Browse Source

first gpu-code, cached test fixtures

Stefan Holst 2 years ago
  1. 288
  2. 12
  3. 24


@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ The simulators are not event-based and are not capable of simulating sequential @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ The simulators are not event-based and are not capable of simulating sequential
import math
from bisect import bisect, insort_left
import numpy as np
@ -76,19 +75,14 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps): @@ -76,19 +75,14 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps):
* ``s[..., 8]`` (P)PO sampled capture value: decided by random sampling according to a given seed.
* ``s[..., 9]`` (P)PO sampled capture slack: (capture time - LST) - decided by random sampling according to a given seed.
* ``s[..., 10]`` Overflow indicator: If non-zero, some signals in the input cone of this output had more
transitions than specified in ``wavecaps``. Some transitions have been discarded, the
transitions than specified in ``c_caps``. Some transitions have been discarded, the
final values in the waveforms are still valid.
self.params = np.zeros((sims, 4), dtype=np.float32)
self.params[...,0] = 1.0
m1 = np.array([2 ** x for x in range(7, -1, -1)], dtype=np.uint8)
m0 = ~m1
self.mask = np.rollaxis(np.vstack((m0, m1)), 1)
self.overflows = 0
self.lst_eat_valid = False
self.nbytes = sum([a.nbytes for a in (self.c, self.s, self.vat, self.ops, self.params)])
self.pi_s_locs = np.flatnonzero(self.vat[self.ppi_offset+np.arange(len(self.circuit.io_nodes)), 0] >= 0)
self.po_s_locs = np.flatnonzero(self.vat[self.ppo_offset+np.arange(len(self.circuit.io_nodes)), 0] >= 0)
@ -105,20 +99,9 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps): @@ -105,20 +99,9 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps):
self.pippi_c_locs = np.concatenate([self.pi_c_locs, self.ppi_c_locs])
self.poppo_c_locs = np.concatenate([self.po_c_locs, self.ppo_c_locs])
self.wave_capture = numba.njit(WaveSim.wave_capture)
def __repr__(self):
total_mem = self.c.nbytes + self.vat.nbytes + self.ops.nbytes + self.s.nbytes
return f'<WaveSim {} sims={self.sims} ops={len(self.ops)} ' + \
f'levels={len(self.level_starts)} mem={hr_bytes(total_mem)}>'
def get_line_delay(self, line, polarity):
"""Returns the current delay of the given ``line`` and ``polarity`` in the simulation model."""
return self.timing[line, 0, polarity]
def set_line_delay(self, line, polarity, delay):
"""Sets a new ``delay`` for the given ``line`` and ``polarity`` in the simulation model."""
self.timing[line, 0, polarity] = delay
return f'<{type(self).__name__} {} sims={self.sims} ops={len(self.ops)} ' + \
f'levels={len(self.level_starts)} mem={hr_bytes(self.nbytes)}>'
def s_to_c(self):
"""Transfers values of sequential elements and primary inputs to the combinational portion.
@ -141,9 +124,8 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps): @@ -141,9 +124,8 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps):
sims = min(sims or self.sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
self.overflows += level_eval(self.ops, op_start, op_stop, self.c, self.vat, 0, sims,
level_eval_cpu(self.ops, op_start, op_stop, self.c, self.vat, 0, sims,
self.timing, self.params, sd, seed)
self.lst_eat_valid = False
def c_to_s(self, time=TMAX, sd=0.0, seed=1):
"""Simulates a capture operation at all sequential elements and primary outputs.
@ -157,7 +139,7 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps): @@ -157,7 +139,7 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps):
for s_loc, (c_loc, c_len, _) in zip(self.poppo_s_locs, self.vat[self.ppo_offset+self.poppo_s_locs]):
for vector in range(self.sims):
self.s[s_loc, vector, 3:] = self.wave_capture(self.c, c_loc, c_len, vector, time=time, sd=sd, seed=seed)
self.s[s_loc, vector, 3:] = wave_capture_cpu(self.c, c_loc, c_len, vector, time=time, sd=sd, seed=seed)
def s_ppo_to_ppi(self, time=0.0):
"""Re-assigns the last sampled capture to the appropriate pseudo-primary inputs (PPI).
@ -170,8 +152,141 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps): @@ -170,8 +152,141 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps):
self.s[self.ppio_s_locs, :, 1] = time
self.s[self.ppio_s_locs, :, 2] = self.s[self.ppio_s_locs, :, 8]
def wave_capture(c, c_loc, c_len, vector, time=TMAX, sd=0.0, seed=1):
def rand_gauss_cpu(seed, sd):
clamp = 0.5
if sd <= 0.0:
return 1.0
while True:
x = -6.0
for _ in range(12):
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
x += float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
x *= sd
if abs(x) <= clamp:
return x + 1.0
def wave_eval_cpu(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
lut, z_idx, a_idx, b_idx, c_idx, d_idx = op
# >>> same code as wave_eval_cpu (except rand_gauss_*pu()-call) >>>
overflows = int(0)
_seed = (seed << 4) + (z_idx << 20) + (st_idx << 1)
a_mem = vat[a_idx, 0]
b_mem = vat[b_idx, 0]
c_mem = vat[c_idx, 0]
d_mem = vat[d_idx, 0]
z_mem, z_cap, _ = vat[z_idx]
a_cur = int(0)
b_cur = int(0)
c_cur = int(0)
d_cur = int(0)
z_cur = lut & 1
if z_cur == 1:
cbuf[z_mem, st_idx] = TMIN
a = cbuf[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == a_idx: a += param[2+z_cur]
b = cbuf[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == b_idx: b += param[2+z_cur]
c = cbuf[c_mem, st_idx] + line_times[c_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == c_idx: c += param[2+z_cur]
d = cbuf[d_mem, st_idx] + line_times[d_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == d_idx: d += param[2+z_cur]
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b, c, d)
inputs = int(0)
while current_t < TMAX:
z_val = z_cur & 1
if a == current_t:
a_cur += 1
a = cbuf[a_mem + a_cur, st_idx]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == a_idx:
a += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 1
next_t = a
elif b == current_t:
b_cur += 1
b = cbuf[b_mem + b_cur, st_idx]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == b_idx:
b += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 2
next_t = b
elif c == current_t:
c_cur += 1
c = cbuf[c_mem + c_cur, st_idx]
c += line_times[c_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[c_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == c_idx:
c += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 4
next_t = c
d_cur += 1
d = cbuf[d_mem + d_cur, st_idx]
d += line_times[d_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[d_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_cpu(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == d_idx:
d += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 8
next_t = d
if (z_cur & 1) != ((lut >> inputs) & 1):
# we generate a toggle in z_mem, if:
# ( it is the first toggle in z_mem OR
# following toggle is earlier OR
# pulse is wide enough ) AND enough space in z_mem.
if z_cur == 0 or next_t < current_t or (current_t - previous_t) > thresh:
if z_cur < (z_cap - 1):
cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = current_t
previous_t = current_t
z_cur += 1
overflows += 1
previous_t = cbuf[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
z_cur -= 1
z_cur -= 1
previous_t = cbuf[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx] if z_cur > 0 else TMIN
current_t = min(a, b, c, d)
# generate overflow flag or propagate from input
cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = TMAX_OVL if overflows > 0 else max(a, b, c, d)
def level_eval_cpu(ops, op_start, op_stop, c, vat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, params, sd, seed):
overflows = 0
for op_idx in range(op_start, op_stop):
op = ops[op_idx]
for st_idx in range(st_start, st_stop):
wave_eval_cpu(op, c, vat, st_idx, line_times, params[st_idx], sd, seed)
def wave_capture_cpu(c, c_loc, c_len, vector, time=TMAX, sd=0.0, seed=1):
s_sqrt2 = sd * math.sqrt(2)
m = 0.5
acc = 0.0
@ -216,18 +331,50 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps): @@ -216,18 +331,50 @@ class WaveSim(SimOps):
return (w[0] <= TMIN), eat, lst, final, acc, val, 0, ovl
def level_eval(ops, op_start, op_stop, c, vat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, params, sd, seed):
overflows = 0
for op_idx in range(op_start, op_stop):
op = ops[op_idx]
for st_idx in range(st_start, st_stop):
overflows += wave_eval(op, c, vat, st_idx, line_times, params[st_idx], sd, seed)
return overflows
class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
"""A GPU-accelerated waveform-based combinational logic timing simulator.
The API is the same as for :py:class:`WaveSim`.
All internal memories are mirrored into GPU memory upon construction.
Some operations like access to single waveforms can involve large communication overheads.
def __init__(self, circuit, timing, sims=8, c_caps=16, c_reuse=False, strip_forks=False):
super().__init__(circuit, timing, sims, c_caps, c_reuse, strip_forks)
def rand_gauss(seed, sd):
self.c = cuda.to_device(self.c)
self.s = cuda.to_device(self.s)
self.ops = cuda.to_device(self.ops)
self.vat = cuda.to_device(self.vat)
self.timing = cuda.to_device(self.timing)
self.params = cuda.to_device(self.params)
self._block_dim = (32, 16)
# TODO implement on GPU
#def s_to_c(self):
def _grid_dim(self, x, y):
gx = math.ceil(x / self._block_dim[0])
gy = math.ceil(y / self._block_dim[1])
return gx, gy
def c_prop(self, sims=None, sd=0.0, seed=1):
sims = min(sims or self.sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(sims, op_stop - op_start)
wave_eval_gpu[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.ops, op_start, op_stop, self.c, self.vat, int(0),
sims, self.timing, self.params, sd, seed)
# TODO implement on GPU
#def c_to_s(self):
# TODO implement on GPU
#def s_ppo_to_ppi(self, time=0.0):
def rand_gauss_gpu(seed, sd):
clamp = 0.5
if sd <= 0.0:
return 1.0
@ -242,9 +389,24 @@ def rand_gauss(seed, sd): @@ -242,9 +389,24 @@ def rand_gauss(seed, sd):
return x + 1.0
def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
lut, z_idx, a_idx, b_idx, c_idx, d_idx = op
def wave_eval_gpu(ops, op_start, op_stop, cbuf, vat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, param, sd, seed):
x, y = cuda.grid(2)
st_idx = st_start + x
op_idx = op_start + y
if st_idx >= st_stop: return
if op_idx >= op_stop: return
lut = ops[op_idx, 0]
z_idx = ops[op_idx, 1]
a_idx = ops[op_idx, 2]
b_idx = ops[op_idx, 3]
c_idx = ops[op_idx, 4]
d_idx = ops[op_idx, 5]
param = param[st_idx]
# >>> same code as wave_eval_cpu (except rand_gauss_*pu()-call) >>>
overflows = int(0)
_seed = (seed << 4) + (z_idx << 20) + (st_idx << 1)
@ -263,13 +425,13 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -263,13 +425,13 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
if z_cur == 1:
cbuf[z_mem, st_idx] = TMIN
a = cbuf[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
a = cbuf[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == a_idx: a += param[2+z_cur]
b = cbuf[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
b = cbuf[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == b_idx: b += param[2+z_cur]
c = cbuf[c_mem, st_idx] + line_times[c_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
c = cbuf[c_mem, st_idx] + line_times[c_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == c_idx: c += param[2+z_cur]
d = cbuf[d_mem, st_idx] + line_times[d_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
d = cbuf[d_mem, st_idx] + line_times[d_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == d_idx: d += param[2+z_cur]
previous_t = TMIN
@ -282,8 +444,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -282,8 +444,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
if a == current_t:
a_cur += 1
a = cbuf[a_mem + a_cur, st_idx]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == a_idx:
a += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
@ -293,8 +455,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -293,8 +455,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
elif b == current_t:
b_cur += 1
b = cbuf[b_mem + b_cur, st_idx]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == b_idx:
b += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
@ -304,8 +466,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -304,8 +466,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
elif c == current_t:
c_cur += 1
c = cbuf[c_mem + c_cur, st_idx]
c += line_times[c_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[c_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
c += line_times[c_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[c_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ c_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == c_idx:
c += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
@ -315,19 +477,13 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -315,19 +477,13 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
d_cur += 1
d = cbuf[d_mem + d_cur, st_idx]
d += line_times[d_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[d_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
d += line_times[d_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * param[0]
thresh = line_times[d_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_gpu(_seed ^ d_mem ^ z_val, sd) * param[0]
if int(param[1]) == d_idx:
d += param[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += param[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 8
next_t = d
#print(current_t - previous_t)
#print(z_cur & 1)
#print((lut >> inputs) & 1)
if (z_cur & 1) != ((lut >> inputs) & 1):
# we generate a toggle in z_mem, if:
@ -335,12 +491,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -335,12 +491,8 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
# following toggle is earlier OR
# pulse is wide enough ) AND enough space in z_mem.
if z_cur == 0 or next_t < current_t or (current_t - previous_t) > thresh:
#print(current_t - previous_t)
if z_cur < (z_cap - 1):
cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = current_t
#print(cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx])
previous_t = current_t
z_cur += 1
@ -348,18 +500,10 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -348,18 +500,10 @@ def wave_eval(op, cbuf, vat, st_idx, line_times, param, sd=0.0, seed=0):
previous_t = cbuf[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
z_cur -= 1
z_cur -= 1
if z_cur > 0:
previous_t = cbuf[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
previous_t = TMIN
previous_t = cbuf[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx] if z_cur > 0 else TMIN
current_t = min(a, b, c, d)
if overflows > 0:
cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = TMAX_OVL
cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = a if a == max(a, b, c, d) else b if b == max(a, b, c, d) else c if c == max(a, b, c, d) else d # propagate overflow flags by storing biggest TMAX from input
return overflows
# generate overflow flag or propagate from input
cbuf[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = TMAX_OVL if overflows > 0 else max(a, b, c, d)


@ -1,8 +1,18 @@ @@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
import pytest
def mydir():
import os
from pathlib import Path
return Path(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))))
def b14_circuit(mydir):
from kyupy import verilog
return verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
def b14_timing(mydir, b14_circuit):
from kyupy import sdf
return sdf.load(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz').annotation(b14_circuit)


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import numpy as np
from kyupy.wave_sim4 import WaveSim, wave_eval, TMIN, TMAX
from kyupy.wave_sim4 import WaveSim, WaveSimCuda, wave_eval_cpu, TMIN, TMAX
from kyupy.logic_sim import LogicSim
from kyupy import verilog, sdf, logic, bench
from kyupy.logic import MVArray, BPArray
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def test_nand_delays(): @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def test_nand_delays():
def wave_assert(inputs, output):
for i, a in zip(inputs, c.reshape(-1,16)): a[:len(i)] = i
wave_eval(op, c, vat, 0, line_times, sdata)
wave_eval_cpu(op, c, vat, 0, line_times, sdata)
for i, v in enumerate(output): np.testing.assert_allclose(c.reshape(-1,16)[4,i], v)
wave_assert([[TMAX,TMAX],[TMAX,TMAX],[TMIN,TMAX],[TMIN,TMAX]], [TMIN,TMAX]) # NAND(0,0,1,1) => 1
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ def test_tiny_circuit(): @@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ def test_tiny_circuit():
lt = np.zeros((len(c.lines), 2, 2))
lt[:,0,:] = 1.0 # unit delay for all lines
wsim = WaveSim(c, lt)
assert len(wsim.s) == 5
# values for x
@ -157,18 +156,11 @@ def compare_to_logic_sim(wsim: WaveSim): @@ -157,18 +156,11 @@ def compare_to_logic_sim(wsim: WaveSim):
assert res_str == exp_str
def test_b14(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.load(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c)
wsim = WaveSim(c, lt, 8)
def test_b14(b14_circuit, b14_timing):
compare_to_logic_sim(WaveSim(b14_circuit, b14_timing, 8))
def test_b14_strip_forks(b14_circuit, b14_timing):
compare_to_logic_sim(WaveSim(b14_circuit, b14_timing, 8, strip_forks=True))
def test_b14_strip_forks(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.load(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c)
wsim = WaveSim(c, lt, 8, strip_forks=True)
def test_b14_cuda(b14_circuit, b14_timing):
compare_to_logic_sim(WaveSimCuda(b14_circuit, b14_timing, 8, strip_forks=True))
