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Stefan Holst 4 years ago
  1. 5
  2. 33
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  19. BIN
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  22. 8
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  32. 138

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@


@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
KyuPy - Processing VLSI Circuits With Ease
KyuPy is a python package for high-performance processing and analysis of
non-hierarchical VLSI designs. Its purpose is to provide a rapid prototyping
platform to aid and accelerate research in the fields of VLSI test, diagnosis
and reliability. KyuPy is freely available under the MIT license.
Main Features
* Partial [lark]( for common files used with synthesized designs: bench, gate-level verilog, standard delay format (SDF), standard test interface language (STIL)
* Bit-parallel gate-level 2-, 4-, and 8-valued logic simulation
* GPU-accelerated high-throughput gate-level timing simulation
* High-performance through the use of [numpy]( and [numba](
Getting Started
KyuPy requires python 3.6+ and the following packages:
* [lark-parser](
* [numpy](
* [numba]( (required only for GPU/CUDA support)
GPU/CUDA support may [require some additional setup]( If CUDA or numba is not available, the package will automatically fall back to pure python execution.
This repository contains tests that can be run with:
Usage examples to get familiar with the API can be found in the Jupyter Notebook [UsageExamples.ipynb](UsageExamples.ipynb).


@ -0,0 +1,645 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Loading and Exploring Gate-Level Circuits"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Example of parsing the bench data format to make simple gate-level circuits."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"0000000.334 W Cuda unavailable. Falling back to pure python\n"
"source": [
"from kyupy import bench\n",
"# parse a file\n",
"b01 = bench.parse('tests/b01.bench')\n",
"# ... or specify the circuit as string \n",
"mycircuit = bench.parse('input(a,b) output(o1,o2,o3) x=buf(a) o1=not(x) o2=buf(x) o3=buf(x)')"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Circuits are objects of the class `Circuit`."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit 'tests/b01' with 92 nodes, 130 lines, 4 ports>"
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit with 10 nodes, 8 lines, 5 ports>"
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Circuits are containers for two types of elements: nodes and lines.\n",
"* A `Node` is a named entity in a circuit (e.g. a gate, a standard cell, a named signal, or a fan-out point) that has connections to other nodes.\n",
"* A `Line` is a directional 1:1 connection between two Nodes.\n",
"Use the `dump()` method to get a string representation of all nodes and their connections."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"0:__fork__\"a\" >1\n",
"1:__fork__\"b\" \n",
"2:__fork__\"o1\" <2 \n",
"3:__fork__\"o2\" <4 \n",
"4:__fork__\"o3\" <6 \n",
"5:buf\"x\" <1 >0\n",
"6:__fork__\"x\" <0 >3 >5 >7\n",
"7:not\"o1\" <3 >2\n",
"8:buf\"o2\" <5 >4\n",
"9:buf\"o3\" <7 >6\n"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The first line of the dump starts with the circuit name (\"None\" for `mycircuit`), followed by the node-IDs of all the ports (inputs and outputs) of the circuit.\n",
"Each of the following lines describes one node.\n",
"Each node in the circuit has a unique ID, a type, a name, and line-connections. This information is given on each line in that order.\n",
"A line in the circuit has a unique ID, a driver node and a receiver node. The connections in the dump show the direction (\">\" for output, \"<\" for input) and the line-ID. For example in `mycircuit`: Node-0 has one output connected to Line-1, and this Line-1 is connected to the input of Node-5.\n",
"The `interface` is the list of nodes forming the ports (inputs and outputs):"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"[0:__fork__\"a\" >1,\n",
" 1:__fork__\"b\" ,\n",
" 2:__fork__\"o1\" <2 ,\n",
" 3:__fork__\"o2\" <4 ,\n",
" 4:__fork__\"o3\" <6 ]"
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Nodes\n",
"There are two types of nodes: __forks__ and __cells__.\n",
"Forks have the special type `__fork__` while cells can be of various types (`buf`, `not`, `and`, `nor`, etc.).\n",
"Forks are used to label signals with names and to connect a one cell to multiple other cells (fan-out).\n",
"The names among all forks and among all cells within a circuit are unique.\n",
"Thus, a fork and a cell are allowed to share the same name.\n",
"Nodes in circuits can be accessed by ID or by name."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"7:not\"o1\" <3 >2"
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"6:__fork__\"x\" <0 >3 >5 >7"
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"5:buf\"x\" <1 >0"
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Nodes have an `index` (the node ID), a `kind` (the type), a `name`, as well as `ins` (input pins) and `outs` (output pins)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(6, '__fork__', 'x', [0], [3, 5, 7])"
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"n = mycircuit.nodes[6]\n",
"n.index, n.kind,, n.ins, n.outs"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"The inputs and outputs of a node are lists containing `Line` objects."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Lines\n",
"A line is a directional connection between one driving node (`driver`) and one reading node (`reader`).\n",
"A line also knows to which node pins it is connected to: `driver_pin`, `reader_pin`."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(5, 6:__fork__\"x\" <0 >3 >5 >7, 8:buf\"o2\" <5 >4, 1, 0)"
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"l = mycircuit.nodes[6].outs[1]\n",
"l.index, l.driver, l.reader, l.driver_pin, l.reader_pin"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Basic Analysis Examples\n",
"### Cell type statistics"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'DFF': 5, 'AND': 1, 'NAND': 28, 'OR': 1, 'NOT': 10})\n"
"source": [
"from collections import defaultdict\n",
"counts = defaultdict(int)\n",
"for n in b01.cells.values():\n",
" counts[n.kind] += 1\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Tracing a scan chain"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<Circuit 'b14' with 15864 nodes, 23087 lines, 91 ports>"
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"from kyupy import verilog\n",
"b14 = verilog.parse('tests/b14.v.gz')\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"chain length 229\n",
"['Scan_Out', 'u04_opt1329', 'u04_opt1328', 'wr_reg', 'u04_opt11', 'state_reg_0_0', 'reg3_reg_28_0', 'reg3_reg_27_0', 'reg3_reg_26_0', 'reg3_reg_25_0', 'reg3_reg_24_0', 'u04_opt1123', 'reg3_reg_23_0', 'reg3_reg_22_0', 'reg3_reg_21_0', 'u04_opt1118', 'reg3_reg_20_0', 'reg3_reg_19_0', 'reg3_reg_18_0', 'reg3_reg_17_0', 'reg3_reg_16_0', 'reg3_reg_15_0', 'reg3_reg_14_0', 'reg3_reg_13_0', 'reg3_reg_12_0', 'reg3_reg_11_0', 'reg3_reg_10_0', 'reg3_reg_9_0', 'reg3_reg_8_0', 'reg3_reg_7_0', 'reg3_reg_6_0', 'reg3_reg_5_0', 'reg3_reg_4_0', 'reg3_reg_3_0', 'reg3_reg_2_0', 'reg3_reg_1_0', 'reg3_reg_0_0', 'reg2_reg_31_0', 'reg2_reg_30_0', 'reg2_reg_29_0', 'reg2_reg_28_0', 'reg2_reg_27_0', 'reg2_reg_26_0', 'reg2_reg_25_0', 'reg2_reg_24_0', 'reg2_reg_23_0', 'reg2_reg_22_0', 'reg2_reg_21_0', 'reg2_reg_20_0', 'reg2_reg_19_0', 'reg2_reg_18_0', 'reg2_reg_17_0', 'reg2_reg_16_0', 'reg2_reg_15_0', 'reg2_reg_14_0', 'reg2_reg_13_0', 'reg2_reg_12_0', 'reg2_reg_11_0', 'reg2_reg_10_0', 'reg2_reg_9_0', 'reg2_reg_8_0', 'reg2_reg_7_0', 'reg2_reg_6_0', 'reg2_reg_5_0', 'reg2_reg_4_0', 'reg2_reg_3_0', 'reg2_reg_2_0', 'reg2_reg_1_0', 'reg2_reg_0_0', 'reg1_reg_31_0', 'reg1_reg_30_0', 'reg1_reg_29_0', 'reg1_reg_28_0', 'reg1_reg_27_0', 'reg1_reg_26_0', 'reg1_reg_25_0', 'reg1_reg_24_0', 'reg1_reg_23_0', 'reg1_reg_22_0', 'reg1_reg_21_0', 'reg1_reg_20_0', 'reg1_reg_19_0', 'reg1_reg_18_0', 'reg1_reg_17_0', 'reg1_reg_16_0', 'reg1_reg_15_0', 'reg1_reg_14_0', 'reg1_reg_13_0', 'reg1_reg_12_0', 'reg1_reg_11_0', 'reg1_reg_10_0', 'reg1_reg_9_0', 'reg1_reg_8_0', 'reg1_reg_7_0', 'reg1_reg_6_0', 'reg1_reg_5_0', 'reg1_reg_4_0', 'reg1_reg_3_0', 'reg1_reg_2_0', 'reg1_reg_1_0', 'reg1_reg_0_0', 'reg0_reg_31_0', 'reg0_reg_30_0', 'reg0_reg_29_0', 'reg0_reg_28_0', 'reg0_reg_27_0', 'reg0_reg_26_0', 'reg0_reg_25_0', 'reg0_reg_24_0', 'reg0_reg_23_0', 'reg0_reg_22_0', 'reg0_reg_21_0', 'reg0_reg_20_0', 'reg0_reg_19_0', 'reg0_reg_18_0', 'reg0_reg_17_0', 'reg0_reg_16_0', 'reg0_reg_15_0', 'reg0_reg_14_0', 'reg0_reg_13_0', 'reg0_reg_12_0', 'reg0_reg_11_0', 'reg0_reg_10_0', 'reg0_reg_9_0', 'reg0_reg_8_0', 'reg0_reg_7_0', 'reg0_reg_6_0', 'reg0_reg_5_0', 'reg0_reg_4_0', 'reg0_reg_3_0', 'reg0_reg_2_0', 'reg0_reg_1_0', 'reg0_reg_0_0', 'rd_reg', 'datao_reg_31_0', 'datao_reg_30_0', 'datao_reg_29_0', 'datao_reg_28_0', 'datao_reg_27_0', 'datao_reg_26_0', 'datao_reg_25_0', 'datao_reg_24_0', 'datao_reg_23_0', 'datao_reg_22_0', 'datao_reg_21_0', 'datao_reg_20_0', 'datao_reg_19_0', 'datao_reg_18_0', 'datao_reg_17_0', 'datao_reg_16_0', 'datao_reg_15_0', 'datao_reg_14_0', 'datao_reg_13_0', 'datao_reg_12_0', 'datao_reg_11_0', 'datao_reg_10_0', 'datao_reg_9_0', 'datao_reg_8_0', 'datao_reg_7_0', 'datao_reg_6_0', 'datao_reg_5_0', 'datao_reg_4_0', 'datao_reg_3_0', 'datao_reg_2_0', 'datao_reg_1_0', 'datao_reg_0_0', 'd_reg_1_0', 'd_reg_0_0', 'addr_reg_19_0', 'addr_reg_18_0', 'addr_reg_17_0', 'addr_reg_16_0', 'addr_reg_15_0', 'addr_reg_14_0', 'addr_reg_13_0', 'addr_reg_12_0', 'addr_reg_11_0', 'addr_reg_10_0', 'addr_reg_9_0', 'addr_reg_8_0', 'addr_reg_7_0', 'addr_reg_6_0', 'addr_reg_5_0', 'addr_reg_4_0', 'addr_reg_3_0', 'addr_reg_2_0', 'addr_reg_1_0', 'addr_reg_0_0', 'u04_opt1491', 'u04_opt1492', 'u04_opt1364', 'u04_opt1411', 'IR_reg_31_0', 'IR_reg_30_0', 'IR_reg_29_0', 'u04_opt1427', 'IR_reg_28_0', 'IR_reg_27_0', 'IR_reg_26_0', 'IR_reg_25_0', 'IR_reg_24_0', 'IR_reg_23_0', 'IR_reg_22_0', 'IR_reg_21_0', 'IR_reg_20_0', 'IR_reg_19_0', 'IR_reg_18_0', 'IR_reg_17_0', 'IR_reg_16_0', 'IR_reg_15_0', 'IR_reg_14_0', 'IR_reg_13_0', 'IR_reg_12_0', 'IR_reg_11_0', 'IR_reg_10_0', 'IR_reg_9_0', 'IR_reg_8_0', 'IR_reg_7_0', 'IR_reg_6_0', 'IR_reg_5_0', 'IR_reg_4_0', 'IR_reg_3_0', 'IR_reg_2_0', 'u04_opt1347', 'IR_reg_1_0', 'U14573', 'IR_reg_0_0', 'B_reg', 'Scan_In']\n"
"source": [
"chain = []\n",
"cell = b14.cells['Scan_Out']\n",
"while len(cell.ins) > 0:\n",
" cell = cell.ins[2 if 'SDFF' in cell.kind else 0].driver\n",
" if '__fork__' not in cell.kind:\n",
" chain.append(cell)\n",
" \n",
"print('chain length', len(chain))\n",
"print([ for c in chain])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Loading SDFs and STILs"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from kyupy import verilog, sdf\n",
"from kyupy.saed import pin_index\n",
"from kyupy import stil\n",
"b14 = verilog.parse('tests/b14.v.gz')\n",
"df = sdf.parse('tests/b14.sdf.gz')\n",
"lt = df.annotation(b14, pin_index, interconnect=False)\n",
"s = stil.parse('tests/b14.stil.gz')\n",
"t = s.tests8v(b14)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"array([[[0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0.]],\n",
" [[0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0.]],\n",
" [[0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0.]],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [[0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0.]],\n",
" [[0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0.]],\n",
" [[0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0.]]])"
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## 32 Parallel Time Simulations with Waveform Capacity 16\n",
"This code will fall back to pure python if no CUDA card is available. This will be quite slow.\n",
"Instanciate simulator:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from kyupy.wave_sim_cuda import WaveSimCuda, TMAX\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"wsim = WaveSimCuda(b14, lt, sims=32, wavecaps=16)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Main Simulation Loop"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"nvectors = 32 #len(t)\n",
"r = np.zeros((len(wsim.interface), nvectors, 1))\n",
"for offset in range(0, nvectors, wsim.sims):\n",
" wsim.assign(t, offset=offset)\n",
" wsim.propagate(sims=nvectors-offset)\n",
" cdata = wsim.capture(time=TMAX, offset=offset)\n",
" r = cdata[...,0]"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Output some captures data"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 20,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(306, 32, 6)"
"execution_count": 20,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 21,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"array([[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],\n",
" ...,\n",
" [1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],\n",
" [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],\n",
" [0., 0., 0., ..., 1., 1., 1.]], dtype=float32)"
"execution_count": 21,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Check for CUDA Support\n",
"Try this code to check if CUDA is set up correctly."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from numba import cuda\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.7.3"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2


@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
"""This package provides tools for high-performance processing and validation
of non-hierarchical VLSI circuits to aid rapid prototyping of research code
in the fields of VLSI test, diagnosis and reliability.
import time
import importlib.util
class Log:
def __init__(self):
self.start = time.perf_counter()
self.logfile = None
def log(self, level, message):
t = time.perf_counter() - self.start
if self.logfile is None:
print(f'{t:011.3f} {level} {message}')
self.logfile.write(f'{t:011.3f} {level} {message}\n')
def info(self, message): self.log('-', message)
def warn(self, message): self.log('W', message)
def error(self, message): self.log('E', message)
log = Log()
class MockNumba:
def njit(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
class MockCuda:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
def jit(self, device=False):
outer = self
def make_launcher(func):
class Launcher(object):
def __init__(self, funcc):
self.func = funcc
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# print(f'device func call {self.func.__name__}')
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item):
grid_dim, block_dim = item
# print(f'kernel call {self.func.__name__} grid_dim:{grid_dim} block_dim:{block_dim}')
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
for grid_x in range(grid_dim[0]):
for grid_y in range(grid_dim[1]):
for block_x in range(block_dim[0]):
for block_y in range(block_dim[1]):
outer.x = grid_x * block_dim[0] + block_x
outer.y = grid_y * block_dim[1] + block_y
self.func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
return Launcher(func)
return make_launcher
def to_device(array, to=None):
if to is not None:
to[...] = array
return to
return array.copy()
def synchronize(self):
def grid(self, dims):
return self.x, self.y
if importlib.util.find_spec('numba') is not None:
import numba
import numba.cuda
from numba.cuda.cudadrv.error import CudaSupportError
from numba import cuda
except CudaSupportError:
log.warn('Cuda unavailable. Falling back to pure python')
cuda = MockCuda()
numba = MockNumba()
cuda = MockCuda()
log.warn('Numba unavailable. Falling back to pure python')


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
from lark import Lark, Transformer
from .circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
class BenchTransformer(Transformer):
def __init__(self, name):
self.c = Circuit(name)
def start(self, _): return self.c
def parameters(self, args): return [self.c.get_or_add_fork(name) for name in args]
def interface(self, args): self.c.interface.extend(args[0])
def assignment(self, args):
name, cell_type, drivers = args
cell = Node(self.c, str(name), str(cell_type))
Line(self.c, cell, self.c.get_or_add_fork(str(name)))
[Line(self.c, d, cell) for d in drivers]
def parse(bench):
grammar = r"""
start: (statement)*
statement: input | output | assignment
input: ("INPUT" | "input") parameters -> interface
output: ("OUTPUT" | "output") parameters -> interface
assignment: NAME "=" NAME parameters
parameters: "(" [ NAME ( "," NAME )* ] ")"
NAME: /[-_a-z0-9]+/i
%ignore ( /\r?\n/ | "#" /[^\n]*/ | /[\t\f ]/ )+
name = None
if '(' not in str(bench): # No parentheses?: Assuming it is a file name.
name = str(bench).replace('.bench', '')
with open(bench, 'r') as f:
text =
text = bench
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=BenchTransformer(name)).parse(text)


@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import numpy as np
import importlib.util
if importlib.util.find_spec('numba') is not None:
import numba
from . import numba
print('Numba unavailable. Falling back to pure python')
_pop_count_lut = np.asarray([bin(x).count('1') for x in range(256)])
def popcount(a):
return np.sum(_pop_count_lut[a])
_bit_in_lut = np.array([2 ** x for x in range(7, -1, -1)], dtype='uint8')
def bit_in(a, pos):
return a[pos >> 3] & _bit_in_lut[pos & 7]


@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
from collections import deque
class GrowingList(list):
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
if index >= len(self):
self.extend([None] * (index + 1 - len(self)))
super().__setitem__(index, value)
class IndexList(list):
def __delitem__(self, index):
if index == len(self) - 1:
replacement = self.pop()
replacement.index = index
super().__setitem__(index, replacement)
class Node:
"""A Node is a named entity in a circuit (e.g. a gate, a standard cell,
a named signal, or a fan-out point) that has connections to other nodes.
Each node contains:
* `self.index`: a circuit-unique integer index.
* `self.kind`: a type describing its function (e.g. 'AND', 'NOR').
The type '__fork__' is special. It signifies a named signal
or a fan-out in the circuit. Any other type is considered a physical cell.
* ``: a name. Names must be unique among all forks and all cells
in the circuit. However, a fork (`self.kind=='__fork__'`) and a cell with
the same name may coexist.
* `self.ins`: a list of input connections (objects of class `Line`)
* `self.outs`: a list of output connections (objects of class `Line`).
def __init__(self, circuit, name, kind='__fork__'):
if kind == '__fork__':
if name in circuit.forks:
raise ValueError(f'fork of name {name} already exists.')
circuit.forks[name] = self
if name in circuit.cells:
raise ValueError(f'cell of name {name} already exists.')
circuit.cells[name] = self
self.index = len(circuit.nodes)
self.circuit = circuit = name
self.kind = kind
self.ins = GrowingList()
self.outs = GrowingList()
def __repr__(self):
ins = ' '.join([f'<{line.index}' if line is not None else '<None' for line in self.ins])
outs = ' '.join([f'>{line.index}' if line is not None else '>None' for line in self.outs])
return f'{self.index}:{self.kind}"{}" {ins} {outs}'
def remove(self):
if self.circuit is not None:
del self.circuit.nodes[self.index]
if self.kind == '__fork__':
del self.circuit.forks[]
del self.circuit.cells[]
self.circuit = None
class Line:
"""A Line is a directional 1:1 connection between two Nodes. It always
connects an output of a node (called `driver`) to an input of a node
(called `reader`) and has a circuit-unique index (`self.index`).
Furthermore, `self.driver_pin` and `self.reader_pin` are the
integer indices of the connected pins of the nodes. They always correspond
to the positions of the line in the connection lists of the nodes:
* `self.driver.outs[self.driver_pin] == self`
* `self.reader.ins[self.reader_pin] == self`
A Line always connects a single driver to a single reader. If a signal fans out to
multiple readers, a '__fork__' Node needs to be added.
def __init__(self, circuit, driver, reader):
self.index = len(circuit.lines)
if type(driver) is Node:
self.driver = driver
self.driver_pin = len(driver.outs)
for pin, line in enumerate(driver.outs):
if line is None:
self.driver_pin = pin
self.driver, self.driver_pin = driver
if type(reader) is Node:
self.reader = reader
self.reader_pin = len(reader.ins)
for pin, line in enumerate(reader.ins):
if line is None:
self.reader_pin = pin
self.reader, self.reader_pin = reader
self.driver.outs[self.driver_pin] = self
self.reader.ins[self.reader_pin] = self
def remove(self):
circuit = None
if self.driver is not None:
self.driver.outs[self.driver_pin] = None
circuit = self.driver.circuit
if self.reader is not None:
self.reader.ins[self.reader_pin] = None
circuit = self.reader.circuit
if circuit is not None:
del circuit.lines[self.index]
self.driver = None
self.reader = None
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.index}'
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.index < other.index
class Circuit:
"""A Circuit is a container for interconnected nodes and lines.
All contained lines have unique indices, so have all contained nodes.
These indices can be used to store additional data about nodes or lines
by allocating an array `my_data` of length `len(self.nodes)` and then
accessing it by `my_data[n.index]`. The indices may change iff lines or
nodes are removed from the circuit.
Nodes come in two flavors (cells and forks, see `Node`). The names of
these nodes are kept unique within these two flavors.
def __init__(self, name=None): = name
self.nodes = IndexList()
self.lines = IndexList()
self.interface = GrowingList()
self.cells = {}
self.forks = {}
def get_or_add_fork(self, name):
return self.forks[name] if name in self.forks else Node(self, name)
def copy(self):
c = Circuit(
for node in self.nodes:
Node(c,, node.kind)
for line in self.lines:
d = c.forks[] if line.driver.kind == '__fork__' else c.cells[]
r = c.forks[] if line.reader.kind == '__fork__' else c.cells[]
Line(c, (d, line.driver_pin), (r, line.reader_pin))
for node in self.interface:
if node.kind == '__fork__':
n = c.forks[]
n = c.cells[]
return c
def dump(self):
header = f'{}({",".join([str(n.index) for n in self.interface])})\n'
return header + '\n'.join([str(n) for n in self.nodes])
def __repr__(self):
name = f" '{}'" if else ''
return f'<Circuit{name} with {len(self.nodes)} nodes, {len(self.lines)} lines, {len(self.interface)} ports>'
def topological_order(self):
visit_count = [0] * len(self.nodes)
queue = deque(n for n in self.nodes if len(n.ins) == 0 or 'DFF' in n.kind)
while len(queue) > 0:
n = queue.popleft()
for line in n.outs:
if line is None: continue
succ = line.reader
visit_count[succ.index] += 1
if visit_count[succ.index] == len(succ.ins) and 'DFF' not in succ.kind:
yield n
def topological_line_order(self):
for n in self.topological_order():
for line in n.outs:
if line is not None:
yield line
def reversed_topological_order(self):
visit_count = [0] * len(self.nodes)
queue = deque(n for n in self.nodes if len(n.outs) == 0 or 'DFF' in n.kind)
while len(queue) > 0:
n = queue.popleft()
for line in n.ins:
pred = line.driver
visit_count[pred.index] += 1
if visit_count[pred.index] == len(pred.outs) and 'DFF' not in pred.kind:
yield n
def fanin(self, origin_nodes):
marks = [False] * len(self.nodes)
for n in origin_nodes:
marks[n.index] = True
for n in self.reversed_topological_order():
if not marks[n.index]:
for line in n.outs:
if line is not None:
marks[n.index] |= marks[line.reader.index]
if marks[n.index]:
yield n
def fanout_free_regions(self):
for stem in self.reversed_topological_order():
if len(stem.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in stem.kind: continue
region = []
if 'DFF' in stem.kind:
n = stem.ins[0]
if len(n.driver.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in n.driver.kind:
queue = deque([n.driver])
queue = deque()
queue = deque(n.driver for n in stem.ins
if len(n.driver.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in n.driver.kind)
while len(queue) > 0:
n = queue.popleft()
preds = [pred.driver for pred in n.ins
if len(pred.driver.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in pred.driver.kind]
yield stem, region


@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
import numpy as np
from . import packed_vectors
class LogicSim:
"""A bit-parallel naive combinational logic simulator supporting 1, 4, or 8-valued logics.
def __init__(self, circuit, nvectors=1, vdim=1):
self.circuit = circuit
self.nvectors = nvectors
nbytes = (nvectors - 1) // 8 + 1
self.interface = list(circuit.interface) + [n for n in circuit.nodes if 'dff' in n.kind.lower()]
self.state = np.zeros((len(circuit.lines), vdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
self.state_epoch = np.zeros(len(circuit.nodes), dtype='int8') - 1
self.tmp = np.zeros((5, vdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8') = np.zeros((vdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
if vdim > 1:[1] = 255
self.epoch = 0
self.fork_vd1 = self.fork_vdx
self.const0_vd1 = self.const0_vdx
self.input_vd1 = self.fork_vd1
self.output_vd1 = self.fork_vd1
self.inv_vd1 = self.not_vd1
self.nbuff_vd1 = self.fork_vd1
self.xor2_vd1 = self.xor_vd1
self.fork_vd2 = self.fork_vdx
self.const0_vd2 = self.const0_vdx
self.input_vd2 = self.fork_vd2
self.output_vd2 = self.fork_vd2
self.inv_vd2 = self.not_vd2
self.nbuff_vd2 = self.fork_vd2
self.xor2_vd2 = self.xor_vd2
self.fork_vd3 = self.fork_vdx
self.const0_vd3 = self.const0_vdx
self.input_vd3 = self.fork_vd3
self.output_vd3 = self.fork_vd3
self.inv_vd3 = self.not_vd3
self.nbuff_vd3 = self.fork_vd3
self.xor2_vd3 = self.xor_vd3
known_fct = [(f[:-4], getattr(self, f)) for f in dir(self) if f.endswith(f'_vd{vdim}')]
self.node_fct = []
for n in circuit.nodes:
t = n.kind.lower().replace('__fork__', 'fork')
t = t.replace('__const0__', 'const0')
t = t.replace('__const1__', 'const1')
t = t.replace('tieh', 'const1')
# t = t.replace('xor', 'or').replace('xnor', 'nor')
fcts = [f for n, f in known_fct if t.startswith(n)]
if len(fcts) < 1:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown node kind {n.kind}')
def assign(self, stimuli):
if isinstance(stimuli, packed_vectors.PackedVectors):
stimuli = stimuli.bits
for (stim, node) in zip(stimuli, self.interface):
if len(node.outs) == 0: continue
outputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
self.node_fct[node.index]([stim], outputs)
for line in node.outs:
if line:
self.state_epoch[line.reader.index] = self.epoch
for n in self.circuit.nodes:
if (n.kind == '__const1__') or (n.kind == '__const0__'):
outputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in n.outs]
self.node_fct[n.index]([], outputs)
# print('assign const')
for line in n.outs:
if line:
self.state_epoch[line.reader.index] = self.epoch
def capture(self, responses):
if isinstance(responses, packed_vectors.PackedVectors):
responses = responses.bits
for (resp, node) in zip(responses, self.interface):
if len(node.ins) == 0: continue
resp[...] = self.state[node.ins[0].index]
def propagate(self):
for node in self.circuit.topological_order():
if self.state_epoch[node.index] != self.epoch: continue
inputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else for line in node.ins]
outputs = [self.state[line.index] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
# print('sim', node)
self.node_fct[node.index](inputs, outputs)
for line in node.outs:
self.state_epoch[line.reader.index] = self.epoch
self.epoch = (self.epoch + 1) % 128
def fork_vdx(inputs, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] = inputs[0]
def const0_vdx(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
# 2-valued simulation
def not_vd1(inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = ~inputs[0][0]
def const1_vd1(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def and_vd1(inputs, outputs):
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = inputs[0][0]
for i in inputs[1:]: o[0] &= i[0]
def or_vd1(inputs, outputs):
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = inputs[0][0]
for i in inputs[1:]: o[0] |= i[0]
def xor_vd1(inputs, outputs):
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = inputs[0][0]
for i in inputs[1:]: o[0] ^= i[0]
def sdff_vd1(inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = inputs[0][0]
if len(outputs) > 1:
outputs[1][0] = ~inputs[0][0]
def dff_vd1(inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = inputs[0][0]
if len(outputs) > 1:
outputs[1][0] = ~inputs[0][0]
def nand_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
self.and_vd1(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def nor_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
self.or_vd1(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
def xnor_vd1(self, inputs, outputs):
self.xor_vd1(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd1(outputs, outputs)
# 4-valued simulation
# sym [0] [1] (value, care)
# 0 0 1
# 1 1 1
# - 0 0
# X 1 0
def not_vd2(inputs, outputs):
# 4-valued not:
# i: 0 1 - X
# o: 1 0 X X
# o0 1 0 1 1
# o1 1 1 0 0
outputs[0][0] = ~inputs[0][0] | ~inputs[0][1] # value = 0 or DC
outputs[0][1] = inputs[0][1] # care = C
def and_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
# 4-valued: o[0]: o[1]:
# 0 1 - X 0 1 - X 0 1 - X
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# 1 0 1 X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
# - 0 X X X 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
# X 0 X X X 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
i = inputs[0]
any0 = self.tmp[0]
anyd = self.tmp[1]
any0[0] = ~i[0] & i[1]
anyd[0] = ~i[1]
for i in inputs[1:]:
any0[0] |= ~i[0] & i[1]
anyd[0] |= ~i[1]
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = ~any0[0] # value = no0
o[1] = any0[0] | ~anyd[0] # care = any0 or noDC
def or_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
# 4-valued: o[0]: o[1]:
# 0 1 - X 0 1 - X 0 1 - X
# 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# - X 1 X X 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
# X X 1 X X 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
i = inputs[0]
any1 = self.tmp[0]
anyd = self.tmp[1]
any1[0] = i[0] & i[1]
anyd[0] = ~i[1]
for i in inputs[1:]:
any1[0] |= i[0] & i[1]
anyd[0] |= ~i[1]
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = any1[0] | anyd[0] # value = any1 or anyDC
o[1] = any1[0] | ~anyd[0] # care = any1 or noDC
def xor_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
# 4-valued: o[0]: o[1]:
# 0 1 - X 0 1 - X 0 1 - X
# 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
# 1 1 0 X X 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
# - X X X X 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
# X X X X X 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
i = inputs[0]
odd1 = self.tmp[0]
anyd = self.tmp[1]
odd1[0] = i[0] & i[1]
anyd[0] = ~i[1]
for i in inputs[1:]:
odd1[0] ^= i[0] & i[1]
anyd[0] |= ~i[1]
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = odd1[0] | anyd[0] # value = odd1 or anyDC
o[1] = ~anyd[0] # care = noDC
def sdff_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.dff_vd2(inputs, outputs)
if len(outputs) > 1:
outputs[1][0] = ~inputs[0][0] | ~inputs[0][1] # value = 0 or DC
outputs[1][1] = inputs[0][1] # care = C
def dff_vd2(inputs, outputs):
outputs[0][0] = inputs[0][0] | ~inputs[0][1] # value = 1 or DC
outputs[0][1] = inputs[0][1] # care = C
def nand_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.and_vd2(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
def nor_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.or_vd2(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
def xnor_vd2(self, inputs, outputs):
self.xor_vd2(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
def const1_vd2(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
self.not_vd2(outputs, outputs)
# 8-valued simulation
# sym [0] [1] [2] (initial value, ~final value, toggles present?)
# 0 0 1 0
# 1 1 0 0
# - 0 0 0
# X 1 1 0
# R 0 0 1 _/"
# F 1 1 1 "\_
# P 0 1 1 _/\_
# N 1 0 1 "\/"
def not_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
# 8-valued not:
# i: 0 1 - X R F P N
# i0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
# i1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
# i2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# o: 1 0 X X F R N P
# o0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
# o1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
# o2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
i = inputs[0]
dc = self.tmp[0]
dc[0] = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
dc = self.tmp[0]
outputs[0][0] = ~i[0] | dc[0] # init.v = ~i0 or DC
outputs[0][1] = ~i[1] | dc[0] # init.v = ~i1 or DC
outputs[0][2] = i[2] # toggles = i2
def and_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
# 8-valued: o[0]: o[1]: o[2]:
# 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 1 0 1 X X R F P N 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# - 0 X X X X X X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# X 0 X X X X X X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# R 0 R X X R R P R 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
# F 0 F X X R F P F 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
# P 0 P X X P P P P 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
# N 0 N X X R F P N 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
i = inputs[0]
anyi0 = self.tmp[0]
anyf0 = self.tmp[1]
anyd = self.tmp[2]
any0 = self.tmp[3]
any_t = self.tmp[4]
anyd[0] = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
anyi0[0] = ~i[0] & ~anyd[0]
anyf0[0] = i[1] & ~anyd[0]
any_t[0] = i[2]
any0[0] = anyi0[0] & anyf0[0] & ~i[2]
for i in inputs[1:]:
dc = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
anyd[0] |= dc
anyi0[0] |= ~i[0] & ~dc
anyf0[0] |= i[1] & ~dc
any_t[0] |= i[2]
any0[0] |= ~i[0] & ~dc & i[1] & ~i[2]
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = (~anyi0[0] | anyd[0]) & ~any0[0] # initial = no_i0 or DC
o[1] = anyf0[0] | anyd[0] # ~final = ~no_f0 or DC
o[2] = any_t[0] & ~(anyd[0] | any0[0]) # toggle = anyT and noDC and no0
def or_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
# 8-valued: o[0]: o[1]: o[2]:
# 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N
# 0 0 1 X X R F P N 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# - X 1 X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# X X 1 X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# R R 1 X X R N R R 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# F F 1 X X N F F F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# P P 1 X X R F P N 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# N N 1 X X R F N N 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
i = inputs[0]
anyi1 = self.tmp[0]
anyf1 = self.tmp[1]
anyd = self.tmp[2]
any1 = self.tmp[3]
any_t = self.tmp[4]
anyd[0] = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
anyi1[0] = i[0] & ~anyd[0]
anyf1[0] = ~i[1] & ~anyd[0]
any_t[0] = i[2]
any1[0] = (anyi1[0] & anyf1[0]) & ~i[2]
for i in inputs[1:]:
dc = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
anyd[0] |= dc
anyi1[0] |= i[0] & ~dc
anyf1[0] |= ~i[1] & ~dc
any_t[0] |= i[2]
any1[0] |= i[0] & ~dc & ~i[1] & ~i[2]
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = anyi1[0] | anyd[0] # initial = i1 or DC
o[1] = (~anyf1[0] | anyd[0]) & ~any1[0] # ~final = f1 or DC
o[2] = any_t[0] & ~(anyd[0] | any1[0]) # toggle = anyT and no(DC or 1)
def xor_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
# 8-valued: o[0]: o[1]: o[2]:
# 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N 0 1 - X R F P N
# 0 0 1 X X R F P N 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# 1 1 0 X X F R N P 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
# - X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# X X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# R R F X X P N R F 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
# F F R X X N P F R 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
# P P N X X R F P N 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
# N N P X X F R N P 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
i = inputs[0]
odd0 = self.tmp[0]
odd1 = self.tmp[1]
anyd = self.tmp[2]
anyt = self.tmp[3]
odd0[0] = i[0]
odd1[0] = i[1]
anyd[0] = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
anyt[0] = i[2]
for i in inputs[1:]:
odd0[0] ^= i[0]
odd1[0] ^= i[1]
anyd[0] |= ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
anyt[0] |= i[2]
o = outputs[0]
o[0] = odd0[0] | anyd[0]
o[1] = ~odd1[0] | anyd[0]
o[2] = anyt[0] & ~anyd[0]
def sdff_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.dff_vd3(inputs, outputs)
if len(outputs) > 1:
i = inputs[0]
dc = self.tmp[0]
dc[0] = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
outputs[1][0] = ~i[0] | dc[0] # value = 1 or DC
outputs[1][1] = ~i[1] | dc[0] # value = 1 or DC
outputs[1][2] = i[2] # toggle = T
def dff_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
i = inputs[0]
dc = self.tmp[0]
dc[0] = ~(i[0] ^ i[1]) & ~i[2]
outputs[0][0] = i[0] | dc[0] # value = 1 or DC
outputs[0][1] = i[1] | dc[0] # value = 1 or DC
outputs[0][2] = i[2] # toggle = T
def nand_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.and_vd3(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
def nor_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.or_vd3(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
def xnor_vd3(self, inputs, outputs):
self.xor_vd3(inputs, outputs)
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)
def const1_vd3(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] =
self.not_vd3(outputs, outputs)


@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
import numpy as np
from .bittools import popcount, bit_in
class PackedVectors:
def __init__(self, nvectors=8, width=1, vdim=1, from_cache=None):
if from_cache is not None:
self.bits = np.array(from_cache)
self.width, self.vdim, nbytes = self.bits.shape
self.bits = np.zeros((width, vdim, (nvectors - 1) // 8 + 1), dtype='uint8')
self.vdim = vdim
self.width = width
self.nvectors = nvectors
m1 = np.array([2 ** x for x in range(7, -1, -1)], dtype='uint8')
m0 = ~m1
self.mask = np.rollaxis(np.vstack((m0, m1)), 1)
def from_pair(cls, init, final):
assert init.nvectors == final.nvectors
assert len(init.bits) == len(final.bits)
init_v = init.bits[:, 0]
if init.vdim == 3:
init_c = (init.bits[:, 0] ^ init.bits[:, 1]) | init.bits[:, 2]
elif init.vdim == 2:
init_c = init.bits[:, 1]
init_c = ~np.zeros_like(init.bits[:, 0])
final_v = final.bits[:, 0]
if final.vdim == 3:
final_c = (final.bits[:, 0] ^ final.bits[:, 1]) | final.bits[:, 2]
final_v = ~final.bits[:, 1]
elif final.vdim == 2:
final_c = final.bits[:, 1]
final_c = ~np.zeros_like(final.bits[:, 0])
c = init_c & final_c
a0 = init_v & c
a1 = ~final_v & c
a2 = (init_v ^ final_v) & c
p = PackedVectors(init.nvectors, len(init.bits), 3)
p.bits[:, 0] = a0
p.bits[:, 1] = a1
p.bits[:, 2] = a2
return p
def transition_vectors(self):
a = PackedVectors(self.nvectors-1, self.width, 3)
for pos in range(self.width):
for vidx in range(self.nvectors-1):
tr = self.get_value(vidx, pos) + self.get_value(vidx+1, pos)
if tr == '00':
a.set_value(vidx, pos, '0')
elif tr == '11':
a.set_value(vidx, pos, '1')
elif tr == '01':
a.set_value(vidx, pos, 'R')
elif tr == '10':
a.set_value(vidx, pos, 'F')
elif tr == '--':
a.set_value(vidx, pos, '-')
a.set_value(vidx, pos, 'X')
return a
def __add__(self, other):
a = PackedVectors(self.nvectors + other.nvectors, self.width, max(self.vdim, other.vdim))
# a.bits[:self.bits.shape[0], 0] = self.bits[:, 0]
# if self.vdim == 2:
# a.bits[:self.bits.shape[0], 1] = self.care_bits
# elif self.vdim == 3:
# a.bits[:self.bits.shape[0], 1] = ~self.value_bits
# a.bits[:self.bits.shape[0], 2] = self.toggle_bits
for i in range(self.nvectors):
a[i] = self[i]
for i in range(len(other)):
a[self.nvectors+i] = other[i]
return a
def __len__(self):
return self.nvectors
def randomize(self, one_probability=0.5):
for data in self.bits:
data[0] = np.packbits((np.random.rand(self.nvectors) < one_probability).astype(int))
if self.vdim == 2:
data[1] = 255
elif self.vdim == 3:
data[1] = ~np.packbits((np.random.rand(self.nvectors) < one_probability).astype(int))
data[2] = data[0] ^ ~data[1]
def copy(self, selection_mask=None):
if selection_mask is not None:
cpy = PackedVectors(popcount(selection_mask), len(self.bits), self.vdim)
cur = 0
for vidx in range(self.nvectors):
if bit_in(selection_mask, vidx):
cpy[cur] = self[vidx]
cur += 1
cpy = PackedVectors(self.nvectors, len(self.bits), self.vdim)
np.copyto(cpy.bits, self.bits)
return cpy
def care_bits(self):
if self.vdim == 1:
return self.bits[:, 0] | 255
elif self.vdim == 2:
return self.bits[:, 1]
elif self.vdim == 3:
return (self.bits[:, 0] ^ self.bits[:, 1]) | self.bits[:, 2]
def initial_bits(self):
return self.bits[:, 0]
def value_bits(self):
if self.vdim == 3:
return ~self.bits[:, 1]
return self.bits[:, 0]
def toggle_bits(self):
if self.vdim == 3:
return self.bits[:, 2]
return self.bits[:, 0] & 0
def get_value(self, vector, position):
if vector >= self.nvectors:
raise IndexError(f'vector out of range: {vector} >= {self.nvectors}')
a = self.bits[position, :, vector // 8]
m = self.mask[vector % 8]
if self.vdim == 1:
return '1' if a[0] & m[1] else '0'
elif self.vdim == 2:
if a[0] & m[1]:
return '1' if a[1] & m[1] else 'X'
return '0' if a[1] & m[1] else '-'
elif self.vdim == 3:
if a[2] & m[1]:
if a[0] & m[1]:
return 'F' if a[1] & m[1] else 'N'
return 'P' if a[1] & m[1] else 'R'
if a[0] & m[1]:
return 'X' if a[1] & m[1] else '1'
return '0' if a[1] & m[1] else '-'
def get_values_for_position(self, position):
return ''.join(self.get_value(x, position) for x in range(self.nvectors))
def set_value(self, vector, position, v):
if vector >= self.nvectors:
raise IndexError(f'vector out of range: {vector} >= {self.nvectors}')
a = self.bits[position, :, vector // 8]
m = self.mask[vector % 8]
if self.vdim == 1:
self._set_value_vd1(a, m, v)
elif self.vdim == 2:
self._set_value_vd2(a, m, v)
elif self.vdim == 3:
self._set_value_vd3(a, m, v)
def set_values(self, vector, v, mapping=None, inversions=None):
if vector >= self.nvectors:
raise IndexError(f'vector out of range: {vector} >= {self.nvectors}')
if not mapping:
mapping = [y for y in range(len(v))]
if inversions is None:
inversions = [False] * len(v)
for i, c in enumerate(v):
if inversions[i]:
if c == '1':
c = '0'
elif c == '0':
c = '1'
elif c == 'H':
c = 'L'
elif c == 'L':
c = 'H'
elif c == 'R':
c = 'F'
elif c == 'F':
c = 'R'
self.set_value(vector, mapping[i], c)
def set_values_for_position(self, position, values):
for i, v in enumerate(values):
self.set_value(i, position, v)
def __setitem__(self, vector, value):
for i, c in enumerate(value):
self.set_value(vector, i, c)
def __getitem__(self, vector):
if isinstance(vector, slice):
first = self.get_values_for_position(0)[vector]
ret = PackedVectors(len(first), self.width, self.vdim)
ret.set_values_for_position(0, first)
for pos in range(1, self.width):
ret.set_values_for_position(pos, self.get_values_for_position(pos)[vector])
return ret
return ''.join(self.get_value(vector, pos) for pos in range(len(self.bits)))
def _set_value_vd1(a, m, v):
if v in [True, 1, '1', 'H', 'h']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[0] &= m[0]
def _set_value_vd2(a, m, v):
if v in [True, 1, '1', 'H', 'h']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[1] |= m[1]
elif v in [False, 0, '0', 'L', 'l']:
a[0] &= m[0]
a[1] |= m[1]
elif v in ['X', 'x']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[1] &= m[0]
a[0] &= m[0]
a[1] &= m[0]
# i fb act
# a 0 1 2
# - 0 0 0 None, '-'
# 0 0 1 0 False, 0, '0', 'l', 'L'
# 1 1 0 0 True, 1, '1', 'h', 'H'
# X 1 1 0 'x', 'X'
# / 0 0 1 '/', 'r', 'R'
# ^ 0 1 1 '^', 'p', 'P'
# v 1 0 1 'v', 'n', 'N'
# \ 1 1 1 '\', 'f', 'F'
def _set_value_vd3(a, m, v):
if v in [False, 0, '0', 'L', 'l']:
a[0] &= m[0]
a[1] |= m[1]
a[2] &= m[0]
elif v in [True, 1, '1', 'H', 'h']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[1] &= m[0]
a[2] &= m[0]
elif v in ['X', 'x']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[1] |= m[1]
a[2] &= m[0]
elif v in ['/', 'r', 'R']:
a[0] &= m[0]
a[1] &= m[0]
a[2] |= m[1]
elif v in ['^', 'p', 'P']:
a[0] &= m[0]
a[1] |= m[1]
a[2] |= m[1]
elif v in ['v', 'n', 'N']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[1] &= m[0]
a[2] |= m[1]
elif v in ['\\', 'f', 'F']:
a[0] |= m[1]
a[1] |= m[1]
a[2] |= m[1]
a[0] &= m[0]
a[1] &= m[0]
a[2] &= m[0]
def __repr__(self):
return f'<PackedVectors nvectors={self.nvectors}, width={self.width}, vdim={self.vdim}>'
def __str__(self):
lst = []
for p in range(self.nvectors):
lst.append(''.join(self.get_value(p, w) for w in range(len(self.bits))))
if len(lst) == 0: return ''
if len(lst[0]) > 64:
lst = [s[:32] + '...' + s[-32:] for s in lst]
if len(lst) <= 16:
return '\n'.join(lst)
return '\n'.join(lst[:8]) + '\n...\n' + '\n'.join(lst[-8:])
def diff(self, other, out=None):
if out is None:
out = np.zeros((self.width, self.bits.shape[-1]), dtype='uint8')
out[...] = (self.value_bits ^ other.value_bits) & self.care_bits & other.care_bits
return out


@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
from kyupy.circuit import Node, Line
def pin_index(cell_type, pin):
if cell_type.startswith('MUX21') and pin == 'S': return 2
if cell_type.startswith('SDFF') and pin == 'QN': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('DFF') and pin == 'QN': return 1
if cell_type.startswith('DFF') and pin == 'CLK': return 1
if pin in ['A2', 'IN2', 'SE', 'B', 'CO']: return 1
if pin in ['A3', 'IN3', 'SI', 'CI']: return 2
if pin == 'A4' or pin == 'IN4' or pin == 'CLK': return 3 # CLK for scan cells SDFF
if pin == 'A5' or pin == 'IN5' or pin == 'RSTB': return 4
if pin == 'A6' or pin == 'IN6' or pin == 'SETB': return 5
return 0
def pin_is_output(kind, pin):
if 'MUX' in kind and pin == 'S':
return False
return pin in ['Q', 'QN', 'Z', 'ZN', 'Y', 'CO', 'S']
def add_and_connect(circuit, name, kind, in1=None, in2=None, out=None):
n = Node(circuit, name, kind)
if in1 is not None:
n.ins[0] = in1
in1.reader = n
in1.reader_pin = 0
if in2 is not None:
n.ins[1] = in2
in2.reader = n
in2.reader_pin = 1
if out is not None:
n.outs[0] = out
out.driver = n
out.driver_pin = 0
return n
def split_complex_gates(circuit):
node_list = circuit.nodes
for n in node_list:
name =
ins = n.ins
outs = n.outs
if n.kind.startswith('AO21X'):
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI21X'):
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA21X'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_and)
elif n.kind.startswith('OAI21'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nand = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nand', 'NAND2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nand)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA22X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO22X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO221X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_or1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI221X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA221X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, ins[4], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_and1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AO222X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and2, n_or1)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_or1)
elif n.kind.startswith('AOI222X'):
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_and2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and2', 'AND2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', None, None, None)
n_nor1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor1', 'NOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and2, n_nor1)
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_nor1)
elif n.kind.startswith('OA222X'):
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or0', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_or1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or1', 'OR2', ins[2], ins[3], None)
n_or2 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or2', 'OR2', ins[4], ins[5], None)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and0', 'AND2', None, None, None)
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~and1', 'AND2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or0, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or1, n_and0)
Line(circuit, n_or2, n_and1)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_and1)
elif n.kind.startswith('NOR3X'):
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~or', 'OR2', ins[0], ins[1], None)
n_nor = add_and_connect(circuit, name+'~nor', 'NOR2', None, ins[2], outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_or, n_nor)
elif n.kind.startswith('FADDX'):
# forks for fan-outs
f_a = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[0])
f_b = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork1', '__fork__', ins[1])
f_ci = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork2', '__fork__', ins[2])
f_ab = Node(circuit, name + '~fork3')
# sum-block
n_xor0 = Node(circuit, name + '~xor0', 'XOR2')
Line(circuit, f_a, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_xor0)
Line(circuit, n_xor0, f_ab)
if len(outs) > 0 and outs[0] is not None:
n_xor1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~xor1', 'XOR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, f_ab, n_xor1)
Line(circuit, f_ci, n_xor1)
# carry-block
if len(outs) > 1 and outs[1] is not None:
n_and0 = Node(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2')
Line(circuit, f_ab, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_ci, n_and0)
n_and1 = Node(circuit, name + '~and1', 'AND2')
Line(circuit, f_a, n_and1)
Line(circuit, f_b, n_and1)
n_or = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~or0', 'OR2', None, None, outs[1])
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or)
elif n.kind.startswith('MUX21X'):
f_s = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~fork0', '__fork__', ins[2])
n_not = Node(circuit, name + '~not', 'INV')
Line(circuit, f_s, n_not)
n_and0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and0', 'AND2', ins[0])
n_and1 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~and1', 'AND2', ins[1])
n_or0 = add_and_connect(circuit, name + '~or0', 'OR2', None, None, outs[0])
Line(circuit, n_not, n_and0)
Line(circuit, f_s, n_and1)
Line(circuit, n_and0, n_or0)
Line(circuit, n_and1, n_or0)


@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
import numpy as np
from lark import Lark, Transformer
from collections import namedtuple
from . import log
import gzip
Interconnect = namedtuple('Interconnect', ['orig', 'dest', 'r', 'f'])
IOPath = namedtuple('IOPath', ['ipin', 'opin', 'r', 'f'])
class DelayFile:
def __init__(self, name, cells): = name
if None in cells:
self.interconnects = cells[None]
self.interconnects = None
self.cells = dict((n, l) for n, l in cells.items() if n)
def __repr__(self):
return '\n'.join(f'{n}: {l}' for n, l in self.cells.items()) + '\n' + \
'\n'.join(str(i) for i in self.interconnects)
def annotation(self, circuit, pin_index_f, dataset=1, interconnect=True, ffdelays=True):
Constructs an 3-dimensional array with timing data for each line in `circuit`.
Dimension 1 of the returned array is the line index.
Dimension 2 is the type of timing data: 0:`delay`, 1:`pulse rejection limit`.
Dimension 3 is the polarity at the output of the reading node: 0:`rising`, 1:`falling`.
The polarity for pulse rejection is determined by the latter transition of the pulse.
E.g., timing[42,1,0] is the rejection limit of a negative pulse at the output of the reader of line 42.
An IOPATH delay for a node is annotated to the line connected to the input pin specified in the IOPATH.
Currently, only ABSOLUTE IOPATH and INTERCONNECT delays are supported.
Pulse rejection limits are derived from absolute delays, explicit declarations (PATHPULSE etc.) are ignored.
:param ffdelays:
:param interconnect:
:param pin_index_f:
:param circuit:
:type dataset: int or tuple
def select_del(_delvals, idx):
if type(dataset) is tuple:
s = 0
for d in dataset:
s += _delvals[idx][d]
return s / len(dataset)
return _delvals[idx][dataset]
def find_cell(name):
if name not in circuit.cells:
name = name.replace('\\', '')
if name not in circuit.cells:
name = name.replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_')
if name not in circuit.cells:
return None
return circuit.cells[name]
timing = np.zeros((len(circuit.lines), 2, 2))
for cn, iopaths in self.cells.items():
for ipn, opn, *delvals in iopaths:
delvals = [d if len(d) > 0 else [0, 0, 0] for d in delvals]
if max(max(delvals)) == 0:
cell = find_cell(cn)
if cell is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn}')
ipin = pin_index_f(cell.kind, ipn)
opin = pin_index_f(cell.kind, opn)
kind = cell.kind.lower()
ipn2 = ipn.replace('(posedge A1)', 'A1').replace('(negedge A1)', 'A1')\
.replace('(posedge A2)', 'A2').replace('(negedge A2)', 'A2')
def add_delays(_line):
if _line is not None:
timing[_line.index, :, 0] += select_del(delvals, 0)
timing[_line.index, :, 1] += select_del(delvals, 1)
take_avg = False
if kind.startswith('sdff'):
if not ipn.startswith('(posedge CLK'):
if ffdelays and (len(cell.outs) > opin):
if kind.startswith(('xor', 'xnor')):
ipin = pin_index_f(cell.kind, ipn2)
# print(ipn, ipin, times[cell.i_lines[ipin].index, 0, 0])
take_avg = timing[cell.ins[ipin].index].sum() > 0
if take_avg:
timing[cell.ins[ipin].index] /= 2
if not interconnect or self.interconnects is None:
return timing
for n1, n2, *delvals in self.interconnects:
delvals = [d if len(d) > 0 else [0, 0, 0] for d in delvals]
if max(max(delvals)) == 0:
if '/' in n1:
i = n1.rfind('/')
cn1 = n1[0:i]
pn1 = n1[i+1:]
cn1, pn1 = (n1, 'Z')
if '/' in n2:
i = n2.rfind('/')
cn2 = n2[0:i]
pn2 = n2[i+1:]
cn2, pn2 = (n2, 'IN')
c1 = find_cell(cn1)
if c1 is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn1}')
c2 = find_cell(cn2)
if c2 is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn2}')
p1, p2 = pin_index_f(c1.kind, pn1), pin_index_f(c2.kind, pn2)
line = None
f1, f2 = c1.outs[p1].reader, c2.ins[p2].driver
if f1 != f2: # possible branchfork
assert len(f2.ins) == 1
line = f2.ins[0]
assert f1.outs[f2.ins[0].driver_pin] == line
elif len(f2.outs) == 1: # no fanout?
line = f2.ins[0]
if line is not None:
timing[line.index, :, 0] += select_del(delvals, 0)
timing[line.index, :, 1] += select_del(delvals, 1)
log.warn(f'No branchfork for annotating interconnect delay {}/{p1}->{}/{p2}')
return timing
def sanitize(args):
if len(args) == 3: args.append(args[2])
return [str(args[0]), str(args[1])] + args[2:]
class SdfTransformer(Transformer):
def triple(args): return [float(a.value[:-1]) if len(a.value) > 1 else 0.0 for a in args]
def interconnect(args): return Interconnect(*sanitize(args))
def iopath(args): return IOPath(*sanitize(args))
def cell(args):
name = next((a for a in args if isinstance(a, str)), None)
entries = [e for a in args if hasattr(a, 'children') for e in a.children]
return name, entries
def start(args):
name = next((a for a in args if isinstance(a, str)), None)
cells = dict(t for t in args if isinstance(t, tuple))
return DelayFile(name, cells)
def parse(sdf) -> DelayFile:
grammar = r"""
start: "(DELAYFILE" ( "(SDFVERSION" _NOB ")"
| "(DESIGN" "\"" NAME "\"" ")"
| "(DATE" _NOB ")"
| "(VENDOR" _NOB ")"
| "(PROGRAM" _NOB ")"
| "(VERSION" _NOB ")"
| "(DIVIDER" _NOB ")"
| "(VOLTAGE" _NOB ")"
| "(PROCESS" _NOB? ")"
| cell )* ")"
cell: "(CELL" ( "(CELLTYPE" _NOB ")"
| "(INSTANCE" ID? ")"
| "(TIMINGCHECK" _ignore* ")"
| delay )* ")"
delay: "(DELAY" "(ABSOLUTE" (interconnect | iopath)* ")" ")"
interconnect: "(INTERCONNECT" ID ID triple* ")"
iopath: "(IOPATH" ID_OR_EDGE ID_OR_EDGE triple* ")"
NAME: /[^"]+/
ID_OR_EDGE: ( /[^() ]+/ | "(" /[^)]+/ ")" )
ID: ( /[^"() ]+/ | "\"" /[^"]+/ "\"" )
triple: "(" ( /[-.0-9]*:/ /[-.0-9]*:/ /[-.0-9]*\)/ | ")" )
_ignore: "(" _NOB? _ignore* ")" _NOB?
_NOB: /[^()]+/
COMMENT: "//" /[^\n]*/
%ignore ( /\r?\n/ | COMMENT )+
%ignore /[\t\f ]+/
if '\n' not in str(sdf): # One line?: Assuming it is a file name.
if str(sdf).endswith('.gz'):
with, 'rt') as f:
text =
with open(sdf, 'r') as f:
text =
text = str(sdf)
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=SdfTransformer()).parse(text)


@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
from lark import Lark, Transformer
from collections import namedtuple
import re
import gzip
from .packed_vectors import PackedVectors
from .logic_sim import LogicSim
Call = namedtuple('Call', ['name', 'parameters'])
ScanPattern = namedtuple('ScanPattern', ['load', 'launch', 'capture', 'unload'])
class StilFile:
def __init__(self, version, signal_groups, scan_chains, calls):
self.version = version
self.signal_groups = signal_groups
self.scan_chains = scan_chains
self.si_ports = dict((v[0], k) for k, v in scan_chains.items())
self.so_ports = dict((v[-1], k) for k, v in scan_chains.items())
self.calls = calls
self.patterns = []
launch = {}
capture = {}
load = {}
for call in self.calls:
if == 'load_unload':
unload = {}
for so_port in self.so_ports:
if so_port in call.parameters:
unload[so_port] = call.parameters[so_port].replace('\n', '')
if len(capture) > 0:
self.patterns.append(ScanPattern(load, launch, capture, unload))
capture = {}
launch = {}
load = {}
for si_port in self.si_ports:
if si_port in call.parameters:
load[si_port] = call.parameters[si_port].replace('\n', '')
if'_launch') or'_capture'):
if len(launch) == 0:
launch = dict((k, v.replace('\n', '')) for k, v in call.parameters.items())
capture = dict((k, v.replace('\n', '')) for k, v in call.parameters.items())
def _maps(self, c):
interface = list(c.interface) + [n for n in c.nodes if 'DFF' in n.kind]
intf_pos = dict([(, i) for i, n in enumerate(interface)])
pi_map = [intf_pos[n] for n in self.signal_groups['_pi']]
po_map = [intf_pos[n] for n in self.signal_groups['_po']]
scan_maps = {}
scan_inversions = {}
for chain_name, chain in self.scan_chains.items():
scan_map = []
scan_in_inversion = []
scan_out_inversion = []
inversion = False
for n in chain[1:-1]:
if n == '!':
inversion = not inversion
scan_in_inversion = list(reversed(scan_in_inversion))
inversion = False
for n in reversed(chain[1:-1]):
if n == '!':
inversion = not inversion
scan_maps[chain[0]] = scan_map
scan_maps[chain[-1]] = scan_map
scan_inversions[chain[0]] = scan_in_inversion
scan_inversions[chain[-1]] = scan_out_inversion
return interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions
def tests(self, c):
interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(c)
tests = PackedVectors(len(self.patterns), len(interface), 2)
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
tests.set_values(i, p.load[si_port], scan_maps[si_port], scan_inversions[si_port])
tests.set_values(i, p.launch['_pi'], pi_map)
return tests
def tests8v(self, c):
interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(c)
init = PackedVectors(len(self.patterns), len(interface), 2)
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
# init.set_values(i, '0' * len(interface))
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
init.set_values(i, p.load[si_port], scan_maps[si_port], scan_inversions[si_port])
init.set_values(i, p.launch['_pi'], pi_map)
sim4v = LogicSim(c, len(init), 2)
launch = init.copy()
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
# if there was no launch clock, then init = launch
if ('P' not in p.launch['_pi']) or ('P' not in p.capture['_pi']):
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
launch.set_values(i, p.load[si_port], scan_maps[si_port], scan_inversions[si_port])
if 'P' in p.capture['_pi']:
launch.set_values(i, p.capture['_pi'], pi_map)
return PackedVectors.from_pair(init, launch)
def responses(self, c):
interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(c)
resp = PackedVectors(len(self.patterns), len(interface), 2)
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
resp.set_values(i, p.capture['_po'], po_map)
for so_port in self.so_ports.keys():
resp.set_values(i, p.unload[so_port], scan_maps[so_port], scan_inversions[so_port])
return resp
class StilTransformer(Transformer):
def __init__(self):
self._signal_groups = None
self._calls = None
self._scan_chains = None
def quoted(args): return args[0][1:-1]
def call(args): return Call(args[0], dict(args[1:]))
def call_parameter(args): return args[0], args[1].value
def signal_group(args): return args[0], args[1:]
def scan_chain(args):
scan_in = None
scan_cells = None
scan_out = None
for t in args[1:]:
if == 'scan_in':
scan_in = t.children[0]
elif == 'scan_out':
scan_out = t.children[0]
if == 'scan_cells':
scan_cells = [n.replace('.SI', '') for n in t.children]
scan_cells = [re.sub(r'.*\.', '', s) if '.' in s else s for s in scan_cells]
return args[0], ([scan_in] + scan_cells + [scan_out])
def signal_groups(self, args): self._signal_groups = dict(args)
def pattern(self, args): self._calls = [c for c in args if isinstance(c, Call)]
def scan_structures(self, args): self._scan_chains = dict(args)
def start(self, args):
return StilFile(float(args[0]), self._signal_groups, self._scan_chains, self._calls)
def parse(stil):
grammar = r"""
start: "STIL" FLOAT _ignore _block*
_block: signal_groups | scan_structures | pattern
| "Header" _ignore
| "Signals" _ignore
| "Timing" _ignore
| "PatternBurst" quoted _ignore
| "PatternExec" _ignore
| "Procedures" _ignore
| "MacroDefs" _ignore
signal_groups: "SignalGroups" "{" signal_group* "}"
signal_group: quoted "=" "'" quoted ( "+" quoted)* "'" _ignore? ";"?
scan_structures: "ScanStructures" "{" scan_chain* "}"
scan_chain: "ScanChain" quoted "{" ( scan_length
| scan_in | scan_out | scan_inversion | scan_cells | scan_master_clock )* "}"
scan_length: "ScanLength" /[0-9]+/ ";"
scan_in: "ScanIn" quoted ";"
scan_out: "ScanOut" quoted ";"
scan_inversion: "ScanInversion" /[0-9]+/ ";"
scan_cells: "ScanCells" (quoted | /!/)* ";"
scan_master_clock: "ScanMasterClock" quoted ";"
pattern: "Pattern" quoted "{" ( label | w | c | macro | ann | call )* "}"
label: quoted ":"
w: "W" quoted ";"
c: "C" _ignore
macro: "Macro" quoted ";"
ann: "Ann" _ignore
call: "Call" quoted "{" call_parameter* "}"
call_parameter: quoted "=" /[^;]+/ ";"
quoted: /"[^"]*"/
FLOAT: /[-0-9.]+/
_ignore: "{" _NOB? _ignore_inner* "}"
_ignore_inner: "{" _NOB? _ignore_inner* "}" _NOB?
_NOB: /[^{}]+/
%ignore ( /\r?\n/ | "//" /[^\n]*/ | /[\t\f ]/ )+
if '\n' not in str(stil): # One line?: Assuming it is a file name.
if str(stil).endswith('.gz'):
with, 'rt') as f:
text =
with open(stil, 'r') as f:
text =
text = str(stil)
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=StilTransformer()).parse(text)
def extract_scan_pattens(stil_calls):
pats = []
pi = None
scan_in = None
for call in stil_calls:
if == 'load_unload':
scan_out = call.parameters.get('Scan_Out')
if scan_out is not None:
scan_out = scan_out.replace('\n', '')
if pi: pats.append(ScanPattern(scan_in, pi, None, scan_out))
scan_in = call.parameters.get('Scan_In')
if scan_in is not None:
scan_in = scan_in.replace('\n', '')
if == 'allclock_capture':
pi = call.parameters['_pi'].replace('\n', '')
return pats
def match_patterns(stil_file, pats, interface):
intf_pos = dict([(, i) for i, n in enumerate(interface)])
pi_map = [intf_pos[n] for n in stil_file.signal_groups['_pi']]
scan_map = [intf_pos[re.sub(r'b..\.', '', n)] for n in reversed(stil_file.scan_chains['1'])]
# print(scan_map)
tests = PackedVectors(len(pats), len(interface), 2)
for i, p in enumerate(pats):
tests.set_values(i, p.scan_in, scan_map)
tests.set_values(i, p.pi, pi_map)
resp = PackedVectors(len(pats), len(interface), 2)
for i, p in enumerate(pats):
resp.set_values(i, p.pi, pi_map)
resp.set_values(i, p.scan_out, scan_map)
return tests, resp


@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
from lark import Lark, Transformer
from collections import namedtuple
import gzip
from .circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
from .saed import pin_index, pin_is_output
Instantiation = namedtuple('Instantiation', ['type', 'name', 'pins'])
class SignalDeclaration:
def __init__(self, kind, tokens):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.kind = kind
if len(tokens.children) == 1:
self.basename = tokens.children[0]
self.basename = tokens.children[2]
self.left = int(tokens.children[0].value)
self.right = int(tokens.children[1].value)
def names(self):
if self.left is None:
return [self.basename]
if self.left <= self.right:
return [f'{self.basename}[{i}]' for i in range(self.left, self.right + 1)]
return [f'{self.basename}[{i}]' for i in range(self.left, self.right - 1, -1)]
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.kind}:{self.basename}[{self.left}:{self.right}]"
class VerilogTransformer(Transformer):
def __init__(self, branchforks=False):
self._signal_declarations = {}
self.branchforks = branchforks
def name(args):
s = args[0].value
if s[0] == '\\':
s = s[1:-1]
return s
def instantiation(args):
return Instantiation(args[0], args[1],
dict([(pin.children[0], pin.children[1]) for pin in args[2:]]))
def input(self, args):
for sd in [SignalDeclaration('input', signal) for signal in args]:
self._signal_declarations[sd.basename] = sd
def inout(self, args):
for sd in [SignalDeclaration('input', signal) for signal in args]: # just treat as input
self._signal_declarations[sd.basename] = sd
def output(self, args):
for sd in [SignalDeclaration('output', signal) for signal in args]:
self._signal_declarations[sd.basename] = sd
def wire(self, args):
for sd in [SignalDeclaration('wire', signal) for signal in args]:
self._signal_declarations[sd.basename] = sd
def module(self, args):
c = Circuit(args[0])
positions = {}
pos = 0
for intf_sig in args[1].children:
for name in self._signal_declarations[intf_sig].names:
positions[name] = pos
pos += 1
assignments = []
for stmt in args[2:]: # pass 1: instantiate cells and driven signals
if type(stmt) is Instantiation:
n = Node(c,, kind=stmt.type)
for p, s in stmt.pins.items():
if pin_is_output(n.kind, p):
Line(c, (n, pin_index(stmt.type, p)), Node(c, s))
elif stmt is not None and == 'assign':
assignments.append((stmt.children[0], stmt.children[1]))
for sd in self._signal_declarations.values():
if sd.kind == 'output' or sd.kind == 'input':
for name in sd.names:
n = Node(c, name, kind=sd.kind)
if name in positions:
c.interface[positions[name]] = n
if sd.kind == 'input':
Line(c, n, Node(c, name))
for s1, s2 in assignments: # pass 1.5: process signal assignments
if s1 in c.forks:
assert s2 not in c.forks, 'assignment between two driven signals'
Line(c, c.forks[s1], Node(c, s2))
elif s2 in c.forks:
assert s1 not in c.forks, 'assignment between two driven signals'
Line(c, c.forks[s2], Node(c, s1))
for stmt in args[2:]: # pass 2: connect signals to readers
if type(stmt) is Instantiation:
for p, s in stmt.pins.items():
n = c.cells[]
if pin_is_output(n.kind, p): continue
if s.startswith("1'b"):
const = f'__const{s[3]}__'
if const not in c.cells:
Line(c, Node(c, const, const), Node(c, s))
fork = c.forks[s]
if self.branchforks:
branchfork = Node(c, + "~" +
Line(c, fork, branchfork)
fork = branchfork
Line(c, fork, (n, pin_index(stmt.type, p)))
for sd in self._signal_declarations.values():
if sd.kind == 'output':
for name in sd.names:
Line(c, c.forks[name], c.cells[name])
return c
def start(args):
if len(args) == 1:
return args[0]
return args
def parse(verilog, branchforks=False) -> Circuit:
grammar = """
start: (module)*
module: "module" name parameters ";" (_statement)* "endmodule"
parameters: "(" [ name ( "," name )* ] ")"
_statement: input | output | inout | tri | wire | assign | instantiation
input: "input" signal ( "," signal )* ";"
output: "output" signal ( "," signal )* ";"
inout: "inout" signal ( "," signal )* ";"
tri: "tri" name ";"
wire: "wire" signal ( "," signal )* ";"
assign: "assign" name "=" name ";"
instantiation: name name "(" [ pin ( "," pin )* ] ")" ";"
pin: "." name "(" name ")"
signal: ( name | "[" /[0-9]+/ ":" /[0-9]+/ "]" name )
name: ( /[a-z_][a-z0-9_\\[\\]]*/i | /\\\\[^\\t \\r\\n]+[\\t \\r\\n](\\[[0-9]+\\])?/i | /1'b0/i | /1'b1/i )
COMMENT: "//" /[^\\n]*/
%ignore ( /\\r?\\n/ | COMMENT )+
%ignore /[\\t \\f]+/
if '\n' not in str(verilog): # One line?: Assuming it is a file name.
if str(verilog).endswith('.gz'):
with, 'rt') as f:
text =
with open(verilog, 'r') as f:
text =
text = str(verilog)
return Lark(grammar, parser="lalr", transformer=VerilogTransformer(branchforks)).parse(text)


@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
import numpy as np
import math
from . import numba
TMAX = np.float32(2 ** 127) # almost np.PINF for 32-bit floating point values
TMIN = np.float32(-2 ** 127) # almost np.NINF for 32-bit floating point values
class WaveSim:
def __init__(self, circuit, timing, sims=8, wavecaps=16):
self.circuit = circuit
self.sims = sims
self.overflows = 0
self.interface = list(circuit.interface) + [n for n in circuit.nodes if 'dff' in n.kind.lower()]
self.lst_eat_valid = False
self.cdata = np.zeros((len(self.interface), sims, 6), dtype='float32')
if type(wavecaps) is int:
wavecaps = [wavecaps] * len(circuit.lines)
intf_wavecap = 4 # sufficient for storing only 1 transition.
# state allocation table. maps line and interface indices to self.state memory locations
self.sat = np.zeros((len(circuit.lines) + 2 + 2 * len(self.interface), 2), dtype='int')
self.sat[:, 0] = -1
filled = 0
for lidx, cap in enumerate(wavecaps):
self.sat[lidx] = filled, cap
filled += cap
self.zero_idx = len(circuit.lines)
self.sat[self.zero_idx] = filled, intf_wavecap
filled += intf_wavecap
self.tmp_idx = self.zero_idx + 1
self.sat[self.tmp_idx] = filled, intf_wavecap
filled += intf_wavecap
self.ppi_offset = self.tmp_idx + 1
self.ppo_offset = self.ppi_offset + len(self.interface)
for i, n in enumerate(self.interface):
if len(n.outs) > 0:
self.sat[self.ppi_offset + i] = filled, intf_wavecap
filled += intf_wavecap
if len(n.ins) > 0:
self.sat[self.ppo_offset + i] = self.sat[n.ins[0].index]
# pad timing
self.timing = np.zeros((len(self.sat), 2, 2))
self.timing[:len(timing)] = timing
# allocate self.state
self.state = np.zeros((filled, sims), dtype='float32') + TMAX
# generate self.ops
ops = []
interface_dict = dict([(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(self.interface)])
for n in circuit.topological_order():
if n in interface_dict:
inp_idx = self.ppi_offset + interface_dict[n]
if len(n.outs) > 0 and n.outs[0] is not None:
ops.append((0b1010, n.outs[0].index, inp_idx, self.zero_idx))
if 'dff' in n.kind.lower():
if len(n.outs) > 1 and n.outs[1] is not None:
ops.append((0b0101, n.outs[1].index, inp_idx, self.zero_idx))
for o_line in n.outs[1:]:
if o_line is not None:
ops.append((0b1010, o_line.index, inp_idx, self.zero_idx))
o0_idx = self.tmp_idx
i0_idx = self.zero_idx
i1_idx = self.zero_idx
if len(n.outs) > 0 and n.outs[0] is not None:
o0_idx = n.outs[0].index
print(f'no outputs for {n}')
if len(n.ins) > 0 and n.ins[0] is not None: i0_idx = n.ins[0].index
if len(n.ins) > 1 and n.ins[1] is not None: i1_idx = n.ins[1].index
kind = n.kind.lower()
if kind == '__fork__':
for o_line in n.outs:
ops.append((0b1010, o_line.index, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('nand'):
ops.append((0b0111, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('nor'):
ops.append((0b0001, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('and'):
ops.append((0b1000, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('or'):
ops.append((0b1110, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('xor'):
ops.append((0b0110, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('xnor'):
ops.append((0b1001, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('not') or kind.startswith('inv'):
ops.append((0b0101, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('buf') or kind.startswith('nbuf'):
ops.append((0b1010, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('__const1__') or kind.startswith('tieh'):
ops.append((0b0101, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('__const0__') or kind.startswith('tiel'):
ops.append((0b1010, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
print('unknown gate type', kind)
self.ops = np.asarray(ops, dtype='int32')
# generate level data
levels = np.zeros(len(self.sat), dtype='int32')
level_starts = [0]
current_level = 1
for i, op in enumerate(self.ops):
if levels[op[2]] >= current_level or levels[op[3]] >= current_level:
current_level += 1
levels[op[1]] = current_level
self.level_starts = np.asarray(level_starts, dtype='int32')
self.level_stops = np.asarray(level_starts[1:] + [len(self.ops)], dtype='int32')
m1 = np.array([2 ** x for x in range(7, -1, -1)], dtype='uint8')
m0 = ~m1
self.mask = np.rollaxis(np.vstack((m0, m1)), 1)
def get_line_delay(self, line, polarity):
return self.timing[line, 0, polarity]
def set_line_delay(self, line, polarity, delay):
self.timing[line, 0, polarity] = delay
def assign(self, vectors, time=0.0, offset=0):
nvectors = min(vectors.nvectors - offset, self.sims)
for i, node in enumerate(self.interface):
ppi_loc = self.sat[self.ppi_offset + i, 0]
if ppi_loc < 0: continue
for p in range(nvectors):
vector = p + offset
a = vectors.bits[i, :, vector // 8]
m = self.mask[vector % 8]
toggle = 0
if a[0] & m[1]:
self.state[ppi_loc, p] = TMIN
toggle += 1
if (len(a) > 2) and (a[2] & m[1]) and ((a[0] & m[1]) == (a[1] & m[1])):
self.state[ppi_loc + toggle, p] = time
toggle += 1
self.state[ppi_loc + toggle, p] = TMAX
def propagate(self, sims=None, sd=0.0, seed=1):
if sims is None:
sims = self.sims
sims = min(sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
self.overflows += level_eval(self.ops, op_start, op_stop, self.state, self.sat, 0, sims,
self.timing, sd, seed)
self.lst_eat_valid = False
def wave(self, line, vector):
if line < 0:
return [TMAX]
mem, wcap = self.sat[line]
if mem < 0:
return [TMAX]
return self.state[mem:mem + wcap, vector]
def wave_ppi(self, i, vector):
return self.wave(self.ppi_offset + i, vector)
def wave_ppo(self, o, vector):
return self.wave(self.ppo_offset + o, vector)
def capture(self, time=TMAX, sd=0, seed=1, probabilities=None, offset=0):
for i, node in enumerate(self.interface):
if len(node.ins) == 0: continue
for p in range(self.sims):
self.cdata[i, p] = self.capture_wave(self.ppo_offset + i, p, time, sd, seed)
if probabilities is not None:
assert offset < probabilities.shape[1]
cap_dim = min(probabilities.shape[1] - offset, self.sims)
probabilities[:, offset:cap_dim + offset] = self.cdata[:, 0:cap_dim, 0]
self.lst_eat_valid = True
return self.cdata
def reassign(self, time=0.0):
for i, node in enumerate(self.interface):
ppi_loc = self.sat[self.ppi_offset + i]
ppo_loc = self.sat[self.ppo_offset + i]
if ppi_loc < 0 or ppo_loc < 0: continue
for sidx in range(self.sims):
ival = self.val(self.ppi_offset + i, sidx, TMAX) > 0.5
oval = self.cdata[i, sidx, 1] > 0.5
toggle = 0
if ival:
self.state[ppi_loc, sidx] = TMIN
toggle += 1
if ival != oval:
self.state[ppi_loc + toggle, sidx] = time
toggle += 1
self.state[ppi_loc + toggle, sidx] = TMAX
def eat(self, line, vector):
eat = TMAX
for t in self.wave(line, vector):
if t >= TMAX: break
if t <= TMIN: continue
eat = min(eat, t)
return eat
def lst(self, line, vector):
lst = TMIN
for t in self.wave(line, vector):
if t >= TMAX: break
if t <= TMIN: continue
lst = max(lst, t)
return lst
def lst_ppo(self, o, vector):
if not self.lst_eat_valid:
return self.cdata[o, vector, 5]
def toggles(self, line, vector):
tog = 0
for t in self.wave(line, vector):
if t >= TMAX: break
if t <= TMIN: continue
tog += 1
return tog
def _vals(self, idx, vector, times, sd=0.0):
s_sqrt2 = sd * math.sqrt(2)
m = 0.5
accs = [0.0] * len(times)
values = [0] * len(times)
for t in self.wave(idx, vector):
if t >= TMAX: break
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
if t < time:
values[idx] = values[idx] ^ 1
m = -m
if t <= TMIN: continue
if s_sqrt2 > 0:
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
accs[idx] += m * (1 + math.erf((t - time) / s_sqrt2))
if (m < 0) and (s_sqrt2 > 0):
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
accs[idx] += 1
if s_sqrt2 == 0:
return values
return accs
def vals(self, line, vector, times, sd=0):
return self._vals(line, vector, times, sd)
def val(self, line, vector, time=TMAX, sd=0):
return self.capture_wave(line, vector, time, sd)[0]
def vals_ppo(self, o, vector, times, sd=0):
return self._vals(self.ppo_offset + o, vector, times, sd)
def val_ppo(self, o, vector, time=TMAX, sd=0):
if not self.lst_eat_valid:
self.capture(time, sd)
return self.cdata[o, vector, 0]
def capture_wave(self, line, vector, time=TMAX, sd=0.0, seed=1):
s_sqrt2 = sd * math.sqrt(2)
m = 0.5
acc = 0.0
eat = TMAX
lst = TMIN
tog = 0
val = int(0)
final = int(0)
for t in self.wave(line, vector):
if t >= TMAX: break
m = -m
final ^= 1
if t < time:
val ^= 1
if t <= TMIN: continue
if s_sqrt2 > 0:
acc += m * (1 + math.erf((t - time) / s_sqrt2))
eat = min(eat, t)
lst = max(lst, t)
tog += 1
if s_sqrt2 > 0:
if m < 0:
acc += 1
if acc >= 0.99:
val = 1
elif acc > 0.01:
seed = (seed << 4) + (vector << 20) + (line-self.ppo_offset << 1)
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
rnd = float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
val = rnd < acc
val = 0
acc = val
return acc, val, final, (val != final), eat, lst
def level_eval(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, sd, seed):
overflows = 0
for op_idx in range(op_start, op_stop):
op = ops[op_idx]
for st_idx in range(st_start, st_stop):
overflows += wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd, seed)
return overflows
def rand_gauss(seed, sd):
clamp = 0.5
if sd <= 0.0:
return 1.0
while True:
x = -6.0
for i in range(12):
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
x += float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
x *= sd
if abs(x) <= clamp:
return x + 1.0
def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0):
lut, z_idx, a_idx, b_idx = op
overflows = int(0)
_seed = (seed << 4) + (z_idx << 20) + (st_idx << 1)
a_mem = sat[a_idx, 0]
b_mem = sat[b_idx, 0]
z_mem, z_cap = sat[z_idx]
a_cur = int(0)
b_cur = int(0)
z_cur = lut & 1
if z_cur == 1:
state[z_mem, st_idx] = TMIN
a = state[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
b = state[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b)
inputs = int(0)
while current_t < TMAX:
z_val = z_cur & 1
if b < a:
b_cur += 1
b = state[b_mem + b_cur, st_idx]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd)
inputs ^= 2
next_t = b
a_cur += 1
a = state[a_mem + a_cur, st_idx]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd)
inputs ^= 1
next_t = a
if (z_cur & 1) != ((lut >> inputs) & 1):
# we generate a toggle in z_mem, if:
# ( it is the first toggle in z_mem OR
# following toggle is earlier OR
# pulse is wide enough ) AND enough space in z_mem.
if z_cur == 0 or next_t < current_t or (current_t - previous_t) > thresh:
if z_cur < (z_cap - 1):
state[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = current_t
previous_t = current_t
z_cur += 1
overflows += 1
previous_t = state[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
z_cur -= 1
z_cur -= 1
if z_cur > 0:
previous_t = state[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b)
state[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = TMAX
return overflows


@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
import numpy as np
import math
from .wave_sim import WaveSim
from . import cuda
TMAX = np.float32(2 ** 127) # almost np.PINF for 32-bit floating point values
TMIN = np.float32(-2 ** 127) # almost np.NINF for 32-bit floating point values
class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
def __init__(self, circuit, timing, sims=8, wavecaps=16):
super().__init__(circuit, timing, sims, wavecaps)
self.tdata = np.zeros((len(self.interface), 3, (sims - 1) // 8 + 1), dtype='uint8')
self.d_state = cuda.to_device(self.state)
self.d_sat = cuda.to_device(self.sat)
self.d_ops = cuda.to_device(self.ops)
self.d_timing = cuda.to_device(self.timing)
self.d_tdata = cuda.to_device(self.tdata)
self.d_cdata = cuda.to_device(self.cdata)
self._block_dim = (32, 16)
def get_line_delay(self, line, polarity):
return self.d_timing[line, 0, polarity]
def set_line_delay(self, line, polarity, delay):
self.d_timing[line, 0, polarity] = delay
def assign(self, vectors, time=0.0, offset=0):
assert (offset % 8) == 0
byte_offset = offset // 8
assert byte_offset < vectors.bits.shape[-1]
pdim = min(vectors.bits.shape[-1] - byte_offset, self.tdata.shape[-1])
self.tdata[..., 0:pdim] = vectors.bits[..., byte_offset:pdim + byte_offset]
if vectors.vdim == 1:
self.tdata[:, 1, 0:pdim] = ~self.tdata[:, 1, 0:pdim]
self.tdata[:, 2, 0:pdim] = 0
cuda.to_device(self.tdata, to=self.d_tdata)
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(self.sims, len(self.interface))
assign_kernel[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.d_state, self.d_sat, self.ppi_offset,
len(self.interface), self.d_tdata, time)
def _grid_dim(self, x, y):
gx = math.ceil(x / self._block_dim[0])
gy = math.ceil(y / self._block_dim[1])
return gx, gy
def propagate(self, sims=None, sd=0.0, seed=1):
if sims is None:
sims = self.sims
sims = min(sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(sims, op_stop - op_start)
wave_kernel[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.d_ops, op_start, op_stop, self.d_state, self.sat, int(0),
sims, self.d_timing, sd, seed)
self.lst_eat_valid = False
def wave(self, line, vector):
if line < 0:
return None
mem, wcap = self.sat[line]
if mem < 0:
return None
return self.d_state[mem:mem + wcap, vector]
def capture(self, time=TMAX, sd=0, seed=1, probabilities=None, offset=0):
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(self.sims, len(self.interface))
capture_kernel[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.d_state, self.d_sat, self.ppo_offset,
self.d_cdata, time, sd * math.sqrt(2), seed)
self.cdata[...] = self.d_cdata
if probabilities is not None:
assert offset < probabilities.shape[1]
cap_dim = min(probabilities.shape[1] - offset, self.sims)
probabilities[:, offset:cap_dim + offset] = self.cdata[:, 0:cap_dim, 0]
self.lst_eat_valid = True
return self.cdata
def reassign(self, time=0.0):
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(self.sims, len(self.interface))
reassign_kernel[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.d_state, self.d_sat, self.ppi_offset, self.ppo_offset,
self.d_cdata, time)
def reassign_kernel(state, sat, ppi_offset, ppo_offset, cdata, ppi_time):
vector, y = cuda.grid(2)
if vector >= state.shape[-1]: return
if ppo_offset + y >= len(sat): return
ppo, ppo_cap = sat[ppo_offset + y]
ppi, ppi_cap = sat[ppi_offset + y]
if ppo < 0: return
if ppi < 0: return
ppo_val = int(cdata[y, vector, 1])
ppi_val = int(0)
for tidx in range(ppi_cap):
t = state[ppi + tidx, vector]
if t >= TMAX: break
ppi_val ^= 1
# make new waveform at PPI
toggle = 0
if ppi_val:
state[ppi + toggle, vector] = TMIN
toggle += 1
if ppi_val != ppo_val:
state[ppi + toggle, vector] = ppi_time
toggle += 1
state[ppi + toggle, vector] = TMAX
def capture_kernel(state, sat, ppo_offset, cdata, time, s_sqrt2, seed):
x, y = cuda.grid(2)
if ppo_offset + y >= len(sat): return
line, tdim = sat[ppo_offset + y]
if line < 0: return
if x >= state.shape[-1]: return
vector = x
m = 0.5
acc = 0.0
eat = TMAX
lst = TMIN
tog = 0
val = int(0)
final = int(0)
for tidx in range(tdim):
t = state[line + tidx, vector]
if t >= TMAX: break
m = -m
final ^= 1
if t < time:
val ^= 1
if t <= TMIN: continue
if s_sqrt2 > 0:
acc += m * (1 + math.erf((t - time) / s_sqrt2))
eat = min(eat, t)
lst = max(lst, t)
tog += 1
if s_sqrt2 > 0:
if m < 0:
acc += 1
if acc >= 0.99:
val = 1
elif acc > 0.01:
seed = (seed << 4) + (vector << 20) + (y << 1)
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
rnd = float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
val = rnd < acc
val = 0
acc = val
cdata[y, vector, 0] = acc
cdata[y, vector, 1] = val
cdata[y, vector, 2] = final
cdata[y, vector, 3] = (val != final)
cdata[y, vector, 4] = eat
cdata[y, vector, 5] = lst
def assign_kernel(state, sat, ppi_offset, intf_len, tdata, time):
x, y = cuda.grid(2)
if y >= intf_len: return
line = sat[ppi_offset + y, 0]
if line < 0: return
sdim = state.shape[-1]
if x >= sdim: return
vector = x
a0 = tdata[y, 0, vector // 8]
a1 = tdata[y, 1, vector // 8]
a2 = tdata[y, 2, vector // 8]
m = np.uint8(1 << (7 - (vector % 8)))
toggle = 0
if a0 & m:
state[line + toggle, x] = TMIN
toggle += 1
if (a2 & m) and ((a0 & m) == (a1 & m)):
state[line + toggle, x] = time
toggle += 1
state[line + toggle, x] = TMAX
def rand_gauss(seed, sd):
clamp = 0.5
if sd <= 0.0:
return 1.0
while True:
x = -6.0
for i in range(12):
seed = int(0xDEECE66D) * seed + 0xB
x += float((seed >> 8) & 0xffffff) / float(1 << 24)
x *= sd
if abs(x) <= clamp:
return x + 1.0
def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, sd, seed):
x, y = cuda.grid(2)
st_idx = st_start + x
op_idx = op_start + y
if st_idx >= st_stop: return
if op_idx >= op_stop: return
lut = ops[op_idx, 0]
z_idx = ops[op_idx, 1]
a_idx = ops[op_idx, 2]
b_idx = ops[op_idx, 3]
z_mem, z_cap = sat[z_idx]
a_mem = sat[a_idx, 0]
b_mem = sat[b_idx, 0]
_seed = (seed << 4) + (z_idx << 20) + (st_idx << 1)
a_cur = int(0)
b_cur = int(0)
z_cur = lut & 1
if z_cur == 1:
state[z_mem, st_idx] = TMIN
a = state[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
b = state[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b)
inputs = int(0)
while current_t < TMAX:
z_val = z_cur & 1
if b < a:
b_cur += 1
b = state[b_mem + b_cur, st_idx]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd)
inputs ^= 2
next_t = b
a_cur += 1
a = state[a_mem + a_cur, st_idx]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd)
inputs ^= 1
next_t = a
if (z_cur & 1) != ((lut >> inputs) & 1):
# we generate a toggle in z_mem, if:
# ( it is the first toggle in z_mem OR
# following toggle is earlier OR
# pulse is wide enough ) AND enough space in z_mem.
if z_cur == 0 or next_t < current_t or (current_t - previous_t) > thresh:
if z_cur < (z_cap - 1):
state[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = current_t
previous_t = current_t
z_cur += 1
# overflows += 1
previous_t = state[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
z_cur -= 1
z_cur -= 1
if z_cur > 0:
previous_t = state[z_mem + z_cur - 1, st_idx]
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b)
state[z_mem + z_cur, st_idx] = TMAX



@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# edf2bench v0.8
# (!) 1997-2003 Giovanni Squillero <>
# Edf source: "b01/b01.edf"
# 2 inputs
# 2 outputs
# 5 D-type flipflops
# 10 inverters
# 39 gates (1 and, 28 nand, 1 or, 10 not)
U34 = AND(STATO_REG_1_, U38, STATO_REG_0_)
U35 = NAND(U68, U67, U66, U65)
U36 = NAND(U57, U55, U56)
U37 = OR(LINE2, LINE1)
U40 = NOT(LINE2)
U41 = NOT(LINE1)
U43 = NAND(STATO_REG_1_, U42)
U44 = NAND(U73, U72)
U45 = NAND(U60, U59)
U46 = NAND(U70, U69)
U48 = NAND(STATO_REG_2_, U43)
U49 = NOT(U37)
U50 = NAND(U49, U42)
U51 = NOT(U47)
U52 = NOT(U43)
U53 = NAND(U47, U43)
U54 = NAND(STATO_REG_2_, U47)
U55 = NAND(STATO_REG_0_, U39, U47)
U56 = NAND(U52, U54)
U57 = NAND(U62, U61, STATO_REG_2_)
U58 = NOT(U48)
U59 = NAND(U53, U38)
U60 = NAND(U50, U39, STATO_REG_2_)
U61 = NAND(STATO_REG_1_, U49)
U62 = NAND(U37, U42)
U63 = NAND(STATO_REG_0_, U47)
U64 = NAND(U51, U42)
U65 = NAND(U64, U63, U39, U38)
U66 = NAND(U43, U37, STATO_REG_2_)
U67 = NAND(U34, U47)
U68 = NAND(U51, U52)
U69 = NAND(LINE1, U40)
U70 = NAND(LINE2, U41)
U71 = NOT(U46)
U72 = NAND(U58, U71)
U73 = NAND(U46, U48)


@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// Milkyway Hierarchical Verilog Dump:
// Generated on 04/25/2017 at 20:29:24
// Design Generated by Consolidated Verilog Reader
// File produced by Consolidated Verilog Writer
// Library Name :lib_mw
// Cell Name :b01
// Hierarchy delimiter:'/'
// Write Command : write_verilog b01.v -no_physical_only_cells -no_corner_pad_cells
// -no_pad_filler_cells
module b01 (line1 , Scan_Out , overflw , outp , Scan_In , Scan_Enable ,
clock , reset , line2 );
input line1 ;
output Scan_Out ;
output overflw ;
output outp ;
input Scan_In ;
input Scan_Enable ;
input clock ;
input reset ;
input line2 ;
assign Scan_Out = overflw ;
SDFFARX1 stato_reg_1_0 (.QN ( n137 ) , .Q ( stato_1_N ) , .CLK ( clock )
, .RSTB ( n86 ) , .SE ( Scan_Enable ) , .SI ( stato_0_N ) , .D ( n53 ) ) ;
INVX0 U1 (.ZN ( n1 ) , .INP ( n105 ) ) ;
SDFFARX1 outp_reg (.Q ( outp ) , .CLK ( clock ) , .RSTB ( n86 )
, .SE ( Scan_Enable ) , .SI ( Scan_In ) , .D ( n54 ) ) ;
SDFFARX1 stato_reg_2_0 (.QN ( n148 ) , .Q ( stato_2_N ) , .CLK ( clock )
, .RSTB ( n86 ) , .SE ( Scan_Enable ) , .SI ( stato_1_N ) , .D ( n55 ) ) ;
SDFFARX1 stato_reg_0_0 (.QN ( n149 ) , .Q ( stato_0_N ) , .CLK ( clock )
, .RSTB ( n86 ) , .SE ( Scan_Enable ) , .SI ( outp ) , .D ( n56 ) ) ;
SDFFARX1 overflw_reg (.Q ( overflw ) , .CLK ( clock ) , .RSTB ( n86 )
, .SE ( Scan_Enable ) , .SI ( stato_2_N ) , .D ( n61 ) ) ;
AND2X1 U108 (.IN1 ( n1 ) , .IN2 ( stato_0_N ) , .Q ( n133 ) ) ;
AND2X1 U109 (.IN1 ( n142 ) , .IN2 ( n136 ) , .Q ( n100 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U110 (.IN1 ( n129 ) , .IN2 ( n128 ) , .QN ( n131 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U111 (.IN1 ( n144 ) , .IN2 ( n132 ) , .QN ( n92 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U112 (.QN ( n132 ) , .IN1 ( n133 ) , .IN2 ( n147 ) ) ;
OR2X1 U113 (.IN2 ( n1 ) , .IN1 ( n96 ) , .Q ( n144 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U114 (.IN1 ( line1 ) , .IN2 ( n134 ) , .QN ( n128 ) ) ;
INVX0 U115 (.ZN ( n134 ) , .INP ( line2 ) ) ;
AND2X1 U116 (.IN1 ( n135 ) , .IN2 ( n148 ) , .Q ( n61 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U117 (.QN ( n135 ) , .IN1 ( n149 ) , .IN2 ( n137 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U118 (.QN ( n136 ) , .IN1 ( n137 ) , .IN2 ( n149 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U119 (.IN1 ( n92 ) , .IN2 ( n137 ) , .QN ( n91 ) ) ;
AND2X1 U120 (.IN1 ( stato_2_N ) , .IN2 ( n131 ) , .Q ( n147 ) ) ;
NAND2X1 U121 (.IN2 ( n148 ) , .IN1 ( n109 ) , .QN ( n108 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U122 (.QN ( n130 ) , .IN1 ( n1 ) , .IN2 ( n148 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U123 (.QN ( n97 ) , .IN1 ( n104 ) , .IN2 ( n105 ) ) ;
AND2X1 U124 (.IN1 ( n106 ) , .IN2 ( n148 ) , .Q ( n104 ) ) ;
INVX0 U125 (.ZN ( n86 ) , .INP ( reset ) ) ;
NAND2X1 U127 (.IN2 ( n115 ) , .IN1 ( n114 ) , .QN ( n54 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U128 (.IN1 ( stato_1_N ) , .IN2 ( n149 ) , .QN ( n140 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U130 (.IN1 ( n129 ) , .IN2 ( n128 ) , .QN ( n142 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U131 (.IN1 ( n129 ) , .IN2 ( n128 ) , .QN ( n103 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U134 (.IN1 ( line2 ) , .IN2 ( line1 ) , .QN ( n105 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U135 (.IN1 ( line2 ) , .IN2 ( n84 ) , .QN ( n129 ) ) ;
INVX0 U136 (.ZN ( n84 ) , .INP ( line1 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U137 (.IN1 ( stato_1_N ) , .IN2 ( n149 ) , .QN ( n106 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U138 (.IN1 ( n149 ) , .IN2 ( n148 ) , .QN ( n96 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U139 (.QN ( n125 ) , .IN1 ( stato_1_N ) , .IN2 ( n1 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U140 (.IN1 ( n105 ) , .IN2 ( n140 ) , .QN ( n109 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U141 (.QN ( n122 ) , .IN1 ( n130 ) , .IN2 ( n140 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U142 (.QN ( n114 ) , .IN1 ( n117 ) , .IN2 ( n118 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U143 (.IN1 ( n117 ) , .IN2 ( n105 ) , .QN ( n120 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U144 (.IN1 ( n107 ) , .IN2 ( n108 ) , .QN ( n55 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U145 (.IN1 ( n120 ) , .IN2 ( n119 ) , .QN ( n53 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U146 (.IN1 ( n91 ) , .IN2 ( n90 ) , .QN ( n56 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U147 (.IN1 ( n110 ) , .IN2 ( n137 ) , .QN ( n107 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U148 (.QN ( n119 ) , .IN1 ( n123 ) , .IN2 ( n122 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U149 (.QN ( n90 ) , .IN1 ( n98 ) , .IN2 ( n97 ) ) ;
INVX0 U150 (.ZN ( n145 ) , .INP ( n112 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U151 (.IN1 ( n105 ) , .IN2 ( n146 ) , .QN ( n110 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U152 (.QN ( n146 ) , .IN1 ( n147 ) , .IN2 ( n145 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U153 (.QN ( n123 ) , .IN1 ( n124 ) , .IN2 ( n149 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U154 (.QN ( n98 ) , .IN1 ( n99 ) , .IN2 ( n1 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U155 (.QN ( n124 ) , .IN1 ( n126 ) , .IN2 ( n125 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U156 (.QN ( n99 ) , .IN1 ( n100 ) , .IN2 ( n61 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U157 (.IN1 ( stato_2_N ) , .IN2 ( n140 ) , .QN ( n116 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U158 (.IN1 ( stato_2_N ) , .IN2 ( stato_0_N ) , .QN ( n112 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U159 (.IN1 ( n137 ) , .IN2 ( stato_2_N ) , .QN ( n121 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U160 (.IN1 ( stato_2_N ) , .IN2 ( n1 ) , .QN ( n127 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U161 (.IN1 ( n142 ) , .IN2 ( n116 ) , .QN ( n115 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U162 (.QN ( n118 ) , .IN1 ( n131 ) , .IN2 ( n112 ) ) ;
NOR2X0 U163 (.QN ( n117 ) , .IN1 ( n121 ) , .IN2 ( n142 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U164 (.IN1 ( n127 ) , .IN2 ( n113 ) , .QN ( n126 ) ) ;
NAND2X0 U165 (.IN1 ( stato_2_N ) , .IN2 ( n103 ) , .QN ( n113 ) ) ;


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import pytest
def mydir():
import os
from pathlib import Path
return Path(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))))


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(DESIGN "gates")
(VOLTAGE 1.20:1.20:1.20)
(TEMPERATURE 25.00:25.00:25.00)
(INSTANCE nandgate)
(IOPATH IN1 QN (0.099:0.103:0.103) (0.122:0.127:0.127))
(IOPATH IN2 QN (0.083:0.086:0.086) (0.100:0.104:0.104))
(INSTANCE andgate)
(IOPATH IN1 Q (0.367:0.378:0.378) (0.351:0.377:0.377))
(IOPATH IN2 Q (0.366:0.375:0.375) (0.359:0.370:0.370))


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module gates (a, b, o0, o1 );
input a;
input b;
output o0;
output o1;
AND2X1 andgate (.IN1 ( a ) , .IN2 ( b ) , .Q ( o0 ) ) ;
NAND2X1 nandgate (.IN1 ( a ) , .IN2 ( b ) , .QN ( o1 ) ) ;


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from kyupy import bench
def test_b01(mydir):
with open(mydir / 'b01.bench', 'r') as f:
c = bench.parse(
assert 92 == len(c.nodes)
c = bench.parse(mydir / 'b01.bench')
assert 92 == len(c.nodes)
def test_simple():
c = bench.parse('input(a, b) output(z) z=and(a,b)')
assert len(c.nodes) == 4
assert len(c.interface) == 3


@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
from kyupy.circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
def test_circuit():
c = Circuit()
in1 = Node(c, 'in1', 'buf')
in2 = Node(c, 'in2', 'buf')
out1 = Node(c, 'out1', 'buf')
assert 'in1' in c.cells
assert 'and1' not in c.cells
c.interface[0] = in1
c.interface[1] = in2
c.interface[2] = out1
and1 = Node(c, 'and1', kind='and')
Line(c, in1, and1)
Line(c, in2, and1)
Line(c, and1, out1)
assert len(in1.ins) == 0
assert len(in1.outs) == 1
assert len(in2.outs) == 1
assert in1.outs[0].reader == and1
assert in1.outs[0].driver == in1
assert len(and1.ins) == 2
assert len(and1.outs) == 1
or1 = Node(c, 'or1', 'or')
Line(c, and1, (or1, 1))
or2 = Node(c, 'or2', 'or')
or3 = Node(c, 'or3', 'or')
assert or2.index == 5
assert or3.index == 6
assert len(c.nodes) == 7
or3 = c.cells['or3']
assert or3.index == 5
assert 'or2' not in c.cells
assert len(c.nodes) == 6
assert 'or3' not in c.cells
assert len(c.nodes) == 5
for n in c.topological_order():


@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
from kyupy.logic_sim import LogicSim
from kyupy import bench
from kyupy.packed_vectors import PackedVectors
def test_vd1():
c = bench.parse('input(x, y) output(a, o, n) a=and(x,y) o=or(x,y) n=not(x)')
s = LogicSim(c, 4)
assert len(s.interface) == 5
p = PackedVectors(4, len(s.interface))
p[0] = '00000'
p[1] = '01000'
p[2] = '10000'
p[3] = '11000'
assert p[0] == '00001'
assert p[1] == '01011'
assert p[2] == '10010'
assert p[3] == '11110'
def test_vd2():
c = bench.parse('input(x, y) output(a, o, n) a=and(x,y) o=or(x,y) n=not(x)')
s = LogicSim(c, 16, 2)
assert len(s.interface) == 5
p = PackedVectors(16, len(s.interface), 2)
p[0] = '00000'
p[1] = '01000'
p[2] = '0-000'
p[3] = '0X000'
p[4] = '10000'
p[5] = '11000'
p[6] = '1-000'
p[7] = '1X000'
p[8] = '-0000'
p[9] = '-1000'
p[10] = '--000'
p[11] = '-X000'
p[12] = 'X0000'
p[13] = 'X1000'
p[14] = 'X-000'
p[15] = 'XX000'
assert p[0] == '00001'
assert p[1] == '01011'
assert p[2] == '0-0X1'
assert p[3] == '0X0X1'
assert p[4] == '10010'
assert p[5] == '11110'
assert p[6] == '1-X10'
assert p[7] == '1XX10'
assert p[8] == '-00XX'
assert p[9] == '-1X1X'
assert p[10] == '--XXX'
assert p[11] == '-XXXX'
assert p[12] == 'X00XX'
assert p[13] == 'X1X1X'
assert p[14] == 'X-XXX'
assert p[15] == 'XXXXX'
def test_vd3():
c = bench.parse('input(x, y) output(a, o, n, xo) a=and(x,y) o=or(x,y) n=not(x) xo=xor(x,y)')
s = LogicSim(c, 64, 3)
assert len(s.interface) == 6
p = PackedVectors(64, len(s.interface), 3)
p[0] = '000010'
p[1] = '010111'
p[2] = '0-0X1X'
p[3] = '0X0X1X'
p[4] = '0R0R1R'
p[5] = '0F0F1F'
p[6] = '0P0P1P'
p[7] = '0N0N1N'
p[8] = '100101'
p[9] = '111100'
p[10] = '1-X10X'
p[11] = '1XX10X'
p[12] = '1RR10F'
p[13] = '1FF10R'
p[14] = '1PP10N'
p[15] = '1NN10P'
p[16] = '-00XXX'
p[17] = '-1X1XX'
p[18] = '--XXXX'
p[19] = '-XXXXX'
p[20] = '-RXXXX'
p[21] = '-FXXXX'
p[22] = '-PXXXX'
p[23] = '-NXXXX'
p[24] = 'X00XXX'
p[25] = 'X1X1XX'
p[26] = 'X-XXXX'
p[27] = 'XXXXXX'
p[28] = 'XRXXXX'
p[29] = 'XFXXXX'
p[30] = 'XPXXXX'
p[31] = 'XNXXXX'
p[32] = 'R00RFR'
p[33] = 'R1R1FF'
p[34] = 'R-XXFX'
p[35] = 'RXXXFX'
p[36] = 'RRRRFP'
p[37] = 'RFPNFN'
p[38] = 'RPPRFR'
p[39] = 'RNRNFF'
p[40] = 'F00FRF'
p[41] = 'F1F1RR'
p[42] = 'F-XXRX'
p[43] = 'FXXXRX'
p[44] = 'FRPNRN'
p[45] = 'FFFFRP'
p[46] = 'FPPFRF'
p[47] = 'FNFNRR'
p[48] = 'P00PNP'
p[49] = 'P1P1NN'
p[50] = 'P-XXNX'
p[51] = 'PXXXNX'
p[52] = 'PRPRNR'
p[53] = 'PFPFNF'
p[54] = 'PPPPNP'
p[55] = 'PNPNNN'
p[56] = 'N00NPN'
p[57] = 'N1N1PP'
p[58] = 'N-XXPX'
p[59] = 'NXXXPX'
p[60] = 'NRRNPF'
p[61] = 'NFFNPR'
p[62] = 'NPPNPN'
p[63] = 'NNNNPP'
expect = p.copy()
for i in range(64):
assert p[i] == expect[i]
def test_b01(mydir):
c = bench.parse(mydir / 'b01.bench')
# 2-valued
s = LogicSim(c, 8)
assert len(s.interface) == 9
t = PackedVectors(8, len(s.interface))
# 8-valued
s = LogicSim(c, 8, 3)
t = PackedVectors(8, len(s.interface), 3)


@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from kyupy.packed_vectors import PackedVectors
def test_basic():
ba = PackedVectors(8, 1, 1)
assert '0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0' == str(ba)
ba.set_value(0, 0, 1)
ba.set_value(1, 0, 'H')
ba.set_value(2, 0, 'h')
ba.set_value(3, 0, True)
ba.set_value(4, 0, 0)
ba.set_value(5, 0, 'L')
ba.set_value(6, 0, 'l')
ba.set_value(7, 0, False)
assert '1\n1\n1\n1\n0\n0\n0\n0' == str(ba)
ba.set_value(1, 0, '0')
ba.set_value(5, 0, '1')
assert '1\n0\n1\n1\n0\n1\n0\n0' == str(ba)
ba = PackedVectors(8, 1, 2)
assert '-\n-\n-\n-\n-\n-\n-\n-' == str(ba)
ba.set_value(0, 0, 1)
ba.set_value(7, 0, 0)
ba.set_value(4, 0, 'X')
assert '1\n-\n-\n-\nX\n-\n-\n0' == str(ba)
ba.set_value(4, 0, '-')
assert '1\n-\n-\n-\n-\n-\n-\n0' == str(ba)
ba = PackedVectors(8, 2, 2)
assert '--\n--\n--\n--\n--\n--\n--\n--' == str(ba)
ba.set_value(0, 0, '1')
ba.set_value(7, 1, '0')
ba.set_values(1, 'XX')
assert '1-\nXX\n--\n--\n--\n--\n--\n-0' == str(ba)
def test_8v():
ba = PackedVectors(1, 8, 3)
assert '--------' == str(ba)
ba.set_values(0, r'-x01^v\/')
assert r'-X01PNFR' == str(ba)
ba.set_values(0, '-XLHPNFR')
assert r'-X01PNFR' == str(ba)
ba.set_values(0, '-xlhpnfr')
assert r'-X01PNFR' == str(ba)
p1 = PackedVectors(1, 8, 1)
p2 = PackedVectors(1, 8, 1)
p1.set_values(0, '01010101')
p2.set_values(0, '00110011')
p = PackedVectors.from_pair(p1, p2)
assert r'0FR10FR1' == str(p)
p1 = PackedVectors(1, 8, 2)
p2 = PackedVectors(1, 8, 2)
p1.set_values(0, '0101-X-X')
p2.set_values(0, '00110011')
p = PackedVectors.from_pair(p1, p2)
assert r'0FR1----' == str(p)
p1.set_values(0, '0101-X-X')
p2.set_values(0, '-X-X--XX')
p = PackedVectors.from_pair(p1, p2)
assert r'--------' == str(p)
def test_slicing():
lv = PackedVectors(3, 2, 1)
assert '00\n00\n00' == str(lv)
lv.set_value(1, 0, '1')
lv.set_value(1, 1, '1')
assert '00' == lv[0]
assert '11' == lv[1]
assert 3 == len(lv)
lv2 = lv[1:3]
assert 2 == len(lv2)
assert '11' == lv2[0]
assert '00' == lv2[1]
def test_copy():
lv1 = PackedVectors(8, 1, 1)
lv1.set_values_for_position(0, '01010101')
lv2 = PackedVectors(8, 1, 1)
lv2.set_values_for_position(0, '00100101')
diff = lv1.diff(lv2)
lv3 = lv1.copy(selection_mask=diff)
assert str(lv3) == '1\n0\n1'
lv4 = lv1.copy(selection_mask=~diff)
assert str(lv4) == '0\n0\n1\n0\n1'
lv5 = lv3 + lv4
assert str(lv5) == '1\n0\n1\n0\n0\n1\n0\n1'


@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
from kyupy import sdf, verilog
from kyupy.saed import pin_index
def test_parse():
test = '''
(DESIGN "test")
(DATE "Wed May 31 14:46:06 2017")
(VENDOR "saed90nm_max")
(PROGRAM "Synopsys Design Compiler cmos-annotated")
(VERSION "I-2013.12-ICC-SP3")
(VOLTAGE 1.20:1.20:1.20)
(TEMPERATURE 25.00:25.00:25.00)
(CELLTYPE "b14")
(INTERCONNECT U621/ZN U19246/IN1 (0.000:0.000:0.000))
(INTERCONNECT U13292/QN U19246/IN2 (0.001:0.001:0.001))
(INTERCONNECT U15050/QN U19247/IN1 (0.000:0.000:0.000))
(INTERCONNECT U13293/QN U19247/IN2 (0.000:0.000:0.000) (0.000:0.000:0.000))
(IOPATH INP ZN (0.201:0.227:0.227) (0.250:0.271:0.271))
(INSTANCE reg3_reg_1_0)
(IOPATH (posedge CLK) Q (0.707:0.710:0.710) (0.737:0.740:0.740))
(IOPATH (negedge RSTB) Q () (0.909:0.948:0.948))
(IOPATH (posedge CLK) QN (0.585:0.589:0.589) (0.545:0.550:0.550))
(IOPATH (negedge RSTB) QN (1.546:1.593:1.593) ())
(WIDTH (posedge CLK) (0.284:0.284:0.284))
(WIDTH (negedge CLK) (0.642:0.642:0.642))
(SETUP (posedge D) (posedge CLK) (0.544:0.553:0.553))
(SETUP (negedge D) (posedge CLK) (0.620:0.643:0.643))
(HOLD (posedge D) (posedge CLK) (-0.321:-0.331:-0.331))
(HOLD (negedge D) (posedge CLK) (-0.196:-0.219:-0.219))
(RECOVERY (posedge RSTB) (posedge CLK) (-1.390:-1.455:-1.455))
(HOLD (posedge RSTB) (posedge CLK) (1.448:1.509:1.509))
(SETUP (posedge SE) (posedge CLK) (0.662:0.670:0.670))
(SETUP (negedge SE) (posedge CLK) (0.698:0.702:0.702))
(HOLD (posedge SE) (posedge CLK) (-0.435:-0.444:-0.444))
(HOLD (negedge SE) (posedge CLK) (-0.291:-0.295:-0.295))
(SETUP (posedge SI) (posedge CLK) (0.544:0.544:0.544))
(SETUP (negedge SI) (posedge CLK) (0.634:0.688:0.688))
(HOLD (posedge SI) (posedge CLK) (-0.317:-0.318:-0.318))
(HOLD (negedge SI) (posedge CLK) (-0.198:-0.247:-0.247))
(WIDTH (negedge RSTB) (0.345:0.345:0.345))
df = sdf.parse(test)
assert == 'test'
# print(f'DelayFile(name={}, interconnects={len(df.interconnects)}, iopaths={len(df.iopaths)})')
def test_b14(mydir):
df = sdf.parse(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
assert == 'b14'
def test_gates(mydir):
c = verilog.parse(mydir / 'gates.v')
df = sdf.parse(mydir / 'gates.sdf')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index, dataset=1)
nand_a = c.cells['nandgate'].ins[0]
nand_b = c.cells['nandgate'].ins[1]
and_a = c.cells['andgate'].ins[0]
and_b = c.cells['andgate'].ins[1]
assert lt[nand_a.index, 0, 0] == 0.103
assert lt[nand_a.index, 0, 1] == 0.127
assert lt[nand_b.index, 0, 0] == 0.086
assert lt[nand_b.index, 0, 1] == 0.104
assert lt[and_a.index, 0, 0] == 0.378
assert lt[and_a.index, 0, 1] == 0.377
assert lt[and_b.index, 0, 0] == 0.375
assert lt[and_b.index, 0, 1] == 0.370


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from kyupy import stil
def test_b14(mydir):
s = stil.parse(mydir / 'b14.stil.gz')
assert 10 == len(s.signal_groups)
assert 1 == len(s.scan_chains)
assert 3259 == len(s.calls)


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from kyupy import verilog
def test_b01(mydir):
with open(mydir / 'b01.v', 'r') as f:
modules = verilog.parse(
assert modules is not None
assert verilog.parse(mydir / 'b01.v') is not None


@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
import numpy as np
from kyupy.wave_sim import WaveSim, wave_eval, TMIN, TMAX
from kyupy.logic_sim import LogicSim
from kyupy import verilog
from kyupy import sdf
from kyupy.saed import pin_index
from kyupy.packed_vectors import PackedVectors
from kyupy.wave_sim_cuda import WaveSimCuda
def test_wave_eval():
# SDF specifies IOPATH delays with respect to output polarity
# SDF pulse rejection value is determined by IOPATH causing last transition and polarity of last transition
line_times = np.zeros((3, 2, 2))
line_times[0, 0, 0] = 0.1 # A -> Z rise delay
line_times[0, 0, 1] = 0.2 # A -> Z fall delay
line_times[0, 1, 0] = 0.1 # A -> Z negative pulse limit (terminate in rising Z)
line_times[0, 1, 1] = 0.2 # A -> Z positive pulse limit
line_times[1, 0, 0] = 0.3 # as above for B -> Z
line_times[1, 0, 1] = 0.4
line_times[1, 1, 0] = 0.3
line_times[1, 1, 1] = 0.4
state = np.zeros((3*16, 1)) + TMAX # 3 waveforms of capacity 16
state[::16, 0] = 16 # first entry is capacity
a = state[0:16, 0]
b = state[16:32, 0]
z = state[32:, 0]
sat = np.zeros((3, 2), dtype='int')
sat[0] = 0, 16
sat[1] = 16, 16
sat[2] = 32, 16
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0]
a[0] = TMIN
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0]
b[0] = TMIN
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMAX == z[0]
a[0] = 1 # A _/^^^
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0] # ^^^\___ B -> Z fall delay
assert 2.4 == z[1]
assert TMAX == z[2]
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^
b[0] = TMIN # B ^^^\__
b[1] = 2
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert 2.3 == z[0] # ___/^^^ B -> Z rise delay
assert TMAX == z[1]
# pos pulse of 0.35 at B -> 0.45 after delays
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
b[0] = TMIN
b[1] = 2 # B ^^\__/^^
b[2] = 2.35
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert 2.3 == z[0] # __/^^\__
assert 2.75 == z[1]
assert TMAX == z[2]
# neg pulse of 0.45 at B -> 0.35 after delays
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^\__
b[1] = 2.45
b[2] = TMAX
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0] # ^^\__/^^
assert 2.4 == z[1]
assert 2.75 == z[2]
assert TMAX == z[3]
# neg pulse of 0.35 at B -> 0.25 after delays (filtered)
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^\__
b[1] = 2.35
b[2] = TMAX
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMIN == z[0] # ^^^^^^
assert TMAX == z[1]
# pos pulse of 0.25 at B -> 0.35 after delays (filtered)
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^^^
b[0] = TMIN
b[1] = 2 # B ^^\__/^^
b[2] = 2.25
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
assert TMAX == z[0] # ______
def compare_to_logic_sim(wsim):
tests = PackedVectors(wsim.sims, len(wsim.interface), 3)
cap = np.zeros((len(wsim.interface), wsim.sims))
resp = tests.copy()
for iidx, inode in enumerate(wsim.interface):
if len(inode.ins) > 0:
for vidx in range(wsim.sims):
resp.set_value(vidx, iidx, 0 if cap[iidx, vidx] < 0.5 else 1)
lsim = LogicSim(wsim.circuit, len(tests), 3)
exp = tests.copy()
for i in range(8):
exp_str = exp[i].replace('R', '1').replace('F', '0').replace('P', '0').replace('N', '1')
res_str = resp[i].replace('R', '1').replace('F', '0').replace('P', '0').replace('N', '1')
assert res_str == exp_str
def test_b14(mydir):
c = verilog.parse(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.parse(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index)
wsim = WaveSim(c, lt, 8)
def test_b14_cuda(mydir):
c = verilog.parse(mydir / 'b14.v.gz', branchforks=True)
df = sdf.parse(mydir / 'b14.sdf.gz')
lt = df.annotation(c, pin_index)
wsim = WaveSimCuda(c, lt, 8)