A python module for parsing, processing, and simulating gate-level circuits.
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4 years ago
from kyupy.circuit import Circuit, Node, Line
def test_circuit():
c = Circuit()
in1 = Node(c, 'in1', 'buf')
in2 = Node(c, 'in2', 'buf')
out1 = Node(c, 'out1', 'buf')
assert 'in1' in c.cells
assert 'and1' not in c.cells
c.interface[0] = in1
c.interface[1] = in2
c.interface[2] = out1
and1 = Node(c, 'and1', kind='and')
Line(c, in1, and1)
Line(c, in2, and1)
Line(c, and1, out1)
assert len(in1.ins) == 0
assert len(in1.outs) == 1
assert len(in2.outs) == 1
assert in1.outs[0].reader == and1
assert in1.outs[0].driver == in1
assert len(and1.ins) == 2
assert len(and1.outs) == 1
or1 = Node(c, 'or1', 'or')
Line(c, and1, (or1, 1))
or2 = Node(c, 'or2', 'or')
or3 = Node(c, 'or3', 'or')
assert or2.index == 5
assert or3.index == 6
assert len(c.nodes) == 7
or3 = c.cells['or3']
assert or3.index == 5
assert 'or2' not in c.cells
assert len(c.nodes) == 6
assert 'or3' not in c.cells
assert len(c.nodes) == 5
for n in c.topological_order():