
:param inject_cb: A callback function for manipulating intermediate signal values.
This function is called with a line index and its new logic values (in bit-parallel format) after
evaluation of a node. The callback may manipulate the given values in-place, the simulation
resumes with the manipulated values after the callback returns.
:type inject_cb: ``f(int, ndarray)``
for node in self.circuit.topological_order():
if self.state_epoch[node.index] != self.epoch: continue
inputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else for line in node.ins]
outputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
if self.state_epoch[node] != self.epoch: continue
inputs = [self.state[line] if line else for line in node.ins]
outputs = [self.state[line] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
# print('sim', node)
self.node_fct[node.index](inputs, outputs)
self.node_fct[node](inputs, outputs)
for line in node.outs:
self.state_epoch[line.reader.index] = self.epoch
if inject_cb is not None: inject_cb(line, self.state[line])
self.state_epoch[line.reader] = self.epoch
self.epoch = (self.epoch + 1) % 128
def fork_vdx(self, inputs, outputs):
def cycle(self, state, inject_cb=None):
"""Assigns the given state, propagates it and captures the new state.
:param state: A bit-parallel array in a compatible shape holding the current circuit state.
The contained data is assigned to the PI and PPI and overwritten by data at the PO and PPO after
:type state: :py:class:`~kyupy.logic.BPArray`
:param inject_cb: A callback function for manipulating intermediate signal values. See :py:func:`propagate`.
:returns: The given state object.
return self.capture(state)
def fork_fct(inputs, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] = inputs[0]
def const0_vdx(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
# 2-valued simulation
def not_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = ~inputs[0][0]
def const1_vd1(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def and_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = inputs[0][0]
for i in inputs[1:]: o[0] &= i[0]
def or_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = inputs[0][0]
for i in inputs[1:]: o[0] |= i[0]
def xor_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = inputs[0][0]
for i in inputs[1:]: o[0] ^= i[0]
def sdff_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = inputs[0][0]
if len(outputs) > 1:
outputs[1][0] = ~inputs[0][0]
def dff_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = inputs[0][0]
if len(outputs) > 1:
outputs[1][0] = ~inputs[0][0]
def nand_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
self.and_vd1(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def nor_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
self.or_vd1(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def xnor_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
self.xor_vd1(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def const0_fct(_, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] = 0
# 4-valued simulation
def const1_fct(_, outputs):
for o in outputs:
o[...] = 0
logic.bp_not(o, o)
def not_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
def not_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], inputs[0])
def and_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
def and_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_and(outputs[0], *inputs)
def or_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
def or_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_or(outputs[0], *inputs)
def xor_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
def xor_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_xor(outputs[0], *inputs)
def sdff_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.dff_vd2(inputs, outputs)
def sdff_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_buf(outputs[0], inputs[0])
if len(outputs) > 1:
logic.bp_not(outputs[1], inputs[0])
def dff_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
def dff_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_buf(outputs[0], inputs[0])
if len(outputs) > 1:
logic.bp_not(outputs[1], inputs[0])
def nand_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.and_vd2(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
def nor_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.or_vd2(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
def xnor_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.xor_vd2(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
def const1_vd2(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
# 8-valued simulation
def not_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], inputs[0])
def and_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
def nand_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_and(outputs[0], *inputs)
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])
def or_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
def nor_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_or(outputs[0], *inputs)
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])
def xor_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
def xnor_fct(inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_xor(outputs[0], *inputs)
def sdff_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.dff_vd3(inputs, outputs)
if len(outputs) > 1:
logic.bp_not(outputs[1], inputs[0])
def dff_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_buf(outputs[0], inputs[0])
def nand_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.and_vd3(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
def nor_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.or_vd3(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
def xnor_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.xor_vd3(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
def const1_vd3(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])


@ -1,289 +0,0 @@ @@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
from kyupy.circuit import Node, Line
def pin_index(cell_type, pin):
if cell_type.startswith('HADD') and pin == 'B0': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('HADD') and pin == 'SO': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('MUX21') and pin == 'S': return 2
if cell_type.startswith('SDFF') and pin == 'QN': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('DFF') and pin == 'QN': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('DFF') and pin == 'CLK': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('DFF') and pin == 'RSTB': return 2
if cell_type.startswith('DFF') and pin == 'SETB': return 3
if pin in ['A2', 'IN2', 'SE', 'B', 'CO']: return 1
if pin in ['A3', 'IN3', 'SI', 'CI']: return 2
if pin == 'A4' or pin == 'IN4' or pin == 'CLK': return 3 # CLK for scan cells SDFF
if pin == 'A5' or pin == 'IN5' or pin == 'RSTB': return 4
if pin == 'A6' or pin == 'IN6' or pin == 'SETB': return 5
return 0
def pin_is_output(kind, pin):
if 'MUX' in kind and pin == 'S':
return False
return pin in ['Q', 'QN', 'Z', 'ZN', 'Y', 'CO', 'S', 'SO', 'C1']
def add_and_connect(circuit, name, kind, in1=None, in2=None, out=None):
n = Node(circuit, name, kind)
if in1 is not None:
n.ins[0] = in1
in1.reader = n
in1.reader_pin = 0
if in2 is not None:
n.ins[1] = in2
in2.reader = n
in2.reader_pin = 1
if out is not None:
n.outs[0] = out
out.driver = n
out.driver_pin = 0
return n
def split_complex_gates(circuit):
node_list = circuit.nodes
for n in node_list:
name =
ins = n.ins
outs = n.outs
if n.kind.startswith('AO21X'):
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI21X'):
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA21X'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_and)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI21X'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nand = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nand)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA22X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI22X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_nand = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_nand)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_nand)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO22X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI22X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_nor)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO221X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_or1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI221X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA221X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_and1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI221X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_nand1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand1', 'NAND2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_nand1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO222X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and2, n_or1)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_or1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI222X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_nor1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor1', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and2, n_nor1)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_nor1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA222X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or2, n_and1)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_and1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI222X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n3 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n4 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand1', 'NAND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n3)
Line(circuit, n1, n3)
Line(circuit, n2, n4)
Line(circuit, n3, n4)
elif n.kind.startswith('AND3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('XOR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xor0', 'XOR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xor1', 'XOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('NAND3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('NOR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('XNOR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xor', 'XOR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xnor', 'XNOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AND4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('OR4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('NAND4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand2', 'NAND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('NOR4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor2', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('FADDX'):
# forks for fan-outs
f_a = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[0])
f_b = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork1', '__fork__', ins[1])
f_ci = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork2', '__fork__', ins[2])
f_ab = Node(circuit, name + '~fork3')
# sum-block
n_xor0 = Node(circuit, name + '~xor0', 'XOR2')
Line(circuit, f_a, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, n_xor0, f_ab)
if len(outs) > 0 and outs[0] is not None:
n_xor1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~xor1', 'XOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, f_ab, n_xor1)
Line(circuit, f_ci, n_xor1)
# carry-block
if len(outs) > 1 and outs[1] is not None:
n_and0 = Node(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2')
Line(circuit, f_ab, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_ci, n_and0)
n_and1 = Node(circuit, name + '~and1', 'AND2')
Line(circuit, f_a, n_and1)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_and1)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~or0', 'OR2', None, None, outs[1])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('HADDX'):
# forks for fan-outs
f_a = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[0])
f_b = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork1', '__fork__', ins[1])
n_xor0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~xor0', 'XOR2', None, None, outs[1])
Line(circuit, f_a, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_xor0)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, f_a, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_and0)
elif n.kind.startswith('MUX21X'):
f_s = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[2])
n_not = Node(circuit, name + '~not', 'INV')
Line(circuit, f_s, n_not)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', ins[0])
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and1', 'AND2', ins[1])
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~or0', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_not, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_s, n_and1)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
elif n.kind.startswith('DFFSSR'):
n.kind = 'DFFX1'
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[2], None)
Line(circuit, n_and0, (n, 0))


@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import numpy as np @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import numpy as np
from lark import Lark, Transformer
from . import log, readtext
from .techlib import TechLib
Interconnect = namedtuple('Interconnect', ['orig', 'dest', 'r', 'f'])
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ class DelayFile:
return '\n'.join(f'{n}: {l}' for n, l in self.cells.items()) + '\n' + \
'\n'.join(str(i) for i in self.interconnects)
def annotation(self, circuit, pin_index_f, dataset=1, interconnect=True, ffdelays=True):
def annotation(self, circuit, tlib=TechLib(), dataset=1, interconnect=True, ffdelays=True):
"""Constructs an 3-dimensional ndarray with timing data for each line in ``circuit``.
An IOPATH delay for a node is annotated to the line connected to the input pin specified in the IOPATH.
@ -43,28 +44,35 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -43,28 +44,35 @@ class DelayFile:
Currently, only ABSOLUTE IOPATH and INTERCONNECT delays are supported.
Pulse rejection limits are derived from absolute delays, explicit declarations (PATHPULSE etc.) are ignored.
:param circuit:
:param pin_index_f:
:param ffdelays:
:param interconnect:
:type dataset: int or tuple
:param circuit: The circuit to annotate. Names from the STIL file are matched to the node names.
:type circuit: :class:`~kyupy.circuit.Circuit`
:param tlib: A technology library object that provides pin name mappings.
:type tlib: :py:class:`~kyupy.techlib.TechLib`
:param dataset: SDFs store multiple values for each delay (e.g. minimum, typical, maximum).
An integer selects the dataset to use (default is 1 for 'typical').
If a tuple is given, the annotator will calculate the average of multiple datasets.
:type dataset: ``int`` or ``tuple``
:param interconnect: Whether or not to include the delays of interconnects in the annotation.
To properly annotate interconnect delays, the circuit model has to include a '__fork__' node on
every signal and every fanout-branch. The Verilog parser aids in this by setting the parameter
`branchforks=True` in :py:func:`kyupy.verilog.parse`.
:type interconnect: ``bool``
:param ffdelays: Whether or not to include the delays of flip-flops in the annotation.
:type ffdelays: ``bool``
:return: A 3-dimensional ndarray with timing data.
* Axis 0: line index.
* Axis 1: type of timing data: 0=`delay`, 1=`pulse rejection limit`.
* Axis 2: The polarity of the output transition of the reading node: 0=`rising`, 1=`falling`.
* Axis 1: type of timing data: 0='delay', 1='pulse rejection limit'.
* Axis 2: The polarity of the output transition of the reading node: 0='rising', 1='falling'.
The polarity for pulse rejection is determined by the latter transition of the pulse.
E.g., timing[42,1,0] is the rejection limit of a negative pulse at the output of the reader of line 42.
E.g., ``timing[42, 1, 0]`` is the rejection limit of a negative pulse at the output
of the reader of line 42.
def select_del(_delvals, idx):
if type(dataset) is tuple:
s = 0
for d in dataset:
s += _delvals[idx][d]
return s / len(dataset)
return _delvals[idx][dataset]
if isinstance(dataset, tuple):
return sum(_delvals[idx][d] for d in dataset) / len(dataset)
return _delvals[idx][dataset]
def find_cell(name):
if name not in circuit.cells:
@ -85,8 +93,8 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -85,8 +93,8 @@ class DelayFile:
if cell is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn}')
ipin = pin_index_f(cell.kind, ipn)
opin = pin_index_f(cell.kind, opn)
ipin = tlib.pin_index(cell.kind, ipn)
opin = tlib.pin_index(cell.kind, opn)
kind = cell.kind.lower()
ipn2 = ipn.replace('(posedge A1)', 'A1').replace('(negedge A1)', 'A1')\
@ -94,8 +102,8 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -94,8 +102,8 @@ class DelayFile:
def add_delays(_line):
if _line is not None:
timing[_line.index, :, 0] += select_del(delvals, 0)
timing[_line.index, :, 1] += select_del(delvals, 1)
timing[_line, :, 0] += select_del(delvals, 0)
timing[_line, :, 1] += select_del(delvals, 1)
take_avg = False
if kind.startswith('sdff'):
@ -105,12 +113,12 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -105,12 +113,12 @@ class DelayFile:
if kind.startswith(('xor', 'xnor')):
ipin = pin_index_f(cell.kind, ipn2)
# print(ipn, ipin, times[cell.i_lines[ipin].index, 0, 0])
take_avg = timing[cell.ins[ipin].index].sum() > 0
ipin = tlib.pin_index(cell.kind, ipn2)
# print(ipn, ipin, times[cell.i_lines[ipin], 0, 0])
take_avg = timing[cell.ins[ipin]].sum() > 0
if take_avg:
timing[cell.ins[ipin].index] /= 2
timing[cell.ins[ipin]] /= 2
if not interconnect or self.interconnects is None:
return timing
@ -139,7 +147,7 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -139,7 +147,7 @@ class DelayFile:
if c2 is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn2}')
p1, p2 = pin_index_f(c1.kind, pn1), pin_index_f(c2.kind, pn2)
p1, p2 = tlib.pin_index(c1.kind, pn1), tlib.pin_index(c2.kind, pn2)
line = None
f1, f2 = c1.outs[p1].reader, c2.ins[p2].driver
if f1 != f2: # possible branchfork
@ -149,8 +157,8 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -149,8 +157,8 @@ class DelayFile:
elif len(f2.outs) == 1: # no fanout?
line = f2.ins[0]
if line is not None:
timing[line.index, :, 0] += select_del(delvals, 0)
timing[line.index, :, 1] += select_del(delvals, 1)
timing[line, :, 0] += select_del(delvals, 0)
timing[line, :, 1] += select_del(delvals, 1)
log.warn(f'No branchfork for annotating interconnect delay {}/{p1}->{}/{p2}')
return timing
@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ class SdfTransformer(Transformer): @@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ class SdfTransformer(Transformer):
return DelayFile(name, cells)
grammar = r"""
GRAMMAR = r"""
start: "(DELAYFILE" ( "(SDFVERSION" _NOB ")"
| "(DESIGN" "\"" NAME "\"" ")"
| "(DATE" _NOB ")"
@ -218,7 +226,7 @@ grammar = r""" @@ -218,7 +226,7 @@ grammar = r"""
def parse(text):
"""Parses the given ``text`` and returns a :class:`DelayFile` object."""
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=SdfTransformer()).parse(text)
return Lark(GRAMMAR, parser="lalr", transformer=SdfTransformer()).parse(text)
def load(file):


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The main purpose of this parser is to load scan pattern sets from STIL files. @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The main purpose of this parser is to load scan pattern sets from STIL files.
It supports only a very limited subset of STIL.
The functions :py:func:`load` and :py:func:`read` return an intermediate representation (:class:`StilFile` object).
Call :py:func:`StilFile.tests4v`, :py:func:`StilFile.tests8v`, or :py:func:`StilFile.responses4v` to
Call :py:func:`StilFile.tests`, :py:func:`StilFile.tests_loc`, or :py:func:`StilFile.responses` to
obtain the appropriate vector sets.
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ class StilFile: @@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ class StilFile:
def _maps(self, c):
interface = list(c.interface) + [n for n in c.nodes if 'DFF' in n.kind]
intf_pos = dict([(, i) for i, n in enumerate(interface)])
intf_pos = dict((, i) for i, n in enumerate(interface))
pi_map = [intf_pos[n] for n in self.signal_groups['_pi']]
po_map = [intf_pos[n] for n in self.signal_groups['_po']]
scan_maps = {}
scan_inversions = {}
for chain_name, chain in self.scan_chains.items():
for chain in self.scan_chains.values():
scan_map = []
scan_in_inversion = []
scan_out_inversion = []
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class StilFile: @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class StilFile:
This function assumes a static (stuck-at fault) test.
interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(circuit)
interface, pi_map, _, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(circuit)
tests = logic.MVArray((len(interface), len(self.patterns)))
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class StilFile: @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class StilFile:
def responses(self, circuit):
"""Assembles and returns a scan test response pattern set for given circuit."""
interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(circuit)
interface, _, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(circuit)
resp = logic.MVArray((len(interface), len(self.patterns)))
# resp = PackedVectors(len(self.patterns), len(interface), 2)
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class StilTransformer(Transformer): @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class StilTransformer(Transformer):
return StilFile(float(args[0]), self._signal_groups, self._scan_chains, self._calls)
grammar = r"""
GRAMMAR = r"""
start: "STIL" FLOAT _ignore _block*
_block: signal_groups | scan_structures | pattern
| "Header" _ignore
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ grammar = r""" @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ grammar = r"""
def parse(text):
"""Parses the given ``text`` and returns a :class:`StilFile` object."""
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=StilTransformer()).parse(text)
return Lark(GRAMMAR, parser="lalr", transformer=StilTransformer()).parse(text)
def load(file):


@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
from .circuit import Node, Line
def add_and_connect(circuit, name, kind, in1=None, in2=None, out=None):
n = Node(circuit, name, kind)
if in1 is not None:
n.ins[0] = in1
in1.reader = n
in1.reader_pin = 0
if in2 is not None:
n.ins[1] = in2
in2.reader = n
in2.reader_pin = 1
if out is not None:
n.outs[0] = out
out.driver = n
out.driver_pin = 0
return n
class TechLib:
"""Provides some information specific to standard cell libraries necessary
for loading gate-level designs. :py:class:`~kyupy.circuit.Node` objects do not
have pin names. The methods defined here map pin names to pin directions and defined
positions in the ``node.ins`` and ``node.outs`` lists. The default implementation
provides mappings for SAED-inspired standard cell libraries.
def pin_index(kind, pin):
"""Returns a pin list position for a given node kind and pin name."""
for prefix, pins, index in [('HADD', ('B0', 'SO'), 1),
('MUX21', ('S',), 2),
('DFF', ('QN',), 1),
('SDFF', ('QN',), 1),
('SDFF', ('CLK',), 3),
('SDFF', ('RSTB',), 4),
('SDFF', ('SETB',), 5)]:
if kind.startswith(prefix) and pin in pins: return index
for index, pins in enumerate([('A1', 'IN1', 'D', 'S', 'INP', 'A', 'Q', 'QN', 'Y', 'Z', 'ZN'),
('A2', 'IN2', 'CLK', 'CO', 'SE', 'B'),
('A3', 'IN3', 'RSTB', 'CI', 'SI'),
('A4', 'IN4', 'SETB'),
('A5', 'IN5'),
('A6', 'IN6')]):
if pin in pins: return index
raise ValueError(f'Unknown pin index for {kind}.{pin}')
def pin_is_output(kind, pin):
"""Returns True, if given pin name of a node kind is an output."""
if 'MUX' in kind and pin == 'S': return False
return pin in ('Q', 'QN', 'Z', 'ZN', 'Y', 'CO', 'S', 'SO', 'C1')
def split_complex_gates(circuit):
node_list = circuit.nodes
for n in node_list:
name =
ins = n.ins
outs = n.outs
if n.kind.startswith('AO21X'):
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI21X'):
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA21X'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_and)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI21X'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nand = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nand)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA22X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI22X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_nand = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_nand)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_nand)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO22X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI22X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_nor)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO221X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_or1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI221X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA221X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_and1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI221X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_nand1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand1', 'NAND2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_nand1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO222X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and2, n_or1)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_or1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI222X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_nor1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor1', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and2, n_nor1)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_nor1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA222X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or2, n_and1)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_and1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI222X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n3 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n4 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand1', 'NAND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n3)
Line(circuit, n1, n3)
Line(circuit, n2, n4)
Line(circuit, n3, n4)
elif n.kind.startswith('AND3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('XOR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xor0', 'XOR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xor1', 'XOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('NAND3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('NOR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('XNOR3X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xor', 'XOR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~xnor', 'XNOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AND4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('OR4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('NAND4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand2', 'NAND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('NOR4X'):
n0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor2', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n0, n2)
Line(circuit, n1, n2)
elif n.kind.startswith('FADDX'):
# forks for fan-outs
f_a = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[0])
f_b = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork1', '__fork__', ins[1])
f_ci = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork2', '__fork__', ins[2])
f_ab = Node(circuit, name + '~fork3')
# sum-block
n_xor0 = Node(circuit, name + '~xor0', 'XOR2')
Line(circuit, f_a, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, n_xor0, f_ab)
if len(outs) > 0 and outs[0] is not None:
n_xor1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~xor1', 'XOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, f_ab, n_xor1)
Line(circuit, f_ci, n_xor1)
# carry-block
if len(outs) > 1 and outs[1] is not None:
n_and0 = Node(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2')
Line(circuit, f_ab, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_ci, n_and0)
n_and1 = Node(circuit, name + '~and1', 'AND2')
Line(circuit, f_a, n_and1)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_and1)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~or0', 'OR2', None, None, outs[1])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('HADDX'):
# forks for fan-outs
f_a = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[0])
f_b = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork1', '__fork__', ins[1])
n_xor0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~xor0', 'XOR2', None, None, outs[1])
Line(circuit, f_a, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_xor0)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, f_a, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_and0)
elif n.kind.startswith('MUX21X'):
f_s = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[2])
n_not = Node(circuit, name + '~not', 'INV')
Line(circuit, f_s, n_not)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', ins[0])
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and1', 'AND2', ins[1])
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~or0', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_not, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_s, n_and1)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
elif n.kind.startswith('DFFSSR'):
n.kind = 'DFFX1'
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[2], None)
Line(circuit, n_and0, (n, 0))


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from lark import Lark, Transformer @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from lark import Lark, Transformer
from . import readtext
from .circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
from .saed import pin_index, pin_is_output
from .techlib import TechLib
Instantiation = namedtuple('Instantiation', ['type', 'name', 'pins'])
@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ class SignalDeclaration: @@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ class SignalDeclaration:
return [self.basename]
if self.left <= self.right:
return [f'{self.basename}[{i}]' for i in range(self.left, self.right + 1)]
return [f'{self.basename}[{i}]' for i in range(self.left, self.right - 1, -1)]
return [f'{self.basename}[{i}]' for i in range(self.left, self.right - 1, -1)]
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.kind}:{self.basename}[{self.left}:{self.right}]"
class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
def __init__(self, branchforks=False):
def __init__(self, branchforks=False, tlib=TechLib()):
self._signal_declarations = {}
self.branchforks = branchforks
self.tlib = tlib
def name(args):
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer): @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
def instantiation(args):
return Instantiation(args[0], args[1],
dict([(pin.children[0], pin.children[1]) for pin in args[2:]]))
dict((pin.children[0], pin.children[1]) for pin in args[2:]))
def input(self, args):
for sd in [SignalDeclaration('input', signal) for signal in args]:
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer): @@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
pos += 1
assignments = []
for stmt in args[2:]: # pass 1: instantiate cells and driven signals
if type(stmt) is Instantiation:
if isinstance(stmt, Instantiation):
n = Node(c,, kind=stmt.type)
for p, s in stmt.pins.items():
if pin_is_output(n.kind, p):
Line(c, (n, pin_index(stmt.type, p)), Node(c, s))
if self.tlib.pin_is_output(n.kind, p):
Line(c, (n, self.tlib.pin_index(stmt.type, p)), Node(c, s))
elif stmt is not None and == 'assign':
assignments.append((stmt.children[0], stmt.children[1]))
for sd in self._signal_declarations.values():
@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer): @@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
assert s1 not in c.forks, 'assignment between two driven signals'
Line(c, c.forks[s2], Node(c, s1))
for stmt in args[2:]: # pass 2: connect signals to readers
if type(stmt) is Instantiation:
if isinstance(stmt, Instantiation):
for p, s in stmt.pins.items():
n = c.cells[]
if pin_is_output(n.kind, p): continue
if self.tlib.pin_is_output(n.kind, p): continue
if s.startswith("1'b"):
const = f'__const{s[3]}__'
if const not in c.cells:
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer): @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
branchfork = Node(c, + "~" + + "/" + p)
Line(c, fork, branchfork)
fork = branchfork
Line(c, fork, (n, pin_index(stmt.type, p)))
Line(c, fork, (n, self.tlib.pin_index(stmt.type, p)))
for sd in self._signal_declarations.values():
if sd.kind == 'output':
for name in sd.names:
@ -129,14 +129,10 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer): @@ -129,14 +129,10 @@ class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
return c
def start(args):
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
return args
def start(args): return args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args
grammar = """
start: (module)*
module: "module" name parameters ";" (_statement)* "endmodule"
parameters: "(" [ name ( "," name )* ] ")"
@ -158,16 +154,18 @@ grammar = """ @@ -158,16 +154,18 @@ grammar = """
def parse(text, *, branchforks=False):
def parse(text, *, branchforks=False, tlib=TechLib()):
"""Parses the given ``text`` as Verilog code.
:param text: A string with Verilog code.
:param branchforks: If set to ``True``, the returned circuit will include additional `forks` on each fanout branch.
These forks are needed to correctly annotate interconnect delays
(see :py:func:`kyupy.sdf.DelayFile.annotation`).
:param tlib: A technology library object that provides pin name mappings.
:type tlib: :py:class:`~kyupy.techlib.TechLib`
:return: A :class:`~kyupy.circuit.Circuit` object.
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=VerilogTransformer(branchforks)).parse(text)
return Lark(GRAMMAR, parser="lalr", transformer=VerilogTransformer(branchforks, tlib)).parse(text)
def load(file, *args, **kwargs):


@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"""High-Throughput combinational logic timing simulators.
"""High-throughput combinational logic timing simulators.
These simulators work similarly to :py:class:`kyupy.logic_sim.LogicSim`.
These simulators work similarly to :py:class:`~kyupy.logic_sim.LogicSim`.
They propagate values through the combinational circuit from (pseudo) primary inputs to (pseudo) primary outputs.
Instead of propagating logic values, these simulators propagate signal histories (waveforms).
They are designed to run many simulations in parallel and while their latencies are quite high, they achieve
high throughput performance.
They are designed to run many simulations in parallel and while their latencies are quite high, they can achieve
high throughput.
The simulators are not event-based and are not capable of simulating sequential circuits directly.
@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ from bisect import bisect, insort_left @@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ from bisect import bisect, insort_left
import numpy as np
from . import numba
from . import cuda
from . import numba, cuda, hr_bytes
TMAX = np.float32(2 ** 127) # almost np.PINF for 32-bit floating point values
TMAX_OVL = np.float32(1.1 * 2 ** 127) # almost np.PINF with overflow mark
TMIN = np.float32(-2 ** 127) # almost np.NINF for 32-bit floating point values
TMAX = np.float32(2 ** 127)
"""A large 32-bit floating point value used to mark the end of a waveform."""
TMAX_OVL = np.float32(1.1 * 2 ** 127)
"""A large 32-bit floating point value used to mark the end of a waveform that
may be incomplete due to an overflow."""
TMIN = np.float32(-2 ** 127)
"""A large negative 32-bit floating point value used at the beginning of waveforms that start with logic-1."""
class Heap:
@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ class Heap: @@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ class Heap:
if self.chunks[loc] == size:
del self.released[idx]
return loc
elif self.chunks[loc] > size: # split chunk
if self.chunks[loc] > size: # split chunk
chunksize = self.chunks[loc]
self.chunks[loc] = size
self.chunks[loc + size] = chunksize - size
@ -93,7 +96,23 @@ class Heap: @@ -93,7 +96,23 @@ class Heap:
class WaveSim:
"""A waveform-based combinational logic timing simulator."""
"""A waveform-based combinational logic timing simulator running on CPU.
:param circuit: The circuit to simulate.
:param timing: The timing annotation of the circuit (see :py:func:`kyupy.sdf.DelayFile.annotation` for details)
:param sims: The number of parallel simulations.
:param wavecaps: The number of floats available in each waveform. Waveforms are encoding the signal switching
history by storing transition times. The waveform capacity roughly corresponds to the number of transitions
that can be stored. A capacity of ``n`` can store at least ``n-2`` transitions. If more transitions are
generated during simulation, the latest glitch is removed (freeing up two transition times) and an overflow
flag is set. If an integer is given, all waveforms are set to that same capacity. With an array of length
``len(circuit.lines)`` the capacity can be controlled for each intermediate waveform individually.
:param strip_forks: If enabled, the simulator will not evaluate fork nodes explicitly. This saves simulation time
by reducing the number of nodes to simulate, but (interconnect) delay annotations of lines read by fork nodes
are ignored.
:param keep_waveforms: If disabled, memory of intermediate signal waveforms will be re-used. This greatly reduces
memory footprint, but intermediate signal waveforms become unaccessible after a propagation.
def __init__(self, circuit, timing, sims=8, wavecaps=16, strip_forks=False, keep_waveforms=True):
self.circuit = circuit
self.sims = sims
@ -104,7 +123,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -104,7 +123,7 @@ class WaveSim:
self.cdata = np.zeros((len(self.interface), sims, 7), dtype='float32')
if type(wavecaps) is int:
if isinstance(wavecaps, int):
wavecaps = [wavecaps] * len(circuit.lines)
intf_wavecap = 4 # sufficient for storing only 1 transition.
@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ class WaveSim:
# translate circuit structure into self.ops
ops = []
interface_dict = dict([(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(self.interface)])
interface_dict = dict((n, i) for i, n in enumerate(self.interface))
for n in circuit.topological_order():
if n in interface_dict:
inp_idx = self.ppi_offset + interface_dict[n]
@ -152,7 +171,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -152,7 +171,7 @@ class WaveSim:
ops.append((0b0110, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('xnor'):
ops.append((0b1001, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('not') or kind.startswith('inv'):
elif kind.startswith('not') or kind.startswith('inv') or kind.startswith('ibuf'):
ops.append((0b0101, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('buf') or kind.startswith('nbuf'):
ops.append((0b1010, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
@ -173,7 +192,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -173,7 +192,7 @@ class WaveSim:
prev_line = prev_line.driver.ins[0]
stem_idx = prev_line.index
for ol in f.outs:
stems[ol.index] = stem_idx
stems[ol] = stem_idx
# calculate level (distance from PI/PPI) and reference count for each line
levels = np.zeros(self.sat_length, dtype='int32')
@ -211,7 +230,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -211,7 +230,7 @@ class WaveSim:
self.sat[self.ppi_offset + i] = h.alloc(intf_wavecap), intf_wavecap, 0
ref_count[self.ppi_offset + i] += 1
if len(n.ins) > 0:
i0_idx = stems[n.ins[0].index] if stems[n.ins[0].index] >= 0 else n.ins[0].index
i0_idx = stems[n.ins[0]] if stems[n.ins[0]] >= 0 else n.ins[0]
ref_count[i0_idx] += 1
# allocate memory for the rest of the circuit
@ -240,7 +259,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -240,7 +259,7 @@ class WaveSim:
# copy memory location to PO/PPO area
for i, n in enumerate(self.interface):
if len(n.ins) > 0:
self.sat[self.ppo_offset + i] = self.sat[n.ins[0].index]
self.sat[self.ppo_offset + i] = self.sat[n.ins[0]]
# pad timing
self.timing = np.zeros((self.sat_length, 2, 2))
@ -253,15 +272,32 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -253,15 +272,32 @@ class WaveSim:
m0 = ~m1
self.mask = np.rollaxis(np.vstack((m0, m1)), 1)
def __repr__(self):
total_mem = self.state.nbytes + self.sat.nbytes + self.ops.nbytes + self.cdata.nbytes
return f'<WaveSim {} sims={self.sims} ops={len(self.ops)} ' + \
f'levels={len(self.level_starts)} mem={hr_bytes(total_mem)}>'
def get_line_delay(self, line, polarity):
"""Returns the current delay of the given ``line`` and ``polarity`` in the simulation model."""
return self.timing[line, 0, polarity]
def set_line_delay(self, line, polarity, delay):
"""Sets a new ``delay`` for the given ``line`` and ``polarity`` in the simulation model."""
self.timing[line, 0, polarity] = delay
def assign(self, vectors, time=0.0, offset=0):
"""Assigns new values to the primary inputs and state-elements.
:param vectors: The values to assign preferably in 8-valued logic. The values are converted to
appropriate waveforms with or one transition (``RISE``, ``FALL``) no transitions
(``ZERO``, ``ONE``, and others).
:type vectors: :py:class:`~kyupy.logic.BPArray`
:param time: The transition time of the generated waveforms.
:param offset: The offset into the vector set. The vector assigned to the first simulator is
nvectors = min(len(vectors) - offset, self.sims)
for i, node in enumerate(self.interface):
for i in range(len(self.interface)):
ppi_loc = self.sat[self.ppi_offset + i, 0]
if ppi_loc < 0: continue
for p in range(nvectors):
@ -283,16 +319,21 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -283,16 +319,21 @@ class WaveSim:
self.state[ppi_loc + toggle, p] = TMAX
def propagate(self, sims=None, sd=0.0, seed=1):
if sims is None:
sims = self.sims
sims = min(sims, self.sims)
"""Propagates all waveforms from the (pseudo) primary inputs to the (pseudo) primary outputs.
:param sims: Number of parallel simulations to execute. If None, all available simulations are performed.
:param sd: Standard deviation for injection of random delay variation. Active, if value is positive.
:param seed: Random seed for delay variations.
sims = min(sims or self.sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
self.overflows += level_eval(self.ops, op_start, op_stop, self.state, self.sat, 0, sims,
self.timing, sd, seed)
self.lst_eat_valid = False
def wave(self, line, vector):
# """Returns the desired waveform from the simulation state. Only valid, if simulator was
# instantiated with ``keep_waveforms=True``."""
if line < 0:
return [TMAX]
mem, wcap, _ = self.sat[line]
@ -306,7 +347,34 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -306,7 +347,34 @@ class WaveSim:
def wave_ppo(self, o, vector):
return self.wave(self.ppo_offset + o, vector)
def capture(self, time=TMAX, sd=0, seed=1, cdata=None, offset=0):
def capture(self, time=TMAX, sd=0.0, seed=1, cdata=None, offset=0):
"""Simulates a capture operation at all state-elements and primary outputs.
The capture analyzes the propagated waveforms at and around the given capture time and returns
various results for each capture operation.
:param time: The desired capture time. By default, a capture of the settled value is performed.
:param sd: A standard deviation for uncertainty in the actual capture time.
:param seed: The random seed for a capture with uncertainty.
:param cdata: An array to copy capture data into (optional). See the return value for details.
:param offset: An offset into the supplied capture data array.
:return: The capture data as numpy array.
The 3-dimensional capture data array contains for each interface node (axis 0),
and each test (axis 1), seven values:
0. Probability of capturing a 1 at the given capture time (same as next value, if no
standard deviation given).
1. A capture value decided by random sampling according to above probability and given seed.
2. The final value (assume a very late capture time).
3. True, if there was a premature capture (capture error), i.e. final value is different
from captured value.
4. Earliest arrival time. The time at which the output transitioned from its initial value.
5. Latest stabilization time. The time at which the output transitioned to its final value.
6. Overflow indicator. If non-zero, some signals in the input cone of this output had more
transitions than specified in ``wavecaps``. Some transitions have been discarded, the
final values in the waveforms are still valid.
for i, node in enumerate(self.interface):
if len(node.ins) == 0: continue
for p in range(self.sims):
@ -319,7 +387,15 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -319,7 +387,15 @@ class WaveSim:
return self.cdata
def reassign(self, time=0.0):
for i, node in enumerate(self.interface):
"""Re-assigns the last capture to the appropriate pseudo-primary inputs. Generates a new set of
waveforms at the PPIs that start with the previous final value of that PPI, and transitions at the
given time to the value captured in a previous simulation. :py:func:`~WaveSim.capture` must be called
prior to this function. The final value of each PPI is taken from the randomly sampled concrete logic
values in the capture data.
:param time: The transition time at the inputs (usually 0.0).
for i in range(len(self.interface)):
ppi_loc = self.sat[self.ppi_offset + i, 0]
ppo_loc = self.sat[self.ppo_offset + i, 0]
if ppi_loc < 0 or ppo_loc < 0: continue
@ -384,8 +460,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -384,8 +460,7 @@ class WaveSim:
accs[idx] += 1
if s_sqrt2 == 0:
return values
return accs
return accs
def vals(self, line, vector, times, sd=0):
return self._vals(line, vector, times, sd)
@ -462,7 +537,7 @@ def rand_gauss(seed, sd): @@ -462,7 +537,7 @@ def rand_gauss(seed, sd):
return 1.0
while True:
x = -6.0
for i in range(12):
for _ in range(12):
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
x += float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
x *= sd
@ -544,7 +619,12 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -544,7 +619,12 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0):
class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
"""A GPU-accelerated waveform-based combinational logic timing simulator."""
"""A GPU-accelerated waveform-based combinational logic timing simulator.
The API is the same as for :py:class:`WaveSim`.
All internal memories are mirrored into GPU memory upon construction.
Some operations like access to single waveforms can involve large communication overheads.
def __init__(self, circuit, timing, sims=8, wavecaps=16, strip_forks=False, keep_waveforms=True):
super().__init__(circuit, timing, sims, wavecaps, strip_forks, keep_waveforms)
@ -559,6 +639,12 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim): @@ -559,6 +639,12 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
self._block_dim = (32, 16)
def __repr__(self):
total_mem = self.state.nbytes + self.sat.nbytes + self.ops.nbytes + self.timing.nbytes + \
self.tdata.nbytes + self.cdata.nbytes
return f'<WaveSimCuda {} sims={self.sims} ops={len(self.ops)} ' + \
f'levels={len(self.level_starts)} mem={hr_bytes(total_mem)}>'
def get_line_delay(self, line, polarity):
return self.d_timing[line, 0, polarity]
@ -586,10 +672,7 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim): @@ -586,10 +672,7 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
return gx, gy
def propagate(self, sims=None, sd=0.0, seed=1):
if sims is None:
sims = self.sims
sims = min(sims, self.sims)
sims = min(sims or self.sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(sims, op_stop - op_start)
wave_kernel[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.d_ops, op_start, op_stop, self.d_state, self.sat, int(0),
@ -599,10 +682,10 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim): @@ -599,10 +682,10 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
def wave(self, line, vector):
if line < 0:
return None
return [TMAX]
mem, wcap, _ = self.sat[line]
if mem < 0:
return None
return [TMAX]
return self.d_state[mem:mem + wcap, vector]
def capture(self, time=TMAX, sd=0, seed=1, cdata=None, offset=0):
@ -655,7 +738,7 @@ def reassign_kernel(state, sat, ppi_offset, ppo_offset, cdata, ppi_time): @@ -655,7 +738,7 @@ def reassign_kernel(state, sat, ppi_offset, ppo_offset, cdata, ppi_time):
if vector >= state.shape[-1]: return
if ppo_offset + y >= len(sat): return
ppo, ppo_cap, _ = sat[ppo_offset + y]
ppo, _, _ = sat[ppo_offset + y]
ppi, ppi_cap, _ = sat[ppi_offset + y]
if ppo < 0: return
if ppi < 0: return
@ -765,7 +848,7 @@ def rand_gauss_dev(seed, sd): @@ -765,7 +848,7 @@ def rand_gauss_dev(seed, sd):
return 1.0
while True:
x = -6.0
for i in range(12):
for _ in range(12):
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
x += float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
x *= sd


@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from kyupy import bench @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from kyupy import bench
def test_b01(mydir):
with open(mydir / 'b01.bench', 'r') as f:
c = bench.parse(
assert 92 == len(c.nodes)
assert len(c.nodes) == 92
c = bench.load(mydir / 'b01.bench')
assert 92 == len(c.nodes)
assert len(c.nodes) == 92
def test_simple():


@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from kyupy import sdf, verilog
from kyupy.saed import pin_index
def test_parse():
@ -81,20 +80,20 @@ def test_b14(mydir): @@ -81,20 +80,20 @@ def test_b14(mydir):
def test_gates(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'gates.v')
df = sdf.load(mydir / 'gates.sdf')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index, dataset=1)
lt = df.annotation(c, dataset=1)
nand_a = c.cells['nandgate'].ins[0]
nand_b = c.cells['nandgate'].ins[1]
and_a = c.cells['andgate'].ins[0]
and_b = c.cells['andgate'].ins[1]
assert lt[nand_a.index, 0, 0] == 0.103
assert lt[nand_a.index, 0, 1] == 0.127
assert lt[nand_a, 0, 0] == 0.103
assert lt[nand_a, 0, 1] == 0.127
assert lt[nand_b.index, 0, 0] == 0.086
assert lt[nand_b.index, 0, 1] == 0.104
assert lt[nand_b, 0, 0] == 0.086
assert lt[nand_b, 0, 1] == 0.104
assert lt[and_a.index, 0, 0] == 0.378
assert lt[and_a.index, 0, 1] == 0.377
assert lt[and_a, 0, 0] == 0.378
assert lt[and_a, 0, 1] == 0.377
assert lt[and_b.index, 0, 0] == 0.375
assert lt[and_b.index, 0, 1] == 0.370
assert lt[and_b, 0, 0] == 0.375
assert lt[and_b, 0, 1] == 0.370


@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from kyupy import stil @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from kyupy import stil
def test_b14(mydir):
s = stil.load(mydir / 'b14.stuck.stil.gz')
assert 10 == len(s.signal_groups)
assert 1 == len(s.scan_chains)
assert 2163 == len(s.calls)
assert len(s.signal_groups) == 10
assert len(s.scan_chains) == 1
assert len(s.calls) == 2163


@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import numpy as np @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import numpy as np
from kyupy.wave_sim import WaveSim, WaveSimCuda, wave_eval, TMIN, TMAX
from kyupy.logic_sim import LogicSim
from kyupy import verilog, sdf, logic
from kyupy.saed import pin_index
from kyupy.logic import MVArray, BPArray
@ -31,29 +30,29 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -31,29 +30,29 @@ def test_wave_eval():
sat[2] = 32, 16, 0
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0]
assert z[0] == TMIN
a[0] = TMIN
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0]
assert z[0] == TMIN
b[0] = TMIN
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMAX == z[0]
assert z[0] == TMAX
a[0] = 1 # A _/^^^
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0] # ^^^\___ B -> Z fall delay
assert 2.4 == z[1]
assert TMAX == z[2]
assert z[0] == TMIN # ^^^\___ B -> Z fall delay
assert z[1] == 2.4
assert z[2] == TMAX
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^
b[0] = TMIN # B ^^^\__
b[1] = 2
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert 2.3 == z[0] # ___/^^^ B -> Z rise delay
assert TMAX == z[1]
assert z[0] == 2.3 # ___/^^^ B -> Z rise delay
assert z[1] == TMAX
# pos pulse of 0.35 at B -> 0.45 after delays
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
@ -61,9 +60,9 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -61,9 +60,9 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[1] = 2 # B ^^\__/^^
b[2] = 2.35
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert 2.3 == z[0] # __/^^\__
assert 2.75 == z[1]
assert TMAX == z[2]
assert z[0] == 2.3 # __/^^\__
assert z[1] == 2.75
assert z[2] == TMAX
# neg pulse of 0.45 at B -> 0.35 after delays
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
@ -71,10 +70,10 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -71,10 +70,10 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[1] = 2.45
b[2] = TMAX
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0] # ^^\__/^^
assert 2.4 == z[1]
assert 2.75 == z[2]
assert TMAX == z[3]
assert z[0] == TMIN # ^^\__/^^
assert z[1] == 2.4
assert z[2] == 2.75
assert z[3] == TMAX
# neg pulse of 0.35 at B -> 0.25 after delays (filtered)
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[1] = 2.35
b[2] = TMAX
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0] # ^^^^^^
assert TMAX == z[1]
assert z[0] == TMIN # ^^^^^^
assert z[1] == TMAX
# pos pulse of 0.25 at B -> 0.35 after delays (filtered)
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[1] = 2 # B ^^\__/^^
b[2] = 2.25
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMAX == z[0] # ______
assert z[0] == TMAX # ______
def compare_to_logic_sim(wsim):
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ def compare_to_logic_sim(wsim): @@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ def compare_to_logic_sim(wsim):
def test_b14(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.load(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index)
lt = df.annotation(c)
wsim = WaveSim(c, lt, 8)
@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ def test_b14(mydir): @@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ def test_b14(mydir):
def test_b14_strip_forks(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.load(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index)
lt = df.annotation(c)
wsim = WaveSim(c, lt, 8, strip_forks=True)
@ -144,6 +143,6 @@ def test_b14_strip_forks(mydir): @@ -144,6 +143,6 @@ def test_b14_strip_forks(mydir):
def test_b14_cuda(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.load(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index)
lt = df.annotation(c)
wsim = WaveSimCuda(c, lt, 8)
