Browse Source

Circuit pickle, STIL/SDF/techlib fixes, sdata

- fix pin indices for various SC lib variants
- SDF annotation improvements
- STIL loading improvements
- Support for per-simulation parameters in WaveSim
- Circuit is now pickleable and comparable
Stefan Holst 3 years ago
  1. 22
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 17
  5. 61
  6. 41
  7. 83
  8. 24
  9. 22
  10. 14
  11. 68
  12. 13
  13. 38
  14. 39
  15. 15
  16. 20


@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ @@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 36,
@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 42,
@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 43,
@ -1286,13 +1286,17 @@ @@ -1286,13 +1286,17 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Found 1 CUDA devices\n",
"id 0 b'TITAN V' [SUPPORTED]\n",
"Found 2 CUDA devices\n",
"id 0 b'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090' [SUPPORTED]\n",
" compute capability: 8.6\n",
" pci device id: 0\n",
" pci bus id: 3\n",
" compute capability: 7.0\n",
" pci device id: 0\n",
" pci bus id: 2\n",
"\t1/1 devices are supported\n"
"\t2/2 devices are supported\n"
@ -1322,9 +1326,9 @@ @@ -1322,9 +1326,9 @@
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"display_name": "worker",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"name": "worker"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
@ -1336,7 +1340,7 @@ @@ -1336,7 +1340,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.6.8"
"version": "3.6.13"
"nbformat": 4,


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Stefan Holst
Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Stefan Holst
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open('README.rst', 'r') as f: @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open('README.rst', 'r') as f:
description='High-performance processing and analysis of non-hierarchical VLSI designs',


@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class Log: @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class Log:
"""A very simple logger that formats the messages with the number of seconds since
program start.
def __init__(self):
self.start = time.perf_counter()
self.logfile = None
@ -85,6 +86,13 @@ class Log: @@ -85,6 +86,13 @@ class Log:
After each write, ``flush()`` is called as well.
def __getstate__(self):
return {'elapsed': time.perf_counter() - self.start}
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.logfile = None
self.start = time.perf_counter() - state['elapsed']
def log(self, level, message):
t = time.perf_counter() - self.start
if self.logfile is None:
@ -120,7 +128,8 @@ class Log: @@ -120,7 +128,8 @@ class Log:
elapsed_time = current_time - start_time
total_time = elapsed_time / done
rem_time = total_time - elapsed_time
self.log(':', f'{done*100:.0f}% done {hr_time(elapsed_time)} elapsed {hr_time(rem_time)} remaining')
':', f'{done*100:.0f}% done {hr_time(elapsed_time)} elapsed {hr_time(rem_time)} remaining')
log_interval = min(600, int(log_interval*1.5))
lastlog_time = current_time
@ -167,8 +176,10 @@ class MockCuda: @@ -167,8 +176,10 @@ class MockCuda:
for grid_y in range(grid_dim[1]):
for block_x in range(block_dim[0]):
for block_y in range(block_dim[1]):
outer.x = grid_x * block_dim[0] + block_x
outer.y = grid_y * block_dim[1] + block_y
outer.x = grid_x * \
block_dim[0] + block_x
outer.y = grid_y * \
block_dim[1] + block_y
self.func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
return Launcher(func)


@ -99,6 +99,16 @@ class Node: @@ -99,6 +99,16 @@ class Node:
del self.circuit.cells[]
self.circuit = None
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Checks equality of node name and kind. Does not check pin connections.
This is ok, because (name, kind) is unique within a circuit.
return == and self.kind == other.kind
def __hash__(self):
return hash((, self.kind))
class Line:
"""A line is a directional 1:1 connection between two nodes.
@ -172,6 +182,13 @@ class Line: @@ -172,6 +182,13 @@ class Line:
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.index < other.index
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.driver == other.driver and self.driver_pin == other.driver_pin and \
self.reader == other.reader and self.reader_pin == other.reader_pin
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.driver, self.driver_pin, self.reader, self.reader_pin))
class Circuit:
"""A Circuit is a container for interconnected nodes and lines.
@ -238,6 +255,32 @@ class Circuit: @@ -238,6 +255,32 @@ class Circuit:
return c
def __getstate__(self):
nodes = [(, node.kind) for node in self.nodes]
lines = [(line.driver.index, line.driver_pin, line.reader.index, line.reader_pin) for line in self.lines]
interface = [n.index for n in self.interface]
return {'name':,
'nodes': nodes,
'lines': lines,
'interface': interface }
def __setstate__(self, state): = state['name']
self.nodes = IndexList()
self.lines = IndexList()
self.interface = GrowingList()
self.cells = {}
self.forks = {}
for s in state['nodes']:
Node(self, *s)
for driver, driver_pin, reader, reader_pin in state['lines']:
Line(self, (self.nodes[driver], driver_pin), (self.nodes[reader], reader_pin))
for n in state['interface']:
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.nodes == other.nodes and self.lines == other.lines and self.interface == other.interface
def dump(self):
"""Returns a string representation of the circuit and all its nodes.
@ -256,14 +299,14 @@ class Circuit: @@ -256,14 +299,14 @@ class Circuit:
yielded first.
visit_count = [0] * len(self.nodes)
queue = deque(n for n in self.nodes if len(n.ins) == 0 or 'DFF' in n.kind)
queue = deque(n for n in self.nodes if len(n.ins) == 0 or 'dff' in n.kind.lower())
while len(queue) > 0:
n = queue.popleft()
for line in n.outs:
if line is None: continue
succ = line.reader
visit_count[succ] += 1
if visit_count[succ] == len(succ.ins) and 'DFF' not in succ.kind:
if visit_count[succ] == len(succ.ins) and 'dff' not in succ.kind.lower():
yield n
@ -282,13 +325,13 @@ class Circuit: @@ -282,13 +325,13 @@ class Circuit:
yielded first.
visit_count = [0] * len(self.nodes)
queue = deque(n for n in self.nodes if len(n.outs) == 0 or 'DFF' in n.kind)
queue = deque(n for n in self.nodes if len(n.outs) == 0 or 'dff' in n.kind.lower())
while len(queue) > 0:
n = queue.popleft()
for line in n.ins:
pred = line.driver
visit_count[pred] += 1
if visit_count[pred] == len(pred.outs) and 'DFF' not in pred.kind:
if visit_count[pred] == len(pred.outs) and 'dff' not in pred.kind.lower():
yield n
@ -310,21 +353,21 @@ class Circuit: @@ -310,21 +353,21 @@ class Circuit:
def fanout_free_regions(self):
for stem in self.reversed_topological_order():
if len(stem.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in stem.kind: continue
if len(stem.outs) == 1 and 'dff' not in stem.kind.lower(): continue
region = []
if 'DFF' in stem.kind:
if 'dff' in stem.kind.lower():
n = stem.ins[0]
if len(n.driver.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in n.driver.kind:
if len(n.driver.outs) == 1 and 'dff' not in n.driver.kind.lower():
queue = deque([n.driver])
queue = deque()
queue = deque(n.driver for n in stem.ins
if len(n.driver.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in n.driver.kind)
if len(n.driver.outs) == 1 and 'dff' not in n.driver.kind.lower())
while len(queue) > 0:
n = queue.popleft()
preds = [pred.driver for pred in n.ins
if len(pred.driver.outs) == 1 and 'DFF' not in pred.driver.kind]
if len(pred.driver.outs) == 1 and 'dff' not in pred.driver.kind.lower()]
yield stem, region


@ -291,6 +291,23 @@ def mv_xor(x1, x2, out=None): @@ -291,6 +291,23 @@ def mv_xor(x1, x2, out=None):
return out
def mv_latch(d, t, q_prev, out=None):
"""A latch that is transparent if `t` is high. `q_prev` has to be the output value from the previous clock cycle.
m = mv_getm(d, t, q_prev)
d, t, q_prev = mv_cast(d, t, q_prev, m=m)
out = out or MVArray(np.broadcast(,, q_prev).shape, m=m)[...] = & & 0b011[...] |= & 0b010 & ( << 1)[...] |= & 0b001 & ( >> 1)[...] |= (( << 1) ^ ( << 2)) & 0b100
unknown = ( == UNKNOWN) \
| ( == UNASSIGNED) \
| ((( == UNKNOWN) | ( == UNASSIGNED)) & ( != ZERO))
np.putmask(, unknown, UNKNOWN)
return out
def mv_transition(init, final, out=None):
"""Computes the logic transitions from the initial values of ``init`` to the final values of ``final``.
Pulses in the input data are ignored. If any of the inputs are ``UNKNOWN``, the result is ``UNKNOWN``.
@ -460,3 +477,27 @@ def bp_xor(out, *ins): @@ -460,3 +477,27 @@ def bp_xor(out, *ins):
out[..., 0, :] |= any_unknown
out[..., 1, :] &= ~any_unknown
out[..., 2, :] &= ~any_unknown
def bp_latch(out, d, t, q_prev):
md = out.shape[-2]
assert md == d.shape[-2]
assert md == t.shape[-2]
assert md == q_prev.shape[-2]
if md == 1:
out[...] = (d & t) | (q_prev & ~t)
elif md == 2:
any_unknown = t[..., 0, :] ^ t[..., 1, :]
any_unknown |= (d[..., 0, :] ^ d[..., 1, :]) & (t[..., 0, :] | t[..., 1, :])
out[...] = (d & t) | (q_prev & ~t)
out[..., 0, :] |= any_unknown
out[..., 1, :] &= ~any_unknown
any_unknown = (t[..., 0, :] ^ t[..., 1, :]) & ~t[..., 2, :]
any_unknown |= ((d[..., 0, :] ^ d[..., 1, :]) & ~d[..., 2, :]) & (t[..., 0, :] | t[..., 1, :] | t[..., 2, :])
out[..., 1, :] = (d[..., 1, :] & t[..., 1, :]) | (q_prev[..., 0, :] & ~t[..., 1, :])
out[..., 0, :] = (d[..., 0, :] & t[..., 0, :]) | (out[..., 1, :] & ~t[..., 0, :])
out[..., 2, :] = out[..., 1, :] ^ out[..., 0, :]
out[..., 0, :] |= any_unknown
out[..., 1, :] &= ~any_unknown
out[..., 2, :] &= ~any_unknown


@ -30,15 +30,22 @@ class LogicSim: @@ -30,15 +30,22 @@ class LogicSim:
self.circuit = circuit
self.sims = sims
nbytes = (sims - 1) // 8 + 1
self.interface = list(circuit.interface) + [n for n in circuit.nodes if 'dff' in n.kind.lower()]
dffs = [n for n in circuit.nodes if 'dff' in n.kind.lower()]
latches = [n for n in circuit.nodes if 'latch' in n.kind.lower()]
self.interface = list(circuit.interface) + dffs + latches
self.width = len(self.interface)
"""The number of bits in the circuit state (number of ports + number of state-elements)."""
self.state = np.zeros((len(circuit.lines), mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
self.state_epoch = np.zeros(len(circuit.nodes), dtype='int8') - 1
self.tmp = np.zeros((5, mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8') = np.zeros((mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
self.epoch = 0
self.latch_dict = dict((n.index, i) for i, n in enumerate(latches))
self.latch_state = np.zeros((len(latches), mdim, nbytes), dtype='uint8')
known_fct = [(f[:-4], getattr(self, f)) for f in dir(self) if f.endswith('_fct')]
self.node_fct = []
for n in circuit.nodes:
@ -69,8 +76,11 @@ class LogicSim: @@ -69,8 +76,11 @@ class LogicSim:
for node, stim in zip(self.interface, if hasattr(stimuli, 'data') else stimuli):
if len(node.outs) == 0: continue
outputs = [self.state[line] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
self.node_fct[node]([stim], outputs)
if node.index in self.latch_dict:
self.latch_state[self.latch_dict[node.index]] = stim
outputs = [self.state[line] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
self.node_fct[node]([stim], outputs)
for line in node.outs:
if line is not None: self.state_epoch[line.reader] = self.epoch
for n in self.circuit.nodes:
@ -83,13 +93,29 @@ class LogicSim: @@ -83,13 +93,29 @@ class LogicSim:
def capture(self, responses):
"""Capture the current values at the primary outputs and in the state-elements (flip-flops).
For primary outputs, the logic value is stored unmodified in the given target array.
For flip-flops, the logic value is constructed from the previous state and the new state.
:param responses: A bit-parallel storage target for the responses in a compatible shape.
:type responses: :py:class:`~kyupy.logic.BPArray`
:returns: The given responses object.
for node, resp in zip(self.interface, if hasattr(responses, 'data') else responses):
if len(node.ins) > 0: resp[...] = self.state[node.ins[0]]
if len(node.ins) == 0: continue
if node.index in self.latch_dict:
resp[...] = self.state[node.outs[0]]
resp[...] = self.state[node.ins[0]]
# FIXME: unclear why we should use outs for DFFs
#if self.m > 2 and 'dff' in node.kind.lower() and len(node.outs) > 0:
# if node.outs[0] is None:
# resp[1, :] = ~self.state[node.outs[1], 0, :] # assume QN is connected, take inverse of that.
# else:
# resp[1, :] = self.state[node.outs[0], 0, :]
# if self.m > 4:
# resp[..., 2, :] = resp[..., 0, :] ^ resp[..., 1, :]
# # We don't handle X or - correctly.
return responses
def propagate(self, inject_cb=None):
@ -116,7 +142,8 @@ class LogicSim: @@ -116,7 +142,8 @@ class LogicSim:
if self.state_epoch[node] != self.epoch: continue
inputs = [self.state[line] if line else for line in node.ins]
outputs = [self.state[line] if line else self.tmp[3] for line in node.outs]
# print('sim', node)
if node.index in self.latch_dict:
self.node_fct[node](inputs, outputs)
for line in node.outs:
if inject_cb is not None: inject_cb(line, self.state[line])
@ -137,59 +164,57 @@ class LogicSim: @@ -137,59 +164,57 @@ class LogicSim:
return self.capture(state)
def fork_fct(inputs, outputs):
def fork_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] = inputs[0]
def const0_fct(_, outputs):
def const0_fct(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs: o[...] = 0
def const1_fct(_, outputs):
def const1_fct(self, _, outputs):
for o in outputs:
o[...] = 0
logic.bp_not(o, o)
def not_fct(inputs, outputs):
def not_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], inputs[0])
def and_fct(inputs, outputs):
def and_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_and(outputs[0], *inputs)
def or_fct(inputs, outputs):
def or_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_or(outputs[0], *inputs)
def xor_fct(inputs, outputs):
def xor_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_xor(outputs[0], *inputs)
def sdff_fct(inputs, outputs):
def sdff_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_buf(outputs[0], inputs[0])
if len(outputs) > 1:
logic.bp_not(outputs[1], inputs[0])
def dff_fct(inputs, outputs):
def dff_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_buf(outputs[0], inputs[0])
if len(outputs) > 1:
logic.bp_not(outputs[1], inputs[0])
def nand_fct(inputs, outputs):
def latch_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_latch(outputs[0], inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2])
if len(outputs) > 1:
logic.bp_not(outputs[1], inputs[0])
def nand_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_and(outputs[0], *inputs)
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])
def nor_fct(inputs, outputs):
def nor_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_or(outputs[0], *inputs)
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])
def xnor_fct(inputs, outputs):
def xnor_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_xor(outputs[0], *inputs)
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])
def aoi21_fct(self, inputs, outputs):
logic.bp_and(self.tmp[0], inputs[0], inputs[1])
logic.bp_or(outputs[0], self.tmp[0], inputs[2])
logic.bp_not(outputs[0], outputs[0])


@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class DelayFile:
cell = find_cell(cn)
if cell is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn}')
#log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn}')
ipn = re.sub(r'\((neg|pos)edge ([^)]+)\)', r'\2', ipn)
ipin = tlib.pin_index(cell.kind, ipn)
@ -111,12 +111,15 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -111,12 +111,15 @@ class DelayFile:
if ffdelays and (len(cell.outs) > opin):
if kind.startswith(('xor', 'xnor')):
# print(ipn, ipin, times[cell.i_lines[ipin], 0, 0])
take_avg = timing[cell.ins[ipin]].sum() > 0
if take_avg:
timing[cell.ins[ipin]] /= 2
if ipin < len(cell.ins):
if kind.startswith(('xor', 'xnor')):
# print(ipn, ipin, times[cell.i_lines[ipin], 0, 0])
take_avg = timing[cell.ins[ipin]].sum() > 0
if take_avg:
timing[cell.ins[ipin]] /= 2
log.warn(f'No line to annotate pin {ipn} of {cell}')
if not interconnect or self.interconnects is None:
return timing
@ -139,14 +142,17 @@ class DelayFile: @@ -139,14 +142,17 @@ class DelayFile:
cn2, pn2 = (n2, 'IN')
c1 = find_cell(cn1)
if c1 is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn1}')
#log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn1}')
c2 = find_cell(cn2)
if c2 is None:
log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn2}')
#log.warn(f'Cell from SDF not found in circuit: {cn2}')
p1, p2 = tlib.pin_index(c1.kind, pn1), tlib.pin_index(c2.kind, pn2)
line = None
if len(c2.ins) <= p2:
log.warn(f'No line to annotate pin {pn2} of {c2}')
f1, f2 = c1.outs[p1].reader, c2.ins[p2].driver
if f1 != f2: # possible branchfork
assert len(f2.ins) == 1


@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ class StilFile: @@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ class StilFile:
unload = {}
for so_port in self.so_ports:
if so_port in call.parameters:
unload[so_port] = call.parameters[so_port].replace('\n', '')
if len(launch) > 0:
unload[so_port] = call.parameters[so_port].replace('\n', '').replace('N', '-')
if len(capture) > 0:
self.patterns.append(ScanPattern(sload, launch, capture, unload))
capture = {}
launch = {}
sload = {}
for si_port in self.si_ports:
if si_port in call.parameters:
sload[si_port] = call.parameters[si_port].replace('\n', '')
sload[si_port] = call.parameters[si_port].replace('\n', '').replace('N', '-')
launch = dict((k, v.replace('\n', '')) for k, v in call.parameters.items())
launch = dict((k, v.replace('\n', '').replace('N', '-')) for k, v in call.parameters.items())
capture = dict((k, v.replace('\n', '')) for k, v in call.parameters.items())
capture = dict((k, v.replace('\n', '').replace('N', '-')) for k, v in call.parameters.items())
def _maps(self, c):
interface = list(c.interface) + [n for n in c.nodes if 'DFF' in n.kind]
@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ class StilFile: @@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ class StilFile:
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
pattern = logic.mv_xor(p.load[si_port], scan_inversions[si_port])[scan_maps[si_port], i] =[:, 0][pi_map, i] = logic.MVArray(p.launch['_pi']).data[:, 0][pi_map, i] = logic.MVArray(p.capture['_pi']).data[:, 0]
return tests
def tests_loc(self, circuit):
"""Assembles and returns a LoC scan test pattern set for given circuit.
This function assumes a launch-on-capture (LoC) delay test.
It performs a logic simulation to obtain the first capture pattern (the one that launches the
delay test) and assembles the test pattern set from from pairs for initialization- and launch-patterns.
It performs a logic simulation to obtain the first capture pattern (the one that launches the delay
test) and assembles the test pattern set from from pairs for initialization- and launch-patterns.
interface, pi_map, po_map, scan_maps, scan_inversions = self._maps(circuit)
init = logic.MVArray((len(interface), len(self.patterns)), m=4)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class StilFile: @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class StilFile:
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
pattern = logic.mv_xor(p.load[si_port], scan_inversions[si_port])[scan_maps[si_port], i] =[:, 0][pi_map, i] = logic.MVArray(p.launch['_pi']).data[:, 0][pi_map, i] = logic.MVArray(p.launch['_pi'] if '_pi' in p.launch else p.capture['_pi']).data[:, 0]
launch_bp = logic.BPArray(init)
sim4v = LogicSim(circuit, len(init), m=4)
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ class StilFile: @@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ class StilFile:
launch = logic.MVArray(launch_bp)
for i, p in enumerate(self.patterns):
# if there was no launch clock, then init = launch
if ('P' not in p.launch['_pi']) or ('P' not in p.capture['_pi']):
# if there was no launch cycle or launch clock, then init = launch
if '_pi' not in p.launch or 'P' not in p.launch['_pi'] or 'P' not in p.capture['_pi']:
for si_port in self.si_ports.keys():
pattern = logic.mv_xor(p.load[si_port], scan_inversions[si_port])[scan_maps[si_port], i] =[:, 0]


@ -30,22 +30,24 @@ class TechLib: @@ -30,22 +30,24 @@ class TechLib:
def pin_index(kind, pin):
"""Returns a pin list position for a given node kind and pin name."""
if kind[:3] in ('OAI', 'AOI'):
if pin[0] == 'A': return int(pin[1])
if pin[0] == 'B': return int(pin[1]) + int(kind[4])
if pin[0] == 'A': return int(pin[1]) - 1
if pin[0] == 'B': return int(pin[1]) + int(kind[4]) - 1
for prefix, pins, index in [('HADD', ('B0', 'SO'), 1),
('MUX21', ('S',), 2),
('MUX21', ('S', 'S0'), 2),
('MX2', ('S0',), 2),
('TBUF', ('OE',), 1),
('TINV', ('OE',), 1),
('DFF', ('QN',), 1),
('LATCH', ('D',), 0),
('LATCH', ('QN',), 1),
('DFF', ('D',), 0),
('DFF', ('QN',), 1),
('SDFF', ('D',), 0),
('SDFF', ('QN',), 1),
('SDFF', ('CLK',), 3),
('SDFF', ('RSTB',), 4),
('SDFF', ('RSTB', 'RN'), 4),
('SDFF', ('SETB',), 5)]:
if kind.startswith(prefix) and pin in pins: return index
for index, pins in enumerate([('A1', 'IN1', 'A', 'S', 'INP', 'Q', 'QN', 'Y', 'Z', 'ZN'),
for index, pins in enumerate([('A1', 'IN1', 'A', 'S', 'INP', 'I', 'Q', 'QN', 'Y', 'Z', 'ZN'),
('A2', 'IN2', 'B', 'CK', 'CLK', 'CO', 'SE'),
('A3', 'IN3', 'C', 'RN', 'RSTB', 'CI', 'SI'),
('A4', 'IN4', 'D', 'SN', 'SETB'),


@ -122,6 +122,9 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -122,6 +122,9 @@ class WaveSim:
self.lst_eat_valid = False
self.cdata = np.zeros((len(self.interface), sims, 7), dtype='float32')
self.sdata = np.zeros((sims, 4), dtype='float32')
self.sdata[...,0] = 1.0
if isinstance(wavecaps, int):
wavecaps = [wavecaps] * len(circuit.lines)
@ -158,7 +161,8 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -158,7 +161,8 @@ class WaveSim:
if kind == '__fork__':
if not strip_forks:
for o_line in n.outs:
ops.append((0b1010, o_line.index, i0_idx, i1_idx))
if o_line is not None:
ops.append((0b1010, o_line.index, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('nand'):
ops.append((0b0111, o0_idx, i0_idx, i1_idx))
elif kind.startswith('nor'):
@ -328,7 +332,7 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -328,7 +332,7 @@ class WaveSim:
sims = min(sims or self.sims, self.sims)
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
self.overflows += level_eval(self.ops, op_start, op_stop, self.state, self.sat, 0, sims,
self.timing, sd, seed)
self.timing, self.sdata, sd, seed)
self.lst_eat_valid = False
def wave(self, line, vector):
@ -521,12 +525,12 @@ class WaveSim: @@ -521,12 +525,12 @@ class WaveSim:
def level_eval(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, sd, seed):
def level_eval(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, sdata, sd, seed):
overflows = 0
for op_idx in range(op_start, op_stop):
op = ops[op_idx]
for st_idx in range(st_start, st_stop):
overflows += wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd, seed)
overflows += wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sdata[st_idx], sd, seed)
return overflows
@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ def rand_gauss(seed, sd): @@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ def rand_gauss(seed, sd):
def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0):
def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sdata, sd=0.0, seed=0):
lut, z_idx, a_idx, b_idx = op
overflows = int(0)
@ -563,9 +567,11 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -563,9 +567,11 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0):
if z_cur == 1:
state[z_mem, st_idx] = TMIN
a = state[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
b = state[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
a = state[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == a_idx: a += sdata[2+z_cur]
b = state[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == b_idx: b += sdata[2+z_cur]
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b)
@ -576,15 +582,21 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -576,15 +582,21 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0):
if b < a:
b_cur += 1
b = state[b_mem + b_cur, st_idx]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd)
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * sdata[0]
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == b_idx:
b += sdata[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += sdata[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 2
next_t = b
a_cur += 1
a = state[a_mem + a_cur, st_idx]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd)
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * sdata[0]
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == a_idx:
a += sdata[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += sdata[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 1
next_t = a
@ -618,6 +630,7 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0): @@ -618,6 +630,7 @@ def wave_eval(op, state, sat, st_idx, line_times, sd=0.0, seed=0):
return overflows
class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
"""A GPU-accelerated waveform-based combinational logic timing simulator.
@ -636,6 +649,7 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim): @@ -636,6 +649,7 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
self.d_timing = cuda.to_device(self.timing)
self.d_tdata = cuda.to_device(self.tdata)
self.d_cdata = cuda.to_device(self.cdata)
self.d_sdata = cuda.to_device(self.sdata)
self._block_dim = (32, 16)
@ -650,6 +664,9 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim): @@ -650,6 +664,9 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
def set_line_delay(self, line, polarity, delay):
self.d_timing[line, 0, polarity] = delay
def sdata_to_device(self):
cuda.to_device(self.sdata, to=self.d_sdata)
def assign(self, vectors, time=0.0, offset=0):
assert (offset % 8) == 0
@ -676,7 +693,7 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim): @@ -676,7 +693,7 @@ class WaveSimCuda(WaveSim):
for op_start, op_stop in zip(self.level_starts, self.level_stops):
grid_dim = self._grid_dim(sims, op_stop - op_start)
wave_kernel[grid_dim, self._block_dim](self.d_ops, op_start, op_stop, self.d_state, self.sat, int(0),
sims, self.d_timing, sd, seed)
sims, self.d_timing, self.d_sdata, sd, seed)
self.lst_eat_valid = False
@ -858,7 +875,7 @@ def rand_gauss_dev(seed, sd): @@ -858,7 +875,7 @@ def rand_gauss_dev(seed, sd):
def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, sd, seed):
def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_times, sdata, sd, seed):
x, y = cuda.grid(2)
st_idx = st_start + x
op_idx = op_start + y
@ -869,6 +886,7 @@ def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_time @@ -869,6 +886,7 @@ def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_time
a_idx = ops[op_idx, 2]
b_idx = ops[op_idx, 3]
overflows = int(0)
sdata = sdata[st_idx]
_seed = (seed << 4) + (z_idx << 20) + (st_idx << 1)
@ -882,9 +900,11 @@ def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_time @@ -882,9 +900,11 @@ def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_time
if z_cur == 1:
state[z_mem, st_idx] = TMIN
a = state[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
b = state[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd)
a = state[a_mem, st_idx] + line_times[a_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == a_idx: a += sdata[2+z_cur]
b = state[b_mem, st_idx] + line_times[b_idx, 0, z_cur] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_cur, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == b_idx: b += sdata[2+z_cur]
previous_t = TMIN
current_t = min(a, b)
@ -895,15 +915,21 @@ def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_time @@ -895,15 +915,21 @@ def wave_kernel(ops, op_start, op_stop, state, sat, st_start, st_stop, line_time
if b < a:
b_cur += 1
b = state[b_mem + b_cur, st_idx]
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd)
b += line_times[b_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * sdata[0]
thresh = line_times[b_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ b_mem ^ z_val, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == b_idx:
b += sdata[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += sdata[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 2
next_t = b
a_cur += 1
a = state[a_mem + a_cur, st_idx]
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd)
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd)
a += line_times[a_idx, 0, z_val ^ 1] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val ^ 1, sd) * sdata[0]
thresh = line_times[a_idx, 1, z_val] * rand_gauss_dev(_seed ^ a_mem ^ z_val, sd) * sdata[0]
if int(sdata[1]) == a_idx:
a += sdata[2+(z_val^1)]
thresh += sdata[2+z_val]
inputs ^= 1
next_t = a


@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
from kyupy.circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
import pickle
from kyupy.circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
from kyupy import verilog
def test_lines():
c = Circuit()
@ -99,3 +101,12 @@ def test_circuit(): @@ -99,3 +101,12 @@ def test_circuit():
for n in c.topological_order():
def test_pickle(mydir):
c = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz')
assert c is not None
cs = pickle.dumps(c)
assert cs is not None
c2 = pickle.loads(cs)
assert c == c2


@ -145,6 +145,20 @@ def test_mv_operations(): @@ -145,6 +145,20 @@ def test_mv_operations():
assert lg.mv_xor(x1_4v, x2_4v)[0] == '0XX1XXXXXXXX1XX0'
x30_2v = lg.MVArray("0000", m=2)
x31_2v = lg.MVArray("1111", m=2)
x30_4v = lg.MVArray("0000000000000000", m=4)
x31_4v = lg.MVArray("1111111111111111", m=4)
x30_8v = lg.MVArray("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", m=8)
x31_8v = lg.MVArray("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", m=8)
assert lg.mv_latch(x1_2v, x2_2v, x30_2v)[0] == '0001'
assert lg.mv_latch(x1_2v, x2_2v, x31_2v)[0] == '1011'
assert lg.mv_latch(x1_4v, x2_4v, x30_4v)[0] == '0XX00XXX0XXX0XX1'
assert lg.mv_latch(x1_4v, x2_4v, x31_4v)[0] == '1XX01XXX1XXX1XX1'
assert lg.mv_latch(x1_8v, x2_8v, x30_8v)[0] == '0XX000000XXXXXXX0XXXXXXX0XX10R110XX000000XXR0R0R0XXF001F0XX10R11'
assert lg.mv_latch(x1_8v, x2_8v, x31_8v)[0] == '1XX01F001XXXXXXX1XXXXXXX1XX111111XX01F001XXR110R1XXF1F1F1XX11111'
def test_bparray():
@ -212,3 +226,27 @@ def test_bparray(): @@ -212,3 +226,27 @@ def test_bparray():
assert lg.MVArray(out_2v)[0] == '0110'
assert lg.MVArray(out_4v)[0] == '0XX1XXXXXXXX1XX0'
x30_2v = lg.BPArray("0000", m=2)
x30_4v = lg.BPArray("0000000000000000", m=4)
x30_8v = lg.BPArray("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", m=8)
assert lg.MVArray(out_2v)[0] == '0001'
assert lg.MVArray(out_4v)[0] == '0XX00XXX0XXX0XX1'
assert lg.MVArray(out_8v)[0] == '0XX000000XXXXXXX0XXXXXXX0XX10R110XX000000XXR0R0R0XXF001F0XX10R11'
x31_2v = lg.BPArray("1111", m=2)
x31_4v = lg.BPArray("1111111111111111", m=4)
x31_8v = lg.BPArray("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", m=8)
assert lg.MVArray(out_2v)[0] == '1011'
assert lg.MVArray(out_4v)[0] == '1XX01XXX1XXX1XX1'
assert lg.MVArray(out_8v)[0] == '1XX01F001XXXXXXX1XXXXXXX1XX111111XX01F001XXR110R1XXF1F1F1XX11111'


@ -73,6 +73,45 @@ def test_8v(): @@ -73,6 +73,45 @@ def test_8v():
assert resp[i] == mva[i]
def test_loop():
c = bench.parse('q=dff(d) d=not(q)')
s = LogicSim(c, 4, m=8)
assert len(s.interface) == 1
mva = MVArray([['0'], ['1'], ['R'], ['F']], m=8)
resp_bp = BPArray((len(s.interface), s.sims))
resp = MVArray(resp_bp)
assert resp[0] == '1'
assert resp[1] == '0'
assert resp[2] == 'F'
assert resp[3] == 'R'
resp_bp = s.cycle(resp_bp)
resp = MVArray(resp_bp)
assert resp[0] == '0'
assert resp[1] == '1'
assert resp[2] == 'R'
assert resp[3] == 'F'
def test_latch():
c = bench.parse('input(d, t) output(q) q=latch(d, t)')
s = LogicSim(c, 8, m=8)
assert len(s.interface) == 4
mva = MVArray(['00-0', '00-1', '01-0', '01-1', '10-0', '10-1', '11-0', '11-1'], m=8)
exp = MVArray(['0000', '0011', '0100', '0100', '1000', '1011', '1111', '1111'], m=8)
resp = MVArray(s.cycle(BPArray(mva)))
for i in range(len(mva)):
assert resp[i] == exp[i]
def test_b01(mydir):
c = bench.load(mydir / 'b01.bench')


@ -1,8 +1,21 @@ @@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
from kyupy import stil
from kyupy import stil, verilog
def test_b14(mydir):
b14 = verilog.load(mydir / 'b14.v.gz')
s = stil.load(mydir / 'b14.stuck.stil.gz')
assert len(s.signal_groups) == 10
assert len(s.scan_chains) == 1
assert len(s.calls) == 2163
tests = s.tests(b14)
resp = s.responses(b14)
assert len(tests) > 0
assert len(resp) > 0
s2 = stil.load(mydir / 'b14.transition.stil.gz')
tests = s2.tests_loc(b14)
resp = s2.responses(b14)
assert len(tests) > 0
assert len(resp) > 0


@ -29,20 +29,22 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -29,20 +29,22 @@ def test_wave_eval():
sat[1] = 16, 16, 0
sat[2] = 32, 16, 0
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
sdata = np.asarray([1, -1, 0, 0], dtype='float32')
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMIN
a[0] = TMIN
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMIN
b[0] = TMIN
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMAX
a[0] = 1 # A _/^^^
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMIN # ^^^\___ B -> Z fall delay
assert z[1] == 2.4
assert z[2] == TMAX
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ def test_wave_eval():
a[0] = TMIN # A ^^^^^^
b[0] = TMIN # B ^^^\__
b[1] = 2
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == 2.3 # ___/^^^ B -> Z rise delay
assert z[1] == TMAX
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[0] = TMIN
b[1] = 2 # B ^^\__/^^
b[2] = 2.35
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == 2.3 # __/^^\__
assert z[1] == 2.75
assert z[2] == TMAX
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^\__
b[1] = 2.45
b[2] = TMAX
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMIN # ^^\__/^^
assert z[1] == 2.4
assert z[2] == 2.75
@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[0] = 2 # B __/^^\__
b[1] = 2.35
b[2] = TMAX
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMIN # ^^^^^^
assert z[1] == TMAX
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ def test_wave_eval(): @@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ def test_wave_eval():
b[0] = TMIN
b[1] = 2 # B ^^\__/^^
b[2] = 2.25
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times)
wave_eval((0b0111, 2, 0, 1), state, sat, 0, line_times, sdata)
assert z[0] == TMAX # ______
